
roasted peppers with capers and mozzarella

Most of the time, I don’t choose the recipes I share here, they choose me. I’ll be bumming around, reading my epics, keeping to myself when suddenly the urge for rhubarb muffins will come upon me, and I will have no choice but to address it, or remain distracted until I break down and, you know, address it. Other times, the market controls me, as will happen when you live in a climate that deprives you of field-fresh produce for over half the year, leaving you to go completely berserk and overdo it in the months that you’re graced with it, bringing home buckets when you only have enough stomachs in your family to require a small armload. But with a 20 months of parenting under my belt, I’m long overdue to introduce a new reason to cook: my toddler; he’s got cravings too.

red, orange and yellow bells
roasted and blistered

It started one night at Motorino when he was in the middle of another of his hunger strikes conscientious dissenting against his mama’s cooking phases where he’s just not that hungry and we ordered both the roasted pepper salad and appetizer meatballs in hopes to quietly tempt him into eradicating crankiness through the consumption of life-sustaining calories enjoying good food. And lordy, he went nuts for the peppers. Slurp, slurp, slurp, it was hard to believe that just hours before he’d overturned his lunch in disgust. A week later, we returned (I’m currently fixated on a certain pizza, you see) and the peppers elicited the same reaction. And so it only made sense that I would recreate the dish at home.

peeling, not so pretty

slippery roasted peppers
perky capers
mozzarella ovals

I’m an antipasti kinda cook in the summer, which is to say, I’m happy to avoid turning on the oven whenever I can. It’s only the first week of June, but somehow stickier than late July in New York City right now. If I can make a big batch of something marinated and we can arrange platefuls of it — along with a baguette, cured meats, cheese and a green salad — at dinner each night until its gone, I absolutely will. However, I will turn on the oven for one thing, and that is to roast my peppers for the better part of an hour. I prefer this over blistering them on the stove, which makes them easy to peel but not supple and sweetly cooked as they get in the oven. After peeling their skin and cutting them into strips, I let them sit overnight in some salt, pepper, garlic and red wine vinegar which punched up their flavor a bit. When we’re ready to eat it, we add a bit more vinegar if needed, olive oil and slice fresh mozzarella on top. Well, I’m using the term “we” loosely as parents of toddlers probably know how it went when this was served: “Roasted peppers? Yuck!” Hey, more for us!

marinated roasted peppers

One year ago: Lamb Chops with Pistachio Tapenade and Strawberry Ricotta Graham Tartlets
Two years ago: Lemon Mint Granita and Pickled Sugar Snap Peas
Three years ago: Potato Pizza and Breakfast Apricot Crisp
Four years ago: Spring Vegetable Stew and Gateau de Crepes

Marinated Roasted Peppers with Capers and Mozzarella

Makes about 4 cups of marinated peppers

6 bell peppers (if you can get a mix of colors, go for it)
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1 clove garlic, minced
Salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons capers, drained
2 tablespoons flat-leaf parsley, chopped (optional)
1/2 pound ball of mozzarella, sliced (this is a great place to use the really fresh stuff, if you can get it)

Roast the peppers: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line peppers on a large baking sheet and roast them for 45 minutes to 1 hour, using tongs to rotate them 1/4 of the way, rotisserie-style, every 15 minutes. It’s safer to extend the cooking time than shorten it, as the skins will only come off easily if they’re fully cooked.

Once they’re fully roasted, cover the pepper tray with another piece of foil and let the peppers cool. When they’re cool enough to handle, remove the skins. Remove seeds and slice sections of pepper into 1/4-inch wide strips.

Toss peppers with red wine vinegar, garlic and a few pinches of salt. Cover and let marinate for an hour or overnight (and up to 4 days) in the fridge.

To serve, arrange peppers on a plate. Adjust seasonings, adding salt, freshly ground black pepper or additional vinegar, to taste. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with capers and parsley and arrange mozzarella over salad.

Eat with some crusty bread and a glass of wine, preferably al fresco.

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222 comments on roasted peppers with capers and mozzarella

  1. I have been on a roasted red pepper quesadilla kick lately. Maybe I should expand my repertoire and give this a try. I actually roast mine under the broiler, it only takes five to 10 minutes, although I like them pretty black on the outside. I also don’t remove the skins, I like them, or maybe I am just lazy!

  2. Joanne

    Deb, I just want to thank you for your “no free stuff” policy. It must be hard to stick by it! But it really makes you so much more fun to read.

