
eggplant salad toasts

When it comes to bruschetta, I don’t know why tomatoes get all the love. Right next to them at the market, eggplant is sulking… or at least I’d be if I always got stiffed in the Breezy Light Summer Appetizer with Wine department by my fruity field buddies. I got thinking about an eggplant topping for garlic-rubbed, olive oil drizzled toasts last week when I was still on vacation and had nothing but the ocean’s horizon to consider for entire minutes of the day when this constantly-in-motion 11 month-old rested his eyes for a but all I knew is what I didn’t want: a puree, because while there are many great ones, there’s just so much gray and heavy about them and I didn’t want it to need tomatoes to make it work because hey, I love tomatoes but was insistent that eggplant can be awesome on its own.


It wasn’t until I was back in my kitchen this week (reunited with my very sharp knives) that I started puttering around with what I had on hand — namely some stragglers leftover from the previous week’s farmers market fest, some crumbly feta and purple scallions — to make the toasts happen. I roasted the eggplant, doused it with red wine vinegar, tossed everything together and piled it on toasts and this, this is the kind of mid-summer snack I want with my glass of wine. Oh man, I almost typed whine. Being back from vacation has been rough.


eggplant salad
to toast

If you’re in the kind of place where cooking something that doesn’t directly yield a dinner plan isn’t for you, I think there are a lot of ways to bulk this up. With some extra whisked up red wine vinegar and olive oil, it could make a great farro salad. You could also nest this in big cup-like leaves of butter lettuce (again, with extra dressing). I’m sensing some serious sandwich potential, possibly with a sliced hard-boiled egg or a couple slices of proscuitto. Throw in some whole wheat orzo (and maybe some capers or slivers of olives), and you’ve got an earnest pasta salad too. Or you can just eat the salad straight: we love a simple summer dinner spread of a salad like this, some olives and cornichons, cured meats and a sliced baguette, or pretty much anything that requires as little advanced planning as possible.

eggplant salad on toasts

One year ago: Peach Cupcakes with Brown Sugar Frosting and Melon Agua Fresca
Two years ago: Kefta and Zucchini Kebabs (these are among my top three favorite meatballs ever; you should make them!)
[New!] Four years ago: Chocolate Caramel Cheesecake

Eggplant Salad Toasts

Makes about 8 toasts; double the recipe if you’d like to eat the salad straight or use it in one of the ways suggested above

1 medium eggplant, about 3/4 pound, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
2 tablespoons olive oil plus additional for oiling baking sheet
1/4 teaspoon salt
Black pepper
1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
1/4 cup crumbled crumbled feta
1 scallion, thinly sliced
8 1/2-inch slices of baguette, brushed with olive oil (I used 1-inch slices in the photos, then decided they were too thick)
1 small clove garlic, peeled and halved

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Lightly oil a baking sheet or roasting pan. Toss eggplant, 2 tablespoons olive oil, salt and a generous amount of black pepper together in a medium bowl until evenly coated. Spread on prepared baking sheet and roast for about 25 minutes, moving pieces around occasional so they evenly brown. For a cold salad, let the eggplant cool a bit before mixing it with red wine vinegar, feta and scallion. For a warm salad where the feta glues itself to the eggplant a bit, toss the vinegar, feta and scallion together when the eggplant just comes out of the oven. You’ll want to eat the warm salad quickly.

Broil or toast baguette slices then rub them with a garlic clove before heaping on eggplant salad.

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267 comments on eggplant salad toasts

  1. linda

    simply quite lovely…i LOVE eggplant… thanks for all the variations!

    1. your constantly in motion jacob is so cute…thanks for always sharing w/us
    2. like the NEW “four years ago” recipe tab!

  2. Okay, this looks delicious. I’ve had a few eggplants the last few weeks, and have been doing the same darn things with them. Thanks for this idea! Plus, my homemade baba never tastes as good as restaurant bought, but this, THIS might just take the cake :-)

  3. I was just feeling the same way about bruschetta. Then I saw a recipe that called for peaches and ricotta instead of tomatoes. Now this! I can’t wait to make it. It looks like the perfect summer meal to me. I might add some roasted red bell peppers to the mix.

  4. Aubergine tastes so delicious roasted. Great idea for a bruschetta.
    Oh, by the way. I already made the ribs you featured recently twice. They are outstanding! My family goes crazy over them. Even tried it with buffalo ribs. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe, Deb.
    Greetings from Colorado. Kirsten

  5. I’m thinking someone has a birthday coming up soon…I know right, seems like only yesterday! just sayin’ you may want to start looking for the perfect birthday cake recipe!

