
zucchini parmesan crisps

Sometimes, I think the internet is trying to tell me something. Well, most days, many things, such as why nobody should ever, ever click on a certain VMA performance (which is like begging me to click, only for me to run away with my hands over my eyes. Why would you do that to me, internet?!), why this lady should be all of our new heroes, the effect of mirrors in grocery carts and also maybe where tiramisu comes from? So much stuff, people. But sometimes, the message is a little more pointed, such as the time a few weeks ago I was checking out a tres leches cake recipe for research on a likeminded popsicle and the sidebar suggested that maybe I might consider making zucchini crisps instead?

let's get ready to make zucchini crisps!
slice them to a scant 1/4-inch thick

I was suspicious — ever-mushy and damp zucchini? as chips? without frying but only using a tiny bit of oil? — and so I clicked over. They looked beautiful. People seemed to universally rave about them. It was almost dinnertime and, as usual, fully prepared food had yet materialize on our table, the forces of the universe disappointing me yet again. And of course, because it was August, I had no fewer than four zucchinis withering away in my fridge, waiting to be called upon for a higher purpose.

eh, skip the oil step

a coating of parmesan and crumbs

I hope it goes without saying that we all need some crunchy, slightly salty chips from time to time. Me, I’m partial to the kettle-cooked, skin-on potato variety that fold in on themselves, especially in the oh-so-natural sour cream and onion flavor (mmm, suspicious green flecks…) but rather dubious of all the others. These didn’t work for me on the first round (the oil seemed to keep the crust from sticking, and even when it did, they got soft quickly after they cooled; also, they were hideous.) but they were so delicious, I couldn’t stop eating them. The second time I made them, I used an egg white or two to hold the parmesan-crumb mixture in place, the results were still goofy looking but holy moly, guys: chip city.

crisps, ready for the oven
zucchini parmesan crisps
zucchini parmesan crips

Crunch, crunch. Crunch, crunch. [It sounds like this. I think you know what needs to be done.]

Rosh Hashanah: The Jewish new year arrives so early this year, it’s downright perplexing how I’m eating strawberry summer cake in the same week that we’re supposed to indulge in apples and honey. Nevertheless, if you’re at a loss for recipes to get you started, may I suggest: this kale salad, this carrot salad, this one-pan farro with tomatoes, this tangy brisket, an apple-and-honey challah, a fig-olive-and-sea salt challah, or a classic one, my mom’s apple cake, this astoundingly moist honey cake, chocolate babka or even some miniature potato knish? From the cookbook, if you’ve got it, please don’t miss the sweet-and-sour high holiday brisket or the chicken with olives and grapes, which I intended for these very weeks of the year.

Three years ago: Peach Shortbread
Four years ago: Tomato and Corn Pie
Five years ago: Crisp Rosemary Flatbread
Six years ago: Spicy Soba Noodles with Shiitake

Zucchini Parmesan Crisps
Adapted from Ellie Krieger

This doesn’t too closely follow the original recipe because I found I needed thinner chips, more crumbs, more parmesan and sometimes less baking time than recommended. I also found that I could only reliably get “crisp” effect, one that lasted for a while, when I used an egg white instead of an olive oil wash. Please don’t take any of the measurements in this recipe as the law; cooking times and required coating will vary by thickness and baking pan heaviness. You’ll want to keep an eye on them and look for a good golden color before removing from the oven, which will ensure that they get and remain crisp. They’re also best on the first day, so you’re going to have to eat them all. I promise, you won’t mind.

Olive oil or cooking spray
2 medium zucchini (about 1 pound total)
1 to 2 egg whites
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1/2 cup plain, dry breadcrumbs, such as panko
A couple pinches sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Heat oven to 450 degrees. Coat two baking sheets lightly with cooking spray or thinly with olive oil. Slice zucchini into slightly-less-than 1/4-inch thick rounds; if they feel especially wet, spread them on a towel while you prepare the other ingredients. In a small bowl, lightly beat first egg white with 1 teaspoon water to loosen it. Combine cheese, crumbs, salt and pepper in a separate bowl. Dip each zucchini coin in egg white, letting excess run off before gently dipping them in parmesan mixture. Arrange in single layer on baking sheets. If additional egg white is needed, prepare it the same way, with 1 teaspoon of water. If additional crumb mixture is needed, make a few spoonfuls at a time, matching the volume of crumbs and cheese.

Bake zucchini rounds until browned and crisp, about 25 to 30 minutes, flipping each over halfway through. Please keep an eye on them; they may need to be moved around on the tray so the ones at the edges don’t bake more quickly than the ones in the center. Take them out only when they’re golden all over and let them cool on the tray on a cooling rack or a plate.

Keep at room temperature until needed. Crisps are best on the first day.

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242 comments on zucchini parmesan crisps

  1. Oh no, no: the salt and vinegar kettle cooked variety. We’re off to my family’s for RH in Western Mass, and I was going to make a kitchen sink (well, crisper) shakshuka tonight, including some squash from the CSA. I think my husband would prefer this one. Happy New Year, Deb. I’m baking peach cake this year. Apples, wha?