  3. Stephanie

    We usually roast our peppers on the BBQ in the summer and then toss with a lot of garlic, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. So delicious. This sounds great with the addition of mozzarella. Still don’t think my 2 year old would eat it. She’s pretty much stuck in a white food phase, except for broccoli, which I hate so more power to her!

  4. My grandmother makes amazing roasted peppers, so I too have loved them since early childhood. They really do make the perfect summer supper.

  5. WOW, I just roasted red, orange and yellow peppers the other day, too. They were DELICIOUS, but wow with fresh mozzarella? What a great combo. Thanks for the idea! YUM.

  6. Roasted peppers are pretty fantastic. And I LOVE Motorino. Yes, totally worthy of the all-caps-use. I was swiftly taken there last fall when I was back from Belgium and visiting my brother for some restorative pizza. I had weirdly fallen ill (read: I hadn’t been back to America in a year and had spent the week previous binging on everything fried and every it’s-so-bad-for-you-it’s-good thing that my body started a revolution.). The pizza at Motorino saved the day and was some of the most surprising pizza I’ve had in awhile. It was only a month or two later that I realised that it was operated by a Belgian. Of course my body was diggin’ it. But seriously, so good!

  7. OMG..If you knew how much I adore roasted peppers and capers…I have to put my head down on my desk now.

    I am going to feature this is a post on my blog today with the proper credits of course and throw in a plug for the upcoming cookbook because I must possess this.

    Waving from Houston !

  8. Gillian

    Silly question(s) from a learning cook: Cover the bowl while the peppers marinate?In the fridge or out? This looks amazing and I can’t wait to make it. Thanks so much!

    1. deb

      Gillian — I was just about to clear that up (I’d reread it and it wasn’t very clear) when my site went down for 10 minutes. Will fix now. Cover them, chill them, use them whenever you wish.

  9. I would love to eat this as a sandwich (note the crusty bread you mentioned… and my inability to avoid carbs).

    Roasting peppers seems so scary with the peeling of the skin and all, but you’ve inspired me to try it! Thanks!

  10. Jessie

    Ah Motorino. One of the top requirements for our next East Village apartment is to stay within their delivery zone.

    1. deb

      Jessie — I’m sad to say it never delivers well. It’s never hot when it arrives, and the centers become soggy. Although, I will endure this for that ramp pizza!

  11. Amy

    Oh goodness this looks so good. I just got back from a trip to Italy and the Provence area of France and this dish looks spot on with those flavors. Can’t wait to to make this and thanks for sharing this!

  12. Jami

    Too funny, because I’m making exactly this for dinner tonight. Roasted the peppers this morning (in the same method/no broiler for the same reason!). Stunning photos, though, as usual…

  13. Wallis

    Wow that looks amazing! I love it when your recipes use ingredients that I already have in my fridge! Also, I just finished Game of Thrones and I’m already half way through the next book. So good!

  14. Yolanda

    Hey Deb! I’m sure you know this, but I wanted to congratulate you for being on Time’s Best Blogs of 2011! Also, this recipe looks delicious…

  15. OH WOW. So, next you HAVE to try julienning yellow onions and red peppers and slow cooking them with lots of oil in a pan until the onions are caramelized and the red peppers have changed the colour of everything in the pan. So simple, so delicious, and now I’m going to have to add capers to it next time. I use it as a side, or to bake some fish on top of it. YUM.

  16. Must make immediately. Your story reminds me of visiting my son at preschool at lunchtime. All the toddlers were turning their noses up at what all their devoted mommies had packed for them, food they supposedly “liked.” All save one: this child was digging into his open-faced focaccia sandwich. I wanted to kill him. But congrats for having a son with a more adventurous palate! I got a daughter with one later!

  17. I like roasting peppers in the oven when it is not too hot, but when it tends to be real summer, there is no way I will keep my oven on for an hour. I usually roast them directly on the stove flame (works on electic plates too, just cover with foil), turning them until the skin is burned – a bit more messy, but ready in 15 minutes. When they are nice and charred, I put them on paper bags or on a plastic contained with lid, and leave to steam in their heat until cold. Then I peel them, more often than not under running water.
    Toddlers are so funny :) When I was a small child I allegedly would implore my mum to help her peeling roasted peppers, the way I have just described. Now I hate doing it – go figure!

  18. This looks fantastic. Antipasti-type dishes are my favorite things to eat. During football season, my husband and I usually do smaller, snacky type foods on Sunday’s and just kind of graze all day.

    I love the idea of adding capers to this dish. So good.