    It is so hard to leave the ocean…{sigh}

  6. What a great way to use eggplant, roasted eggplant is probably my favorite.

    It’s funny to see this because last night my husband just informed me that
    he has NEVER tried eggplant – I told him this would be resolved very soon – fate to see this, maybe?!?!

  7. Beth

    I made a similar creation this week! Sliced whole wheat baguette with chopped but not processed homemade pesto and half a mini roasted eggplant. So pretty and delicious.

  8. yaaay I have eggplant and butter lettuce from my farm delivery bounty. will turn this into a salad. and tomatoes get all the love for bruschetta because bruschetta made properly with good olive oil and fresh tomatoes is earth stoppingly in-cred-ible. but that’s just the “i lived in italy for three months” food snob in me talking.

  9. Why have I never thought of eggplant salad?! What an awesome idea…. Especially as bruschetta! Definitely trying this the next time I get the urge to serve bruschetta at a party. Looks beautiful, too!

  10. Susan

    Believe it or not, I’m new to eggplant. It all started this year with Thai food (green curry) and now I’ve been eyeing them at the farmers mkt wondering how to prepare it so it’s not so mushy in the middle. Does it stay somewhat firm in this prep?

  11. ooops, almost forgot the eggplant salad toasts look amazing, I am making them tomorrow for a get together we are having, as a matter of fact you should be invited, most of the menu consists of Smitten Kitchen recipes {guess you will be there in spirit}! Deb, thanks for so many lovely recipes.

  12. Colleen

    I think that I might need to add a handful of walnuts and a few capers. So wonderful to have a new idea for the CSA eggplant!!! The tomatoes roasted with the croutons and cheese from a few weeks ago was fantastic and will be made again this week with this week’s abundance of tomatoes.

  13. Yum! If you love this, maybe also try Ina Garten’s eggplant dip. Her recipe calls for making it into a puree- but I often don’t and its delicious as a bruschetta topping too. Thanks for a great recipe Deb!

  14. Jendorf

    Yum! I’ve made something just like this before, but it did have some tomatoes in it also. . .I’ll have to give this one a spin!

    1. deb

      cs — No shallots. I used purple scallions though — so pretty!

      RobynB — No radishes. I used purple scallions. (I mention purple scallions in the post.)

  15. Nicole

    I’ve had a CSA eggplant lounging in my crisper for a week. And every time I open it it calls “pick me!!”, but I’ve been uninspired. Thanks for providing eggplant inspiration! Had an extra shelf in my convection oven as I roasted potatoes – and it is roasting as we speak!

  16. Awww man! Just yesterday I used the eggplant I got in my CSA! Otherwise, I’ve got all the other ingredients on hand. Might just have to make a trip to Whole Foods to pick up another so I can make this. Either way, it’s been bookmarked!

  17. This looks fabulous! I have only had eggplant once before, and didn’t find it too appealing. This, I think, will be eggplant’s second chance!

  18. Deb,

    Love eggplant. Love your blog. Love sharp knives.

    You’re missing a word in the third sentence (and WHAT.A.SENTENCE!) here at this point: “constantly-in-motion 11 month-old rested his eyes for a (______) but all I knew…”

    After I try it a first time, as written, what would you say to my adding olives?? Whole thing puts me in mind of Prismik, a wonderful Jewish eggplant and tomato (and other summer vegetables) salad I was introduced to by an Italian friend and his amazing Jewish wife. Have you heard of that? (I ask because I googled and didn’t find ANY reference, which seems weird. Surely a girl from Utah isn’t the sole possessor of a Jewish salad recipe. That’s sooooooo not right!)

    Have a great day, Deb!

  19. Heck, yeah! We’ve been inhaling a pureed version similar to this all week (eggplant blackened on the grill, with loads of fresh lemon juice and parm in place of the feta), and a big-hunk version, grilled, with feta and mint, on alternate days. This will be the obviously-missing middle child.

  20. Omar

    Ahh.. purple scallions. I also thought they were radishes. Umm.. this was a great idea and super tasty. I used Farmer’s Cheese as that’s what I had on hand. Bruschetta is great anytime, anyplace!!

  21. Ann

    I love this idea! It’s so simple, and yet I’ve never heard of it from others.