  2. Shiri

    This looks amazing, and I have so many leftover zucchini today! Any recommendation for those of us who don’t have a mandolin? Stupid question: can I slice these in a food processor? Hand slicing won’t be nearly even enough, I fear…

  3. Karen

    Deb, Once again I am making your apple cake and honey cake and brisket recipes, all to the delight of our family and friends. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  4. Jessica

    I have made something similar to these and without fail, they always turn out soggy, until…..I learned to spread them on a towel, sprinkle them with salt and let them sit for 30 minutes. They sweat out the liquid from the salt, then dab them dry and continue with the recipe.

  5. Nicole

    There’s clearly some sort of internet conspiracy – I stumbled across the original recipe in a very similar way! I passed on it because of all of the comments noting that “crisp” was more wishful thinking than reality, but if the egg whites will do the trick, then sign me right up!

  6. Sara

    I made Ellie’s recipe about 2 weeks ago when it suggested it to me (ironically, also looking for a Tres Leches Cake recipe) and was thoroughly disappointed with how mushy they got when they cooled. Can not WAIT to try your recipe soon!

  7. Barbara Qualls

    In Houston, in August/Sept, when it is 100 degrees out every day, UNLESS YOU HAVE EXCEPTIONAL AIR CONDITIONING, one just does not turn on the oven to 450 degrees. That said I am so looking forward to slightly cooler weather to make these baked, not fried, in pretense of being healthy. They look DELICIOUS!

  8. Jillian L

    Do you think these would work with the pre-grated parmesan from grocers? (I got mine at the cheese counter at whole foods). Your parm looks light and fluffy, so I’m worried the pre-grated stuff will be too hard – thoughts?

    1. deb

      Topol — I was going to suggest that, but many brands don’t recommend you using it higher than 425 or 450, and I didn’t want to make people nervous or find out it was burning. It’s totally worth trying.

      Jillian — Pre-grated should be just fine. The real stuff, that is, as you mentioned.

  9. Jennifer

    I just made your zucchini fritter recipe Friday and was worried there would be a mutiny from the little people if I tried it again so soon. I may have to brave the unbearably hot oven to try this! I’m wondering if crinkle cutting the zucchini would add extra crispiness.

  10. JanetP

    I adore zucchini and am definitely giving these a shot. Think they would work with butternut squash, a little later in the season? Hmm.

  11. These look fabulous. But i eat grain free…so will probably give them a go with a mix of flaxseed meal and almond flour instead of bread crumbs…nut flours burn out pretty quickly in the oven so maybe frying them in butter might be great as well..

  12. Sarah B

    I’m ready for that tiramisu popsicle, wheneveryou want to invite me over! Oh wait, this post is supposed to be about vegetables.

  13. Dorothy

    Oh my goodness, as I was reading this I KNEW you were looking at the food network website. Those sidebar suggestions have been plaguing me all month. I bought all the ingredients for these last week, and despite our now overabundance of zucchini I’m so glad I procrastinated so I can use your tweaked recipe instead. Thank you!

  14. Deborah

    I am in fact planning on the roasted chicken with olives and grapes! It’s like I read your mind that’d it be great for Rosh Hashanah….can’t wait to try it.

  15. Lea

    So timely! This Wyoming summer has provided a surprisingly massive harvest of zucchini. We’re normally lucky to get a few, but this year I’m eating zucchini in every meal and quickly running out of variety. These look delicious, thank you!

  16. Kay

    Oh, thank you – I’ve got so much zucchini to use up, and frankly I’m getting tired of bread and muffins! I’ll have to try this.

  17. Elle

    Deb, thank you so much for posting this! I am pregnant in my first trimester and have been completely repulsed by vegetables, and this is the only vegetable dish that has looked appealing to me. I just made it for lunch and used a little ranch as a dipping sauce, and it was amazing! What did you like to eat when pregnant? I am looking for any tips, as I am getting burned out on cereal, mac n cheese and pizza!

    1. deb

      Elle — I lived on grapes (what? I don’t know why), ice water (with a ton of tiny ice cubes), broccoli slaw and a now-discontinued Ben and Jerry’s flavor that involved, like, brittle and peanut butter and cookie dough and probably crack.

  18. ki.

    I followed the exact recipe, but I think 450 was way too high a temperature – many of them had burnt within 15 mins. The ones we were able to salvage were delicious though :)

  19. Susan

    I just love zucchini chips. There was this little Italian restaurant nearby (closed now) that made them as thin as potato chips; they were to die for. I’ve never figured out how they got them so thin and crisp with no sogginess. Because this is based on Ellie Krieger’s recipe I’m sure it must be good. I love her blueberry compote recipe…her recipes are nice and simple and usually so good!

  20. Susan

    Oh, also, do make the Tres Leche cake as a frozen popsicle or ice milk pop or whatever you want to call it. To me Tres Leche cake tastes like vanilla ice cream with texture so I can imagine it would be wonderful as a frozen pop treat. Don’t know why I never acted on that; I’d thought about it. Doh!