  19. Nancy from SoCentralPA

    Peppers can totally be grill-roasted on a gas grill. If you have one of those, hand your man a cold beer and he’ll gladly put a char them for you!

  20. Dan

    Yummy. M. loves peppers, so we’ll definitely try this one.

    Also, I would never have pegged you for an ‘epic’ fan. (Shows ya what I know).

  21. Jamps

    First of all, this looks totally delicious and easy and I am SO making it asap.

    Secondly, OMG GAME OF THRONES! I friggin’ love that series. I’ve already read all 4 books (twice) and I’m now watching the HBO series (so good) while eagerly awaiting the 5th book (JULY!)

    Sorry, had to geek out on you for a minute there. In other news, I love this blog! Keep up the good work :)

  22. Ana

    The fact that you’re reading GoT makes it officially official: you’re my favorite food blogger. The newest one comes out next month, yay! I miiiiight be contemplating one of your cakes in order to celebrate this august occasion.

  23. Oh Lady, this hits home with our house right now. Someone just asked if there was anything my lutefisk-eating toddler WOULDN’T eat and the only thing I could come up with was roasted bell peppers. I think it’s a texture thing. You’re good at that, making a post about something I was just thinking about.

  24. Kate

    Oh wow, Deb! You made my day!! I’m extra allergic to tomatoes, and so sick of jealously watching other people enjoy caprese salads in the summer. This looks even better!

  25. Miranda

    Beautiful. And also yum. If you tip the warm but still too hot to peel cooked peppers into a bowl and stretch cling film (you have to translate that, I’m British) over and leave them to cool in there, it’s much easier to get the skin off. They’re really good with feta too, instead of mozzarella, plus toasted pine nuts for a bit of fancy crunch. Although I do love the capers idea…

  26. Leslie Freeman

    Deb, I so appreciate your great variety of vegetarian recipes. They are simple yet interesting and most of all delicious! Keep them coming. We don’t eat very much meat so the fresh ideas are very welcome.

  27. Oh my goodness, I’m marking this for later to go with the truly amazing smoked fresh mozzarella from a local dairy. I think it’s going to be dinner along with some grilled crusty bread!

  28. This looks wonderful! I love the addition of the capers to the dish. Also, apparently when I was a kid, I used to do the same thing to my parents. I would eat boatloads of something at a restaurant or at a family friend’s place, but when my parents would make the exact same thing at home (my dad is pretty darn good at replicating dishes, too), I would just pick at it!

  29. Love the idea of the capers – it makes so much sense, but I would not have thought of it. My youngest daughter is 1 1/2 and can’t get enough of red peppers. She hates the green ones – go figure!

  30. Melissa

    This makes me regret not having grown peppers in the garden this year, although I justified it by reminding myself that last year I got six little peppers from two plants. Perhaps I’ll reconsider…

    Jessica is post 70: I hate the green ones too! I will sometimes put them in fajitas with a mix of red and other colors, but other than that, this is a red-orange-yellow (anything but green) pepper household only. I inherently know they can’t taste that much different, but somehow they do.

  31. I’m a little nervous to post this after reading the comment rules because it’s not 100% on topic, but I just couldn’t leave without saying: Game of Thrones…YES!!!!

  32. NicM

    When I saw the pic I immediately thought of the red and yellow pepper pizza you posted a few years ago. Sounds like a case of like mother, like son!

  33. This looks SOOOO good! Salty capers? Fresh mozzarella? Roasted peppers? Yes please! I just wish peppers didn’t give me such heart burn :- This would probably be ok for a weekend lunch, but definitely not for dinner or a weekday lunch (which is usually shortly followed by a hard workout).

  34. Noa

    I *love* roasted peppers – make them every time I get lucky and grab a bagful of slightly older peppers for $2 (it works just fine with peppers that are a little over the hill). Oh, and the first photo is so gorgeous!

  35. I don’t think I’ve ever put capers together with mozzarella before. But reading this recipe, I have no idea why not. The brininess of the capers would definitely offer such a nice contrast to the creamy soft cheese. Can’t wait to try it out. I am also an antipasto cook in the summer, or at least have become one now that I am in humid hot Florida. I’ll take all the yummy ideas I can find. Thanks!

  36. This is a great go to summer time salad. I love the bright colors and the simplicity. Scooped on a slice of bread and enjoyed with a glass of wine, I might just get the clue that everything is going to be okay.

  37. BOO. I have the cheese, the capers, and everything . . . EXCEPT my pepper plants are about two inches high at the moment. No fresh peppers for us until August at least. Sad.