    If you like eggplant, a very simple salad can be made from roasted eggplant, roasted tomatoes, and roasted bell peppers, all sliced, mixed with slightly sweetened soy sauce and lime juice. Refridgerate and serve chilled, with a sprinkle of sesame seeds and parsley. It’s one of my summer favorites.

  22. I love this idea! It’s so simple, and yet I’ve never heard of it from others.
    If you like eggplant, a very simple salad can be made from roasted eggplant, roasted tomatoes, and roasted bell peppers, all sliced, mixed with slightly sweetened soy sauce and lime juice. Refridgerate and serve chilled, with a sprinkle of sesame seeds and parsley. It’s one of my summer favorites.

  23. lauren

    I can’t wait to make this! If you were going to make this as an appetizer, what kind of main course would you pair it with?

  24. Symphonic Chef

    Looks great, and I love Amanda (#48)’s idea of using this to top pizza. I usually use large wheels or wedges of eggplant on pizza, but this might be better!

  25. I’ll admit to not being a fan of eggplant…but I think this has convinced me to give it another go. I’ve made something very similar with olives and roasted peppers. Do you think you could add some olives to this without messing up the overall taste? I’ve been making an effort to try more things that I’ve said in the past that I didn’t really like. Question – just to be sure…you keep an eggplant in the fridge when you buy it?

  26. jeannie

    Perfect timing! Eggplant was not on my list at the Green City Market in Chi-town yesterday but when I saw the eggplant it just looked to vibrant to pass up. This a great idea. My only problem I run into with eggplant is that if it doesn’t cook enough it is like eating a sponge but once it passes that point, it turns into gooey deliciousness. Great photos too!!!!!!!!!!

  27. This sounds tasty. I love finding new eggplant recipes and I’ve been experiementing with all sorts of orzo salads so I like the idea of this for bruschetta and how versatile it can be for pizza and orzo. Great suggestions from you and the commentors. Ummm…now olives is a favorite and capers are growing on me…I think I need to make this and then experiments with the others. Thanks for always making me so hungry early in the morning.

  28. Thanks for including the suggestions to flesh this out into a meal. I’m definitely in that place where it’s hard to find time to make things that don’t yield dinner, but I love being able to test out something that would make a great side or appetizer for entertaining. Very helpful

  29. Now this is the way to make eggplant shine! You’re right – this pretty veggie deserves more attention. I appreciate the extra ideas for ways to use the eggplant salad – farro salad sounds particularly good.

  30. jay

    Looks great! And thanks for not writing the recipe w/purple scalion… :)

    I make an eggplant salad w/pureed oven-roasted eggplant and garlic, and then stir in roughly chopped roasted red pepper, parsley, salt, pepper and greek ev olive oil. I bet with your treatment this too would be good w/feta on bruschetta!

  31. Love the idea of something different on bruschetta, as I just spent two days eating tomato bruschetta. I was also thinking of shaking it up with zucchini, and/or tarragon. But your pictures are lovely. I agree about not wanting to roast and puree the beautiful little eggplants that are out there right now!

  32. RachelG

    I am definitely going to try this! I grew 2 little eggplants in my tiny garden they have been very fruitful! I have tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and tons of basil…everything else died lol! I have no idea what to do w/ eggplant though, not a veg I grew up with at all…and really did not realize they would be quite so abundant!

  33. Binnie

    Dear Deb,
    As a former art director and assistant art director for Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, Betty Crocker Cookbooks, and countless freelance assignments involving food shoots, your food photos top the list!
    I frequently print your recipes – your pictures are wonderful – and I have a very large collection!
    Recently, I subscribed to Bon Appetit Magazine, and I was so disappointed at the quality of the photos and the layout as well.
    Now that you will have a little free time as the baby grows up (ha!) maybe you could show them how food photography should be done!
    Lots of luck and love,
    Binnie Weissleder
    Arlington, VT

  34. Marla

    love your photos (esp. Jacob!) what about using the baguette as croutons and doing an eggplant version of bread salad? you could also include tomatoes, if you’re not still too prejudiced!

  35. gingin

    This looks great! We made a somewhat similar zucchini bruschetta with zucchini as the star ingredient, some chopped tomato, onion, balsamic, olive oil, s+p, and with goat cheese as the big finish. So fresh and light tasting.

  36. WOW Deb this looks uterly gorgeous. I especially have a soft spot for such posts of yours. Just last week I tried the creamed mushrooms with corn on toast and everyone raved about it. I happily declared that the recipe is from Smitten Kitchen!