  21. KJ

    These look delicious. I am right around the bend in Jersey City. I understand how you get by in a tiny kitchen. What I don’t know is how you could possibly have been turning the oven on this past weekend with only a window AC unit. Can’t wait to try it next week when it cools down.

    1. deb

      KJ — Aah, I made these two weeks ago, when NYC was absolutely blissful and we thought the worst of summer was over. Then I came back from Maine (where it was also blissful) on Saturday night and was like WHAAA? Ugh.

  22. I’m very intrigued to try these. I’ve been growing courgettes in my garden this year and have a few more still coming through late summer. This will be something different to try. Thanks for sharing!

  23. I know I say this about basically everything you post on the blog (and also every recipe in your book) but I’m dying to try this! zucchini is one of the few veggies I’m not super picky about and this just sounds perfect.

  24. Zucchini crisps seem to be in the air around me. Yesterday in the market I overheard her tell her daughter, “Oh, I’ve got to buy zucchini to make zucchini chips.” And then, today I came across both Ellie Krieger’s recipe and yours. The recipe is calling to me, and I’ve got to say that yours are absolutely mouth watering!
    I will follow this calling with pleasure.

  25. Sally

    I made something similar a month or so ago following a recipe from Lidia Bastianich. So good — and not so low in fat! Also following Lidia’s example, I made lasagna with them. I’ll have to try these.

  26. You have spoken the magical zucchini words to me. Zucchini + chips = heaven. Am I weird for even liking ONLY zucchini. Ugh, I hunger for them now. Maybe i’ll make a trip the the veggie aisle tonight. Thanks for the recipe!

  27. Jules

    I think the most shocking part of that grocery story story is that the average spending on produce was $3.99 in the first place! Sometimes I feel like I’m eating a lot of crap, but if that’s the average I’m still doing remarkably well…!!

  28. YES! I have everything I need to make these like.. tomorrow! Haha. They look amazingly delicious. And definitely a nice alternative to eating regular potato chips.

  29. How can this not be fantastic treat? I made beet chips, this weekend – similar concept all the way around – and absolutely wonderful. Both great examples of hidden food treasures, right beneath our feet, literally! Great post.

  30. Kristin

    Just made these tonight – saw the recipe and was immediately convinced. Zucchini is one of my favorite vegetables, and combined with crispy parmesan… droooool! Good thing I bought extra zucchini this week so I can make them as a side dish for dinners all week.

  31. Sara

    With the huge amounts of zucchini growing in my garden right now, I will definitely try these. I attempted something similar last week, but they turned out soggy (no cheese or bread crumbs though). Has anyone tried making green bean crisps? I’ve been looking for the perfect recipe all summer and have yet to find a good one…

  32. Pinky

    When you first talked about dipping them in egg white, I thought you meant whipped egg whites, like meringue. I bet that would work, too, and you wouldn’t have to let the white drip off.

  33. I made ratatouille recently and have leftovr thinly sliced zucchini just waiting in the fridge to be used for something. I’ll have to try these tonight as a side with chicken fingers!

  34. Shari

    The food network sidebar gets me every time! I actually just looked at that recipe the other day but couldn’t figure out how 1 tbsp of oil was supposed to get the breadcrumbs to stick.

    As for apples and honey right now – I am with you. I am bringing a dessert to my parents’ and I told my mom that I know Rosh Hashanah is supposed to be all about the apples, but it’s 80* outside. Lemon it is. Shana Tova!

  35. Shari

    Gah – forgot to ask my question. Any thoughts on baking these on a cooling rack, so the air circulates underneath? Will the crumbs just come off when I try to take them off the rack?

  36. So glad this was in my mail this morning. I was planning on making steak and zucchini tonight, and my son is not a fan of zucchini. Hopefully this will be the turning point for him and this veggie!

  37. Oh my gosh, genius! I have got to do this, now, for the holiday. We have way too many zucchini too. I TOLD my husband to plant less than last year, but no, he planted MORE. I think 6 hills for the two of us. We’ve taken to leaving them on neighbors’ doorsteps and sneaking away. It’s not pretty. And here in early September, I’ve already made zucchini bread, muffins, noodles (cooked and raw, multiple times), hummus, fritters, succotash, tzatziki and more. I’ve got one last try in me and then I am done for the year.

  38. Debra

    Yum! Following on Marcia’s suggestion, I rescued an aging eggplant. Salted and sweated it, and the crisps came out great! Thank you and Hapoy New Year!

  39. MMMMMmmmmmmmMMM! I almost tried to start eating my computer screen when I saw these tasty little guys!! I’ll definitely be making some of these when I get the chance. Nice article!

  40. Heather

    Yay! Perfect timing. I have a bunch of zucchini to consume.Also, I have to say that the kettle cooked black pepper and sea salt variety of potato chips are my weakness.

  41. Chris J

    Whoa. They look good, but much as I enjoy cooking, watching Parmesan crisps for extra crisping and moving them around on a pan during baking comes under ‘too much bother’. I’m a DIY kinda guy for many foods, but ya hafta draw the line somewhere.