    I have yet to find a vegetable my (16-month-old) son won’t eat. Though there are definitely days when he just WON’T eat. And throws vermicelli on my arm. Like tonight. Way fun. Good thing they’re so cute.

  38. Janice

    I had the ramp pizza at motorino last april and loved it. My husband and I always make a stop there when visiting the family from California.

  39. Ahhh…. the marinade is the missing link. I love roasted peppers, and have tried to make them at home before, but always felt like something was missing. Obviously I forgot how good a bit of vinegar and salt can make peppers taste!

  40. Ellen

    Just thought you should know what my reaction was when the picture of this recipe popped up.


    Can’t wait to make this! I love, love, love peppers and was looking for a new way to use them. And your picture is gorgeous!

  41. Sarah D

    Deb, I’m so jel right now! It’s far too cold to even consider a summery dish here in Sydney at the moment…HOWEVER upon stumbling across your website last night, I dug out your Chilli recipe and made it (inclusive of roasted capsicums) – yummo!
    Thanks for the delicious food memories – I shall be back daily (or thereabouts) for more.

  42. The first time I ever had a heaping plate of sauteed peppers was at this random neighbourhood cafe/bar in Torino, Italy. And I fell in love! I’ve been putting roasted red peppers in everything from salads to sandwiches to soups (and other dishes that don’t start with “s”) ever since!

    Oh, Green Cafe, I owe you many of my most special culinary moments.
    A shot of Green Cafe:

  43. Alyse

    I am interning at Bon Appetit this summer and living right next to the East Village. It’s always too hot for pizza, but now, because of this post, I am going to have to try it! Any other recommendations in the area, or are you close to the Brooklyn one?

  44. this looks amazing– i can’t ever get enough of peppers or fresh mozz! if only my husband had the diverse tastebuds of your toddler son…

  45. Okay I have just recently realized that I like bell peppers… and this looks like the perfect recipe to celebrate my happy tastebuds! Gotta try it.
    Also I am so shocked that your toddler loves these. That is just plain awesome :)

  46. Susan

    I’d have to have this with that brisket that you cook in the crock pot,( leaving out the chipoltes) served open face on a good hoagie bun (or softened corn tortilla) with the mozz melted over the top. It’d work on grilled albacore, too.

  47. I need to stop reading your blog when I’m starving and only have crackers and yellow mustard in the house. This looks so very flavorful and fresh–but still easy, with so few ingredients. Deeelicious.

  48. Jessica

    I know what we are having for dinner tonight!! I know my little ones won’t eat this, but it won’t hurt my feelings at all, I won’t want to share anyway !!

  49. You had me at your toddler slurped these up… we too are going through a fun phase with our just-turned 3 year old and Momma’s new recipes *not* cutting it. I have never served her peppers. Not once. These look awesome, and I’m excited to introduce her to the roasted gems. Isn’t everything better roasted? Capers, mozzarella, yes please.

  50. Linda Mc

    This is so great to get the secret to roasted peppers at home. I have a question about the foil:
    “Once they’re fully roasted, cover the pepper tray with another piece of foil and let the peppers cool.”
    I see the tray is covered in foil – is that before the roasting? Then you say cover again. Does this mean cover the roasted peppers as they cool? I want to get this right. I will be serving them to some pretty demanding Italian-American New Yorkers this summer. Thank you

    1. deb

      Linda — I covered my baking sheet before roasting because it’s a mangled mess that shouldn’t touch food. If yours are in better shape, no need to line them with foil before using them, unless you want less mess to clean. Thus, the word “another” is unnecessary. Either way, you’re using a separate piece of foil to cover them.

  51. This looks really awesome. There is a farmer’s market tonight conveniently on the way home from work. I wonder if they will have a good selection of peppers.

  52. The colors in your photos are so vibrant. As for these red peppers, paired with one of my favorite things (capers – give me more salt), I can see why your little guy couldn’t help slurp them down.

  53. I love roasted peppers, but I find the easiest way to make them is to cut the ‘cheeks’ of and lay them skin side up in the hot oven, no need to turn them, and it’s much less messy to de-seed a raw pepper than it is to de-seed a roasted one. Also, I often make this salad and add some anchovies en fresh basil. Very good.

  54. apb

    I agree that charring peppers on the burner doesn’t soften them up enough, but I find that my broiler does a great job – and doesn’t take quite as long, maybe 15 minutes, turning peppers every 5 or so. Regardless – definitely making this! Love the capers idea.