  37. elisabeth

    Yo’ve done it again! I’ve been wondering what I would do with the eggplant I had bought at the farmers market. I woke up this morning and saw your post. I just made your recipe with fresh goat cheese (also from the farmers) and added fresh oregano and thyme. We ate it with eggs and toast. Absolutely delicious.

  38. This is great. We have been getting eggplants regularly in our weekly CSA box, and are in need of good eggplant recipes. Last night we made a really yummy side dish of honey garlic roasted eggplant. Your Eggplant Salad Toasts are now next on our list! Thank you Deb!!

    1. deb

      emily — Are you in NYC? If so, I’ve seen it everywhere from Whole Foods to Italian markets to … yeah, things aren’t hard to find in NYC. We’re a little spoiled!

  39. Oh my gosh, as someone who loves bruschetta but not always tomatoes, this looks amazing! I love eggplant, and I always love seeing a new way to use it besides the old stand-by parmesan/baba ganoush/stuffed recipes.
    I’m thinking I might have to make up a big batch of this and use it throughout the week for lunches.

  40. AT

    I made this today with the eggplants I bought at the farmer’s market last week, but left to rot in the fridge, as I picked every other veggie I had to cook with instead. All I can say is next week, I’ll be using the eggplants first! YUM!!

  41. Your blog is stunning. Always always always my go to blog for recipes and creative ideas. You’re fabulous at what you do, and you can see how much you love it.

  42. Kim in MD

    This looks amazing, Deb! I thought I saw radishes in the photo, but re-read the post (and comments) and saw that you used purple scallions! I have never seen purple scallions…they are such a pretty addition to this dish! Oh- and Jacob is so adorable!

  43. Jessica

    How do you always just know the perfect recipes to post?! Amazes me each time. I have made these 4 times this weekend. Delicious and so simple. Thanks!

  44. I am inlove with aubergines. I have just bought about 7 last night for a particular dish, but i think i am going to have to spare a couple to make this. I totally agree with you about the bruschetta and tomatoes. This looks just as good and tastes even better! LOVELY!!!!

  45. Zachary’s momom

    I added couscous and some cherry tomatoes to make a great side dish with roasted salmon. This eggplant recipe is great

  46. I have this rule about only eating eggplant once a year. I grow 1 plant, eat 1 eggplant from it and give away the rest. With my 1 eggplant, I make a fried eggplant, fresh mozz, and tomato + basil sandwich. It’s awesome. But after seeing your recipe, I wanted to test the waters and eat 2 eggplant in 1 summer! Crazy, I know! So I made this, and for some reason, I thought the purple scallions were radishes. Once I read the recipe I learned they weren’t, but I couldn’t get the idea out of my head, so I added razor-thin slices of radish to this and it was excellent. (I still used a green scallion in addition.)

    That was a long way to say thanks for getting me to eat more than 1 eggplant a year! :)

  47. Steph

    Oh man. Made this last night as part of a “bruschetta trio” that also included a classic tomato-basil and your creamed mushrooms on toast recipe from December 2009. It was heavenly. My friends and I celebrated the last night of summer vacation in style. Thank you thank you thank you, Deb.

  48. Renee

    So glad to see a new eggplant recipe. We received SIX of them in our CSA share this past week (up from the recent week’s four). Our farm is having a definite bumper crop of them this year. I tried to steam and puree for the babe last night, but after three spoons he spit it out and closed his lips tight. Guess he’ll not be the way to rid myself of extra eggplants. Also- made your grilled eggplant pizza but sustituted olives for crumbled bacon to satisfy my picky husband. We are now addicted to grilled pizza!

  49. @ Renee- My 12 mo old loves eggplant with garlic!

    Yet another reason to mourn the pathetic garden of 2010. No homegrown eggplants…they never moved past the flowering stage, despite all the prodding.

    Wish I could find a GF baguette that looks as delectable as the one in the photos…Sigh.

  50. This is also my favorite way to treat eggplant before tossing it with an interesting pasta. Much meatier, nicer to look at, plays well with other vegetables … YUM!

  51. We are just starting to get eggplant from our CSA, and I’ll admit that neither my boyfriend and I are big fan. But maybe a preparation like this will be good for us, force us to really confront eggplant, and hey, who can say no to something neatly piled on crusty bread with olive oil?

  52. I haven’t had a good taste in my mouth about eggplant for a while, but recently I had a ratatouille at Sundance with eggplants that were incredible. I’m changing my mind, slowly…

  53. I love eggplant so much, and find that sometimes I’m the only person that makes it!! It’s good to see other people give it some love. My little purple friend.