  42. Mame M

    I love these! I have made a different version, I was so excited to see yours posted because I was hoping for a tip to avoid the claw crumb fingers I inevitably get when doing this. The egg white always sticks to my fingers, followed by the crumbs….. My husband especially loves these. Really it’s the only way he’ll eat zuchini unless it’s in sweet bread!

  43. Melissa

    I made the zucchini crisps for dinner last night along with grilled chicken and macaroni salad. They were a HIT! Everybody loved them. Perfect side dish for a summer dinner and just DELICIOUS!! Thank you SO much for posting this recipe!

  44. deb

    For those of you interested in attending the London event on September 26th, we finally have the details up. Tickets will go on sale today in half an hour. I just wanted to make sure nobody who wanted to know missed it, as the last London event sold out before I could even tell you about it. :( (But I think this venue is bigger.)

    Ticket sales:

    Hope to see you there!

  45. Oh Man! you know those zucchinis that are 4-5 inches in diameter and 30 inches long? well my husband and I ate over half of one last night thanks to this recipe. Totally delicious!

  46. Jen

    Your mom’s apple cake was baked at my house last night, and for tonight we’ll be having the roasted chicken from the cookbook, along with the kale salad! It’s a very Smitten Kitchen Rosh Hashanah at our house this year! And these zucchini crisps will have to happen this weekend after I go to the market for more zucchini, since we’re somehow out again – already. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  47. This looks delicious, perfect for nice indian-summer evening with friends.
    Ellie suggested Chardonnay, but I think it will goes well with Pinot Grigio, too.
    Totally delicious … thanks for sharing recipe.

  48. Heather

    Any suggestions for making this grain free? Perhaps with fine almond flour rather than bread crumbs? Or chickpea flour? Did anyone try it? Thanks!!

  49. Now I know what to do with the pile of zucchini sitting on my counter! I have made zucchini “boats” similar to this, but they are always a little mushy. I think slicing them into chips will be just the ticket.

  50. Sarah

    Oh no! First day of school/ back to work and I did not get to check the website five times a day like I have been for a week. The Thursday London event is sold out. My 12 year old will be sooo sad! Please try to squeeze in a scary big mall signing- like waterstones at Bluewater!

  51. Liz

    I made these with rice flour and cheese, no salt or pepper because of what we were eating them with. I was feeding someone who was gluten free. They were fabulous and a great way to use up even the large zucchini I used. I left the car door unlocked and it filled with zucchinis.

  52. Hilly Jacklin

    All day I have been thinking of your knishes and there is the link, just like magic. For some reason I thought read sweet potato knishes though. I didn’t but you bet I’ll be making sweet potato knishes this weekend. With bacon fat in the dough.

  53. When I first saw this, I thought they were baked pickle chips! That would be a nice alternative to the fried pickles we eat down here. I think zucchini chips sounds pretty good too, though. I think I’ll try this with eggplant…

  54. End of Summer is such a wonderful time for fresh produce and I am going to make these zucchini chips this evening. The Panko style bread crumbs will make it taste like the Japanese fried veggies without using the heavy oil. It is good Deb that you share this healthier version with your followers. Perhaps I can even get my boyfriend to eat these since he is such a picky vegetable eater. They look amazing and like yourself and other great cooks have said you eat first with your eyes.

  55. B

    Delicious! A good way to use up all the courgette in the veg box. Just eaten them and went very well with an almond fennel salad and pan-fried lemon sole :)

  56. Frank

    Hi from Ireland. Just tried it and it turned out excellent. I also used sliced sweet potato instead of zucchini.
    But i replaced the bread crumbs with crushed spelt bread because I believe that the bone dry spelt bread dust helps better to transport the moisture out of the veg into the air. Not sure if that’s indeed the case but the crisps turned out cracking crunchy.
    And I made a little dip based on juiced orange and soy sauce, similar to what one would take with tempura.
    I like those recipes in this blog. The broccoli Parmesan fritters are another of my favourites.

  57. Hi, Deb, Shana Tova!
    1. If someone hates parmesan, can you suggest another topping for the zucchini?

    2. Made your stuffed peaches week-before-last, twice. First time I crushed almonds in a plastic bag, with a hammer (no food processor, and the blender left most almonds whole). They were very good, but not so much the next day. Second time I made them with leftover canned almond filling, and they were sweet and really tasty–and there were none left over, so I didn’t have to deal with soggy peaches the next day.
    3. I appreciate the comment section as much as I do your extraordinary blog. I always learn something new from the people who write back to you, so thank you to everyone who contributes!

    1. deb

      Betsy — Thank you! Re, 1: Depends on what they don’t like about it. My usual sub would be Pecorino Romano, but it’s also aged and even saltier so if someone doesn’t like Parmesan, they may not like it either. I have not tried it with a softer cheese, such as gruyere or something like it; my concern is that it would be overly melty. However, if you want to try a softer cheese that can still be finely grated, try it with 1/3 cheese to 2/3 crumbs, rather than 1/2-1/2.