  55. i too have had those peppers from motorino (alongside far too much pizza of course) and they are so simple but so delicious. i have been roasting them up but keeping them in large pieces (cut each pepper into 4 or 5 slices) and then at the last minute dusting them with parmesan and broiling them. so simple, so delicious.

    love the colors and the photos! thank you!

  56. Here in San Francisco, it’s hard to make a dish that hasn’t been done a million times at some crisp, new, hip, locally fresh restaurant. …But this is going to make everyone spot in town jealous (although they won’t know about it because it’ll just be me–in my kitchen–pushing it down my gullet)!

  57. Caris

    You and Jacob should try the Spicy Anchovy dip from the Lee Bros. cookbook (I forget the actual recipe name, page #, and which Lee Bros. book…my husband is the cook!).
    My toddler took a dip with her chunky finger, tasted, made her “Bleck!!!” face, then proceeded to down half the bowl by herself… about a 1/4 Cup worth of basically pureed anchovies, spices, and their oil with crudités for dipping. Thus was her intro to bell peppers. I think between the 1st and 2nd birthdays, they’ll try anything once.

  58. I love the idea of marinating roasted peppers, I never would’ve thought of doing that. Thank you this recipe, I’m definitely going to try it out for dinner this week. Very healthy and sounds delicious!

  59. This looks so delicious to me that I will pony up for bell pepers, which – is it just me? – are super expensive right now! Can’t wait till they’re in season.

    I would probably substitute balsamic for red wine vinegar, and might even be tempted to work in some anchovies if my target audience was amenable to that…

  60. Audrey

    a quick and easy way to peel the skins is to place hot peppers right from oven into a large bowl and cover TIGHTLY with plastic wrap – the skins practically sweat right off. Peeling is then a breeze when cool enough to handle. I just made a bunch a few days ago!

  61. Hi Deb! I can’t believe I haven’t commmented before today… considering more than half of my (hundreds of) bookmarked recipes to try come from you.
    I would love to know the link to the mozzarella that you use; it might be my computer but there is no link to a site!
    I’m looking forward to giving this recipe a try!

  62. Liz

    I roast peppers by cutting them in half, removing the seeds and membranes, and then roasting skin side up for about 15-20 minutes under the broiler. The skins will be black, and that’s perfect for removing them. Put the peppers in a plastic bag or some other air-tight container while they cool, and afterwards the skins will peel off with ease.

    I prefer the halving method just so I don’t have to deal with picking out the seeds and things once the peppers are roasted and pretty flimsy/floppy. Plus, you’re not constantly opening the oven to turn them, which I tell myself keeps the heat in the oven and less in my house.

  63. Pam P

    my sister is going to be so relieved that Jacob can be fussy in his eating! We are always talking about your pictures of him eating beans & broccoli & all sorts of great things and pined for my nephew to do the same. Alas while Jacob is a green bean fiend and no lover of cheese, we have begun to think that Landon may become a block of cheddar in his old age of 4 years old ;)

  64. Angela

    I had this recipe on my mind and then at our grocery they had roasted red peppers at the deli! Totally cheating and I’m sure roasting them at home would be better, but I put this together in minutes and put it on the table with good bread and some fresh fruit. My husband, who can be a little whiny about meals without meat, tore into it. Thanks so much for something that was delicious, perfect in hot weather and different…even with a major shortcut.

  65. Roasted red peppers on the grill with onions and zuchinni AND a chicken last night before the big storm! Was a good summer side dish in such HOT HOT weather.

  66. My grandmother used to love to roast red peppers and then eat them in sandwiches with cream cheese. So when you run out of mozarella, there’s an idea!

  67. My 3 year old gets odd cravings too! Lately it has been broccoli so a lot of our dinners have been based around this veggie. This however looks amazing! Your post made my five to try list for the week and will be on the weekly menu in short order … have a wonderful weekend!

  68. Darlynne

    I made this last night and loved it. My capers looked a little funny, although how you know they’ve gone bad is a mystery to me because they always taste a little funny, too. But a great summer dish. Thanks!

  69. You are speaking my language with those peppers – such beautiful food! I always have some on hand in my kitchen, and yes of course, they always vary in color. Thanks for this post. I’m going to make soon!

  70. Erin

    You post so frequently! I can’t get over it. At least three times as often as other popular food blogs. Thank you for your diligence. Is there some kind of blog overlord who watches over you all? Who would do that? Martha Stewart? I don’t know. You should get some kind of special recognition. A medal or something for always giving me something fun to read and cook. Thanks, Deb!