  54. Poor eggplants. They don’t get any respect. Even from me…and I’m a vegan. I respect them when other people cook them, but just haven’t ventured into having them as a staple in our many home-cooked meals. That will all change now, thanks to your post. I think I just needed some gentle nudging and your post did the trick. Thanks!

  55. Kate

    So tasty! Even my non-eggplant-eating husband thought this was delicious! I added in prosciutto and capers, and meant to serve this with garlicky croutons, all tossed together with a red wine vinaigrette, like a bread salad, but the croutons went into the scalloped tomatoes instead and I couldn’t find my vinaigrette that I had made… so I’m having it for lunch today with some quinoa, and can’t wait to eat it again and again!

  56. This recipe looks delicious! I just tried making your creamed mushroom on toast and your olive artichoke crostini for a party I went to this weekend. It was SOOO good! I’m looking forward to trying this one next!

    I’m new to commenting on your blog, but I’ve been reading it over the last year and am in love with it! You inspired me to start a blog of my own. Your blog is beautiful and genius… thank you for providing me with inspiration to keep trying new things in the kitchen. :)

  57. just gorgeous. i absolutely love your blog and am preparing to make your ‘best birthday cake’ for my son’s first on saturday. thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful fooding experiences in such an inspiring way.

  58. srs1972

    Oooooh, this one is a keeper! Just made it with the two Chinese eggplants that have been languishing in the bottom of the veg drawer. I had to substitute a handful of chives because I ran out of scallions last night. The flavors are right on and the eggplant is so creamy and delicous! This is a great recipe for my newly diabetic husband- he is going to love it! Thank you!

  59. Barefootcookingirl

    Oh, what lovely photos! I just recently found your site and love, love, love it! Love your idea to put this on toasts! I make a similar recipe in cooler weather, but add oregano to the aubergine (eggplant) before roasting, then after it cools enough to be eaten as a salad, I add pomegranite seeds. I can’t wait to try your version on garlic toasts!

  60. Julie

    Made for dinner last night. A fruit and vegetable stand by my house had beautiful eggplants for 50 cents each. Followed your recipe exactly and added a couple things: Crimini mushrooms to the roasting pan and a handful of Oregano at the end. Also topped with a little bit of Rosemary-infused salt at the end. Almonds or pine-nuts would be good in this too. Great, easy meal for a warm summer night. May have to make more! Thanks!

  61. Alexis

    I read the first part of your post on my phone, and didn’t realize you’d already supplied something very close to the variation I came up with after finding the original roasted eggplant & feta idea stuck in my head: eggplant tabbouleh! It didn’t come out that close to tabbouleh in the end; I changed it all up with cilantro & balsamic vinegar, and no onion or garlic. But it’s great — I’m eating it for lunch now.

  62. I made this last evening with eggplant from the garden. We ate it as a side salad with the corn pancakes (savory style). A Smitten Kitchen dinner for sure! Both were wonderful. I look forward to trying this eggplant dish in many ways.

  63. CarebearNJ

    Just made this for pre-dinner snack and it was awesome! I didn’t roast the eggplant the full 25 minutes (stopped at 20) as it was sufficiently browned, but I did cut the pieces pretty small. Used my mundane green scallion and it still looked really pretty and was totally delicious!

  64. My friend’s mom makes this eggplant salad that just blows your mind. It’s a fusion between Brazilian and Japanese cuisine and well…I need to get the recipe. Your post made me remember it!

  65. rachel

    ha! i’m so delighted that the kefta is one of your favorite meatballs. meatballs are not really my cup of tea but that recipe has become so important for me. time/schedule/life hasn’t allowed me to commence my intended cook-through-the-best-of-gourmet-issue project as yet but i fully intend to bug you about my progress once it starts. in the meantime i’ll keep trying to find time/schedule/life to cook all the variations on this i already make in this time in my bit of the earth that allows for copious eggplant consumption at this time of year. yours sounds rather tasty.
    ps i was in ny a couple weeks ago and thought of your baby as i nearly sweated myself a size smaller. not fun – kudos to him for staying photogenic throughout…..

  66. Robyn

    Your photos are lovely; I especially enjoy the last one where you can see the purple scallions. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for those, they are beautiful!