  58. Okay, one batch made and eaten. Crispy, tasty. My son actually ate them. I added a bit too much salt though. I could see using some Italian seasoning and dipping them in marinara sauce.

    Heather, you could might be able to use manioc flour for a grain free alternative. I tend to use that a lot in place of flour.

  59. Sonia

    These were the messiest things I’ve made in some time and I have to admit that I gave up on them after I went through two batches of panko/Parmesan mix, but man were they good! I inhaled. Thanks, Deb!

  60. jorie

    You can also dip zucini in egg then bread crumbs mixed with hidden valley ranch or dill seasoning and bake they are like fried pickles just healthier

  61. Katherine

    I subscribed to your e-letter several months ago and do look forward to receiving it. The recipes are often enticing yet level-headed. This is the first that I’ve followed, however. I rarely follow a recipe — usually mix in a # of approaches or go with my gut…, but I couldn’t resist the simplicity of this.

    The crisps were extremely crisp — perfection. I should have added more salt though. Also, I’d imagine many people would want to add some spice to it — creole, hot pepper, smoked salt or some other ingredient to add some depth. As an alternative to parmesan, manchego cheese would work well.

    I never put them on cooling racks; no need. Using a metal spatula, I did flip ’em a few times. After I turned off the oven, I simply kept them in there until we were ready for the main portion of the meal. The chips became even chippier.

    Being a two religion family, we’re planning to make them for Xmas and throughout the summer…thank you for the addition to our traditions (and waist lines!).

  62. Donna

    Could I possibly pale-fy this by using ground plantain chips or pork rinds for the bread crumbs/panko?….such a delicious treatment for the odds and ends of courgettes/aubergines in the fridge!…Thank you for this!

  63. Zucchini “chips” are my favorite and I always use panko breadcrumbs but I never thought to add parmesan cheese! Also, I’ll be making the entire chocolate babka recipe for my family’s Rosh Hashanah celebration (on Saturday, when it’s more convenient for us) – L’Shana Tova!

  64. Anastasia

    Deb, just heard you waxing poetic (a slightly converted sceptic) about Kale on NPR. You sounded fabulous, just as I imagine you sounding when I read your posts. I stayed in the car an extra few minutes to listen. :) I remember reading the post on the Kale salad when it came out this spring.

    Of course, I’m going to make the zucchini chips tonight. Just bought the squash :)

  65. Lynn

    I was just thinking to myself as was loading “Please have a recipe for zucchini!” My fridge is overflowing with them and I’ve already made the fritters so many times this summer. Can’t wait to make these!

  66. Jemia

    Love your website and book! This is my first time commenting. I was so excited to hear you on NPR this afternoon on “All Things Considered”.

  67. Pey-Lih

    I cooked this recipe this evening, and they are best eaten on the same day you cook them, agreed. They were made in batches with different seasoning, i.e., a dash of paprika, another with chili chipotle, and the other, cayenne pepper. They all turned out pretty good, but the zucchini goes soft after it cools down so they don’t have that crispy texture at the beginning fresh out of the oven. My husband said they would make great veggie pizza toppings instead of pepperoni. And I think he’s right. I will use the remainder for pizza!

  68. Natasha Long

    I have never been a fan of zucchini but this is something I might have to try! I like the idea that they are crispy because the texture of zucchini has always been the main turn off for me

  69. The internet let me down with zucchini fries once, but these crisps look like something else entirely. And come to think of it, there is a forgotten zucchini in my fridge. These are happening! Thanks, Deb. I love a good salty, crispy snack.

  70. Melanie

    Hi Deb,
    These look tasty — fried with cheese? Yes please! And is there any chance you would mind sharing where you got those lovely dish towels? Thank you, looking forward to your next delicious recipe…

  71. Zucchini crisps are my dad’s absolute favorite thing to order at our local pizza place– I’m sure these are 10x better though! Might have to make these for his birthday haha

  72. deb

    Melanie — They’re either from Fish’s Eddy or Crate and Barrel, probably three years ago.

    Edie — I use a Benriner mandoline. The price seems to have gone up over the years (my first one was under $20) but they’re great, flat, sharp and almost every restaurant uses them.

  73. AliceGalipp

    Made these today for lunch with sub sandwiches and they were a hit, even with my husband who doesn’t like zucchini. I can say that the tip about sprinkling with salt beforehand to leach out the moisture really helped. And I could have used my thinner blade on the mandolin, but they were crisp enough. My tip to pass along is to watch the salt amount; if you’re using a good Parmesan you won’t need a lot. These were excellent and I’ll be making another batch really soon. So glad they were not deep fried. Thanks!

  74. Natasha

    These look absolutely amazing and I can hardly wait until summer hits the southern hemisphere and I can get zucchini for less than $20/kg.

  75. Jane

    Sooooo….speaking of the origin of Tiramisu, have you ever thought of sharing your favourite recipe? It’s one of my all-time favourite desserts, and your espresso granita was just a tease!

  76. Liz

    oh wow that picture of you and the kiddo at the Nubble blows my mind. I live in York so it’s weird to see one of my favorite bloggers basically in my backyard!