  71. i love roasting peppers this way! the photography of this site is great. i’m just trying to start my own blog and i’m trying to get ideas from others. check out my site, it’s called “foody winey nerdy stuff” and it’s about food, wine and technology: :)

  72. Read this and got SO excited! Had a batch of roasted peppers in the fridge and a fresh block of mozzarella I made about an hour ago. Had also just made a batch of rosemary flatbread to put it on. Just excellent, Deb!!! THANK YOU!! You made my dinner so very easy and my husband loved it!
    PS:The recipe for homemade mozzarella and the flatbread is on my blog. 45 minutes to fresh mozzarella…amazingly good!!

  73. Omg! Yummo.. I’ve always been against making my own roasted peppers.. but now I’m going to have to knock it out. THis just looks to good. AN you are totally right, in the oven > over the flame.. I love how tender and.. meaty they get! I might have to work on a pepper recipe next.. maybe roasted pepper foccacia?

  74. I made a dish similar to this last night – but instead of tossing the peppers with capers, parsley and mozzarella, I mixed them with oregano, basil and fontina. This combination of flavors looks great though – looking forward to trying it soon! :)

  75. Sandy

    I roast my peppers on the outside grill, or in the overnon broil when it is cold outside. If I have a lot of peppers, I freeze them after they have been roasted.

  76. Joy

    Why have I eaten so much of tomatoes and mozzarella but had not considered this kind of combination is beyond me. Loving your recipes, as always.

  77. roxlet

    I made the roasted peppers (sorry, but over the burner since it was 98 degrees the day I made them) and put them in the fridge to marinate. I’ve made plain old roasted peppers for years, but I usually make them with crushed cloves of garlic and some olive oil instead of the vinegar. I serve them with anchovies. When I tasted the peppers, they seemed very vinegary to me, so I drained off the vinegar and added olive oil. I also added cut up pieces of anchovies. And so the peppers sat in the refrigerator looking for a meal to go with. Yesterday, my husband suggested I make some pizza dough, which I did, and after it was risen, he grilled the rounds, topped them with the mozzarella, and then the peppers. Man, was that good! We served them cut into small triangles as a first course. We all were sorry that this was only the starter. We would have been happy with the pizzette and a salad. It was so effortless to make, and so delicious.

    1. PG

      I also found the peppers very vinegary after sitting in the fridge for 14 hours. I didn’t have red wine vinegar on hand so I used sherry vinegar — was that the problem?

  78. It was too hot to turn on the oven but hey, that’s what gas grills are for. Just be careful not to completely char the peppers, but over indirect heat for about 45 mins and then steam time under some foil and they were perfect.

    Thanks for a little inspiration!

  79. Hilary

    I made the roasted peppers and put them over arugula with the mozzerella. The peppery arugula went so well with the sweet peppers, and they acted as the dressing. YUM!

  80. Fantastic basic italian recipe, i love roast pepper, most of the time i use to roast and fill with 1 onion(finely diced)4 tbsp pine nuts 8 tbsp fresh white breadcrumbs -1bunch flat leaf parsley(chopped) -grated zest of 2 lemons – 25g sultanas(chopped)2 tbsp capers (rinsed and chopped)Cooking onion first perhaps you´d like toast the peanuts and then mix everything in a bowl and you have a great filling for your roast peppers

  81. Joanna

    Mmm, I made these last night and marinated the cheese in with the peppers (instead of adding it later). It was pretty great. I also didn’t add any oil–the peppers were plenty tender, moist, and flavorful.

    1. deb

      Ramps are wild leeks. They look like fatter scallions or green onions but they taste a bit sharper, and yet very green. It’s curious; I’m not describing them well. It takes a long time to cook the bulbs, so most cooks leave them a little crunchy. The greens are wonderful, not just wilty lettuces but they saute softly. The pizza (which is gone now, btw; ramp season is short though it was a bit longer this year) has a mix of the bulbs thinly slices and long slivers of the greens all over. They’re on top of a thin slick of a simple tomato puree. On top of the ramps there’s a breadcrumb-like sprinkling of Romano. And that’s it — no other cheese or spice. It’s fresh and wonderful and light, and I already miss it terribly.