  77. Crystal

    I just made your Bee Sting Cake and just so happen to have a few egg whites from the pastry cream sitting in my fridge waiting for a purpose, and my garden is still bursting with zucchini, so it looks like I will be making this recipe tomorrow! Can’t wait!

  78. Elizabeth

    My kids eat these like candy! Best thing to do with zucchini! I don’t cut the zucchini very thin, it’s about like eggplant Parmesan thickness.

  79. Carol

    OH, my!! AWESOME!! Had these last night @ friend’s. She used darker baking sheets, so ‘golden’ color ‘popped’. These chips are fantastic!! Crunchy- yes, you can hear them! Not a single one left on the platter! Always have panko, WF grated/shredded cheese, and Farmer’s Markets still in full force! Odds are against you ordering those ‘zucchini fries’ ever again!

  80. Jillian L

    Thanks! I used the fresh pre-grated stuff and it worked great! The only thing I would do differently next time is run the cheese through the food processor quickly with the breadcrumbs so everything was more evenly sized. Also, mine took a little less time to bake. Really, really delicious! Loved that they are baked!

  81. Pauline

    Looooove zucchini and can’t wait to give this a try :) Reminds me of when my mum makes ‘zucchini pancakes’ – basically it’s pancakes dipped in batter and then fried. Your baked variety sounds a little healthier and hopefully can be a bit more consistent with getting them crispy as well. Mum’s vary from soggy to crispy with not a lot of consistency. I wonder if it depends on the size of the zucchini and how ripe they are… hmmmm!

  82. Susan

    Thank you for thinking this through. I’ve been staring at zucchini chip recipes all summer and sadly shaking my head, knowing they would disappoint. I made a plateful of these for friends last night and they were gone in minutes. I only got one so I’ll need to make them again!

  83. Patt

    These were wonderful. I used tromboncini squash which is very long but only has a small seed cavity. This made for a really firm chip. I did let them sit, unsalted, on a towel for a half hour before coating. Thanks for the recipe and the tips.

  84. I’m with you on Diana Nyad. She NEVER gave up on her goal, the swim of a lifetime. Not jellyfish, not even sharks (the human and seagoing kinds) could put a damper on her dream and drive. She is, I think a particularly wonderful role model for girls and young women. About Treviso – they’ve been pretty adamant about that up there for a while now. So let’s let them bask in the glory of a truly wonderful dolce. Your zucchini crisps look wonderful. A classic Italian treat, this type of food are quick to make and universally adored, from Alto Adige all the way to Sicilia. Brava!

  85. sarah

    I made these yesterday and they were so simple and delicious. Depending on how thick you cut your zucchini, you may need to increase the amount of egg wash and panko/parm (I did). Definitely will make again, maybe with some sort of accompanying dip! thank you as always deb

  86. I have to admit, I’m in a bit of zucchini fan these days.
    I tried zucchini crisps with Cajun spice with olive oil, which was amazing. I tried zucchini pancakes, my favorites since my childhood. Baked Zucchini sticks, great with beer. ( All these are for looking a great snack for my beer :)

    And now, this weekends special would be your Parmesan crisps.

    By the way, photos are great.

  87. Anita

    Made these last night- my suggestion would be to not skimp on the greasing of the pan. I put a slight coating of olive oil and many of the crisps stuck to the pan when I tried to flip them, and I lost the coating. They still tasted good but weren’t as crunchy or as pretty.

  88. I just made it with Japanese eggplant rounds – I made longer diagonal discs, and it was perfect! (I did NOT salt and drain the slices. Beforehand and didn’t have a problem with leaky, wet crisps.)

  89. Swati

    I made these for lunch – didn’t have parmesan only robusto and made with that – they were awesome but not all crisped up all the way through – I think I removed them a tad earlier in my excitement to eat them and also the cheese would have made a difference. Will do them again for sure

  90. Hadley

    I made these the other night to take to my book club. I sliced by hand, and definitely recommend avoiding very thin slices, as they burnt in the middle. Only a few crisped up nicely, and mine were just a bit dry, but they still got very good reviews from my crowd. I thought they would pair well with a remoulade or lemon-y dipping sauce.

  91. Deb, I don’t know what it is about you and being able to come up with highly-addictive recipes involving green vegetables (broccoli slaw, kale salad, THIS), but my goodness, woman! I seriously had this for dinner last night. Like, just this. I’m making the kale salad again this week, but this time I was smart and bought TWO bunches of kale!

  92. smittycdm

    This is too funny…I should have put my reading glasses on long ago. I thought your site/cookbook was Smitten Kitten! In fact, that is how Hubby & I refer to you (and your recipes), i.e., “Get Smitten Kitten & we’ll make…” He’s doing his Pacific Rim work-tour, won’t be home for7 days. Cannot wait to show him the title, we’ll both have a good giggle. I’ll try to perfect the Zuke Chip as a surprise.

  93. Chelsea

    I made these a few weeks ago too during the cool end of August spell, but with eggplant and za’atar! Highly recommend adding a little spice to the mix if you want to cut back on the cheese a bit.

  94. Deb, this recipe is after my own heart! I LOVE fried zucchini but they are so unhealthy to eat. I read somewhere that they are worse than french fries because the zucchini absorbs so much more oil when frying. So I’ve been making oven-fried zucchini for years (
    Have you tried dusting the zucchini with flour first, then the egg wash and finally the panko and parmesan mixture? I find that the flour helps the egg and crumbs stick to the zucchini.

  95. Steven

    This recipe does a great job of turning an unhealthy preparation of squash into a healthier alternative. Definitely something to try once the weather is cooler next month. I am in the process of setting up my own blog on quick ways to cook real food and may post this after I have had the chance to try it myself. Also love all the picture you include in your posts.

  96. Christine

    Wow! I made these last night and they were a huge hit! They are a bit labor intensive (even with a mandolin) but so worth it. Even my (usually a bit skeptical of my “blog” recipes) loved it. I think to make it healthier that next time I would use whole wheat panko. They turned out so crunchy and delicious…I just followed Deb’s instructions.

  97. Casey D

    Deb, I need to start by saying that your website is my favorite food blog of all time, forever and ever and always, amen. NOW I need to ask: can I do this with cheese alone? Nix the bread crumbs and the salt but keep the pepper? Thoughts? Concerns?

    1. deb

      Hi Casey — I think the cheese may brown before the zucchini crisps and may not stick well. Is it a bread issue? A flour one? If I know, it might help me find an alternative.

  98. I recently bought myself the same mandolin as you’ve got pictured there… but I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Nothing comes out sliced… it always just ends up shredded to bits.

    Do you have any tips / videos / tutorials that you could share?

    Huge fan of your blog btw. Read it religiously! Hope this comment finds you and you’ve got a moment to answer! Thanks a bunch!

    (The Bacon Eating Jewish Vegetarian)

    1. deb

      Allison — Did you remove the julienne blade? Maybe you got a bum one? I’d return it if it seems that it’s not sharp enough to cut things.

  99. Casey D

    A bread/flour/stupid-gluten-that-tries-to-kill-my-boyfriend’s-intestines thing. If it were just me, I’d load on the breadcrumbs, serve it with a side of pasta, and wash it down with a super gluten-y beer. However, Mike has to eat too.

    Thanks for the heads up on the burning possibility of the cheese. Soggy zucchini plus burned parm does not a good snack make! Please don’t go out of your way in search of alternatives. I am happy to screw up a few batches until I get it right!

    And thanks for your reply. It made my MONTH.

  100. Eric

    This would be a great side to one of my dinners this week. I am always looking for something different to eat with dinner. This will add a great crunch to the plate as well! Thanks for the tip about the egg wash as well.

  101. John

    Recipe was spot on crispy and tasty. Went perfect with blue cheese pasta. I found my stoneware worked a bit better than my standard cookie sheet.

  102. Annaliese

    I just made these last night and they were delicious! I was surprised at how many crsips just 1 zucchini made and also by how much they shrunk up in the oven. What a great reason to take out my mandolin slicer and eat a bowl full of veggies! I think I’ll try a dipping sauce next time, maybe something yogurt based? Let the fun begin

  103. Erin

    Hey Deb! I made this a while ago when it was still zucchini season and they were so so so yummy!! Thanks for the recipe! It did take forever to coat them though, I think next time I will slice them lengthwise. BTW: I just wanted to let you know that after trying about 10 of your posted recipes, you have joined the ranks of the few people in this world I trust to supply me with recipes (you are there along with Ina and Ottolenghi)…I trust your taste buds, thanks

  104. hulsta

    I have used garlicky yogurt (just add half a clove raw garlic into plain, preferably greek style yogurt, and maybe a pinch of salt too) as a dip, it was simply wonderful,
    adding tang, creaminess and a contrasting soft texture.

    Also I must mention here that I had my first cooking related ER visit thanks to these little innocent-looking guys. Be careful with the mandolin, people!(“Oh, I’ll use the finger protecting thing when I get to the end of the zucchini!”) Not that that stopped me from making this half a dozen more times since.

  105. KJ

    I cant eat cheese…so I did panko with dried minced onion…cajun seasoning..a little milled flax…dipped zuchini in egg..then in dry mixture..I also dried them on paper for half and hour to rid the excess moisture before preparing n baking…THEY TURNED OUT GREAT!!!!

  106. Maggie

    These were so delicious, and a total crowd-pleaser at our house. I liked the really, really thin slices the best – crispier. We didn’t have any leftovers, but I imagine if you did they would be excellent nestled into grilled cheese or even a quiche.

  107. KatieK

    These were delicious–stayed nice and crisp. However, the prep time was a pain. I sliced by hand, the dipping and coating seemed to go on forever. They were a huge hit, I just wish I could think of a quicker way. The suggestion to cut length-wise might work.

  108. 2nd timer too …swapped out the panko for almond meal for a GF version. also added lemon zest and some super-fine, chopped fresh parsley. yum.
    thank you for this!!