  82. We used to make this at least weekly in summer. Only we ate them with rustic goat cheese or feta cheese. I love those peppers. BTW, if you really hate using an oven in summer, try using a cast iron skillet instead, at a fairly low temp. Same effect on peppers or eggplant, if you need to char them for further peeling. Believe me, it’s worth it, especially if you don’t have air conditioning (we didn’t).
    Ukrainian peppers are much smaller and shaped more like banana peppers, so we were roasting and marinating them whole, with stems. When you bite into one, the pickled pepper juice comes out and it’s out of this world.

  83. Lovely photo and it makes me want to drop everything and head to the kitchen to make this dish. You captured some of my very favorite ingredients! Happy to hear your toddler enjoys it so much, too.

  84. Kim in MD

    What a gorgeous photo! I agree with Hannah…I want to drop everything and make this NOW!

    I love the photo of Jacob! He clearly loves your fudge pops! :-)

  85. Elisa

    I made this the other day and loved it. I used the leftovers to make bruschetta: I broiled fresh mozzarella over little baguette slices and then draped the marinated peppers on top. It was delicious that way too. Thanks for another fabulous recipe, Deb!!

  86. lindsay

    I made this. I asked my husband if he liked it. I deciphered an “omigoshyes” through his stuffed mouth. There are only the two of us eating in my house (unless you count the dog) and we polished this off in two days. Yummy!

  87. made this- was wonderful. My peppers roasted almost too much- they were pretty soft. no matter. I also used it the next(had just a bit left over) day to make a cold pasta salad side dish of sorts–some gamelli pasta w/ just a tiny bit of tomato, more capers, cheese, etc….was delish! I love peppers. And the capers added just this perfect briney/acidic bite to temper the sweetness. Oh, and these were more tasty the second day.

  88. merrijane

    I had to bring a dish to a party and thought why not? I also violated my first rule of company food, never serve anything you’ve never made before. Good decision. We served it as sort of an appetizer and I cubed the fresh mozzarella and piled it in the center. Everyone raved and licked the platter clean and dipped up the remaining sauce with bread. Thanks, Deb. I had never roasted peppers before and was surprised at how easy they are to peel. Did have alittle trouble getting all the seeds off so if there is a trick I’d like to know it. I will make this again a lot.

  89. I’ve been wanting to make this recipe ever since the post went up, but finally had the chance to get around to it tonight. The peppers are marinating as I type, and I can’t wait to have it for lunch at work tomorrow.

    Modifications I made:
    1. In lieu of a baking pan (which my sublet does not have) I used two frying pans to place the peppers in.
    2. After peeling the skins and cutting the peppers into more manageable sections, I rinsed away any excess seeds. I discovered after doing a couple with little success in abolishing all the seeds. Worked beautifully!
    3. I added prosciutto and substituted balsamic for red wine vinegar (which I haven’t been able to find ANYWHERE.

    Anyways, thanks for the post!

  90. I really like those kind of peppers, i just got some really sweet ones .
    I have my husband roast them on the barbecue the other night and they really turned out great.

  91. I love roasted peppers and can’t wait to try this recipe. It looks delicious with the fresh mozzarella, but I bet it would also be good with some goat cheese crumbled on top. Thanks for sharing!

  92. Erin Auerbach

    Hi Deb! First off thanks so much for all the wonderful website, love the site! Im new to cooking and can’t seem to pull myself away from your site and cook anything else. One question about the peppers, mine came out pretty sloppy, a bit mushy and kind of fell apart when I was peeling them and then cutting them. Did I roast them too long? Any tips?

    Thanks again for everything!

    1. deb

      Erin — They might have roasted too long. It’s always a balancing act — getting them roasted enough that the skin peels but not so much that they fall apart. Also, some bells are thicker walled than others. The ones with thicker walls, of course, peel even better.

  93. Caitlin

    I made these this weekend – loved them! So simple, and yet so tasty. I’m normally not a roasted pepper fan either, but am glad I tried these. Doesn’t hurt that the only thing I had to go buy was the peppers! Thank you for another great recipe.

  94. bttrflybabydoll

    I just roasted red peppers in my oven the other day for the very first time. It was a wonderful experience that I will do again and again! And you just gave me a good reason to. I made hummus with mine, but this looks fabulous! Thanks!

  95. This is the first recipe from your blog that I’ve tried and it was just as perfect for summer as you described. We had a rainy spell where heating up the kitchen seemed reasonable, and then got to eat scrumptious sunshine on bread. Thanks for the recipe.