    1. Ellen

      I made this recipe twice – the first time with bread crumbs and the second with almond meal,which was genius! (And suggested by HMMMM.) With almond meal the crumb coating goes on heavier, so I needed to mix a bit more. Next time I will cut the zucchini a little thicker, for a little more balance with the heavier almond meal coating. Please try the almond meal – it’s amazing.

  109. Holly Keyes

    Very good! I am always looking for ways to use up the bountiful zucchini from the yard. They stayed nice in the middle and crispy on the outside. I didn’t add salt as the parm is pretty salty. The husband ate them like they were potato chips.

  110. desertmules

    I have used a similar variation to yours for this recipe for quite a while. Tried an experiement this summer. I have a glut of eggplant and my husband loves fried eggplant but I don’t like frying or the amount of oil the eggplant absorbs. Read some place about soaking eggplant slices in ice water to help them absorb less oil. Did that and placed on a towel to dry a bit. Mixed a whole egg plus some oil together and dipped the eggplant slices in that and then in the panko mix and placed them on a lightly oiled sheet pan. In the oven they went, started them on a top rack (sort of just above midway in my oven) and as the top began to brown slid the pan to the next rack down to brown the bottom side. Hubby was very happy with his “fried” eggplant. I did peel the eggplant and sliced by hand – about 1/4″ thick.

  111. EL

    Hi Deb:

    I make these. I do it without the Parmesan (so far) but use olive oil and spices of my choice. You can cut them thickly if you use a dehydrator rather than an oven, but cleaning the racks is a pain. With a dehydrator they always get crisp, but it always takes longer to make them. So — short time, need egg whites etc., longer time, don’t need egg whites? The problem is that chips sort of demand instant gratification. . . I’m going to try them with the Parmesan. Thanks!

  112. Hilary

    Hi! I’m a new convert to your blog and love your cookbook. I have a child with a severe egg allergy- any idea what i could use in place of egg whites? Olive oil? Buttermilk?

  113. Amy Gepfert

    Just wanted to say a big thank you for this excellent recipe. I followed the ‘surprise me’ link and ended up here, which was surprisingly fitting as I had both courgettes and egg whites to use up! It was also fun as my three year old helped me egg and coat the slices, which was great fun!

  114. Lois

    PROS–these were very good.
    CONS–they are tedious to make, so I wouldn’t do it for company. Also, mine were ready in 20 minutes, so keep a careful watch! And when I removed them from the oven, the smoke detector went off. The zucchini crisps weren’t burnt; it was the oil I had brushed on the baking sheet. Possible solutions–oil with a higher smoke point than olive oil, stoneware ungreased rather than a cookie sheet, and parchment or foil rather than oil. Any opinions?

  115. Mimi

    These look delicious; I’ll be trying them tonight. Is there a specific reason to use just the egg white, and not the whole egg to get the panko to stick? Thanks.

      1. Mimi

        Thanks! Since you were gallivanting around Spain when I asked this question, I didn’t realistically expect a reply in time for dinner. I ended up trying it both ways; for egg #1 I used just the white, and with egg #2 I used the whole egg, beaten like you would do for breaded chicken schnitzel. The egg white ones were far superior and much lighter/airier, like you said. Very delicious – thanks for another outstanding recipe.

  116. Elizabeth Meadows

    This comment isn’t about the recipe, but about the ads on the website, which keep jumping you back or forward to where the video ad is play, making it impossible to read the post (3 sentences in and JUMP to where the Lincoln ad is! Laboriously scroll back to where you were and read two more sentences and POP–JUMP to where the add is playing again, fortunately right about this comment box.) I’d love to make this recipe, but your advertiser won’t let me read it!

    1. deb

      Sorry about the ad trouble. It should be fixed now. I was on vacation and not paying as close attention as usual. Do let me know if it continues to be problematic on your end.

  117. zendegy

    I have made these twice now. I used a whole egg – figured we might as well get all that nutrition and not waste the yolk. Instead of panko, I used cashew meal and almond meal. More protein and it worked great!
    I put the slices in a baggie with the egg and shook them around to soak them, after letting the pieces sit overnight to dry. Worked great. I tried doing the same (the baggie trick) with the crumbs, but that wasn’t as successful, so i did have to dredge a few.
    Honestly, my kid is THE finickiest eater of all time and she requests these.
    I love you, smitten kitchen!!!

  118. Eliza

    These are amazing! I didnt flip them and both sides are perfectly crisp. I also used a whole egg for my second batch and I cant tell the difference. Thanks for another great recipe!

  119. Francoise

    I tried these for the first time tonight and they came out fantastic! Way better than I thought they would. When it came time to flip them I was cursing myself for not using parchment because a couple stuck and they seemed soggy. However, by the time they were done on the second side they were light and crisp. I used the egg white dip first as recommended. Will definitely make this again!

  120. anne

    It is essential to use parchment, otherwise the stupid little rounds stick solidly to the baking sheet (unless maybe you use a quart of oil on the pan.

  121. Sarah+D

    I made these in an air fryer, and they really were crisp and delicious! Dipped them in romescu or green goddess for a lovely lunch.