  96. GayeO

    Wow, this is the 2nd recipe I’ve tried from the Smitten Kitchen site and both have been keepers! I’ve made this three times now, experimenting each time. I found it much easier to seed and quarter the peppers, broil rather than roast them for 15 min. or so (skins will get black), then cover them for 20 minutes while they cool before removing the skins. (My first try yielded mushy peppers as someone else mentioned.) Also I found that 1/2 the vinegar was ample. This recipe is great for preparing ahead and then putting together at the last minute. Thanks so much for this beautiful site. Now, what should I try next?

  97. Meghan

    Hi, Deb: Please excuse the comment regarding a totally unrelated issues. In preparing for the arrival of my own little one, I’d like to create an assortment of bribery baked goods for the L&D and postpartum nurses. I know that you made cheesecake brownies and snickerdoodles – is there anything else? Both of these sound like big winners to me! Thhanks!!!

  98. i love roasted peppers! this is a great new take on them….had never thought about capers, but the choice seems so obvious now. they were great on our 4th of july table!

  99. Kathie

    We had roasted veggies over the weekend and my 15-month-old went nuts for them….and peppers are on sale this week so this is going on the menu! Awesome!

    As an aside, I hated vegetables until I was in my 20s. Both my kids would rather have them than meat (weirdos). I think I’m raising a couple vegetarians.

  100. Megan

    I (with some help) have eaten the hell out of 2 batches of this recipe in 1 week’s time. It is the single most enjoyable recipe from your blog I’ve made.

    The recipe made me recall something about marinated manchego cheese that I’d had somewhere once, so I popped that in with the vinegar (added lots extra) instead of mozzarella and let it hang around in there while the peppers were roasting and cooling.

    Ate some with crusty bread, some with crackers (ugh, stupid crackers that don’t sop) and combined leftovers with pasta. I ate the pasta iteration twice this week and am still thinking about it.

    In summation: thank you for this recipe.

  101. I made this a few days ago and I’m in love with this recipe. I let it marinate for 24 hours before eating it and the flavours were amazing. Thank you!!!

  102. I saw this on Flickr and had to check out the article. That mozzarella looks amazing. I totally agree with you on the antipasti summer meals. Sometimes it is just too hot to turn on the oven!

  103. Michelle

    Hi Deb! I’m a long-time follower of your site and a huge fan! Was wondering if you have any recommendations for the delicious juice the peppers release during roasting. Thanks!

  104. KellyP

    All I can say is yum! I just finished off some of this for lunch today with some leftover grilled chicken and it was amazing! When I made it last night I forgot that it needed to marinate for a while, and I really didn’t feel like waiting, so we ate it right away and it was still super delicious. Thanks for the great recipe Deb! I love your site!

  105. Laura

    I am a 20-year-old uni-student from Germany. For the last two years I#ve made an attempt to keep me and my flat mates from the typical unhealthy and kind of disgusting typical students food. This is my go-to site when i feel like experimenting and trying something new or just need a basic recipe.

    THIS recipe, out of all that I’ve tried so far (from banana bread over zucchini tart to tomato soup) that got me to finally write a comment:
    I think this is one of the recipes, that i will keep making for a long time. It is soooo easy and sooooo delicious at the same time.

    So thank you Deb, for this amazing blog, i hope your recipes will get me through my last uni-year as well :)

    lots of love from Germany!

  106. Sarah

    These were fantastic! I had gotten some beautiful red, orange and yellow peppers at my local farmer’s market and was wondering was I could do with them. This was just the ticket. I left out the capers because I didn’t have any on hand, but this was still a winner and I will definitely be making it again. Thanks for sharing such a fabulous recipe!

  107. jen

    I just discovered roasted red pepper tomato soup and thought, where have you been all my life?!? so I can well imagine how great this tastes.

  108. Bernadette

    Was looking for Just This Salad idea last year because tomatoes are Dreadful at this time of year, but I wanted to bring a Mozz Platter to Christmas Dinner. It went over So Well, I was asked to bring again. I’m adding Your Garbanzo Salad in a little heap in the middle of the platter, as there is a vegetarian or two in the group. And yes, I soaked and cooked my own, after reading your message on That topic, of using dried vs. canned. It was easy enough. Thanks for making me look brilliant, lol.

  109. tammy

    My husband hates vinegar and I often substitute lemon juice. Would that work with this recipe? I have lots and lots and lots of peppers from my CSA and this recipe looks yummmm!


    I don’t know what I did wrong but mine did not turn out as pretty or nice as the picture. I’m not sure if I overcooked but my peppers, after taking off the skins, were brown and very weepy. The end result was undefined peppers – much more like soupy. It tasted OK but I think I messed up something