  67. Eating it for lunch this very minute. I brought some Panettone (or whatever you call those toast crisps for lazy people) but am eating it warm right out of the tupperware right now. Last night I put it on top of some spinach and it filled me right up.

  68. WineGirl

    I noticed in your picture above your “Recipe” section that you have one of my favorite books… “Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant.” So fitting, and so funny! I’ll be makiing this for dinner tonight, just me and my eggplant alone in the kitchen!

  69. Jody

    Just made this tonight and it was so wonderful! The roasting and the balsamic vinegar tranform the eggplant into something phenomenal. Thanks!

  70. Amy Joy

    I made this! It’s one of the best things I’ve ever put on bread. I did want to eat it quickly. I also wanted to eat all of it. I refrained and it will be lunch.

    I also wanted to let you know that, while I live in France, home to many wonders in cuisine, I never fail to amaze the Frenchies whenever I use one of your recipes. That is quite a testament to your skills, SmittenKitchen.

    A sucré side-note:
    I’m up to my ears in Quetsche (or Italian or Sugar–whichever name you prefer) and Mirabelle plums; it’s high plum season in Alsace and my friends generously offered to let me take MANY kilos from their trees if I helped them with the picking. After a solid week of plums, there are indeed visions of them dancing in my head and I believe that I was the generous one. I’m getting burned out on eating them, freezing and jam-making so I decided to do a plum search on your site. Result? Right now a (Mirabelle) Plum Kuchen is rising. Thanks again for the inspiration.

  71. CiCi

    Oh Yum! Sulking eggplant never looked so delicious!

    Could you have missed a word in this sentence: “11 month-old rested his eyes for a but all I knew”

  72. K

    We made this last night and piled it into a pita pocket spread with hummus — it was fantastic! Thanks for the great and simple recipe.

  73. andrea

    just made this recipe and added a bulb of roasted garlic. I smooshed it with the red wine vinegar and tossed the eggplant in it before serving. Very good!

  74. I made this last night and it was delicious as the salad version. We added a fresh chopped tomato and put on leaf of lettuce. Love how simple the recipe is. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  75. Cor

    This is seriously so amazing and simple, I made it last night and couldn’t get enough. And cheap to make! Totally going to make it again over the weekend, thankyouthankyouthankyou.

  76. Sarah G.

    In a fit of eggplant-y craving, I made this tonight but substituted fresh mozzarella because it was what I had. Obviously a much more muted flavor I’m sure than yours, but still delicious. Thanks for the recipe – it’s a winner!

  77. Michele

    I recently discovered your gorgeous website and I love it! I whipped these up the other day and brought them to a baseball game and amazed my friends with ’em. I’m a recent eggplant convert and this was my second time cooking them. I added some mushrooms to the roasting pan just because I needed to use them up. This will be made again! You are an inspiration.

  78. Pau

    OMG just did this today and its SOOOOO good! perfect way to spend a friday afternoon with the hubby chillaxin’.
    I’m obsessed with your website lol, i did 3 of your recipes this week.

  79. jo

    Will someone recommend a good brand of red wine vinegar? The last one I bought tasted as if it had been diluted with water. I can’t seem to find a really good one,
    This looks great especially for those of us in the SW who cannot wait for some cooler weather – anything under 100 degress will be welcome. Thanks.

  80. Maria J.

    like Amy Joy (#164) above, I came to your site while in search of a good plum cake recipe, and am planning to make yours (or yours/Gourmet’s) tomorrow. Poking about further, I saw your photo of the eggplant cubes, and thought, “She was in my kitchen last night!”

    For all the folks wondering what to do with eggplant, please PLEASE try Pasta alla Norma, or Spaghetti Norma, or some version of “Norma,” which is sauteed (roasted) eggplant with a fresh tomato sauce (generally w basil, sometimes also oregano; garlic, and sometimes also onion, sometimes red pepper flakes) and cubed ricotta salata. Make the eggplant cubes small enough, and eggplant haters won’t realize it’s in there– they’ll just wonder what makes it the tastiest dish they’ve ever had. There are loads of recipes on the web.

    The ultimate place to look for more on eggplant is the amazing Ashbury’s Augergines ( It’s been around for ages– about a million recipes, but be aware that they’re contributed to the site, and not necessarily TESTED by Mme. Aubergine herself, so you must use your own judgement. Still, loads of ideas for using that eggplant that looked so glorious in the store, but is about to get all brown and pitted in the fridge.

  81. I made a similar kind of eggplant salad a couple of months ago while I was holidaying in Greece. Never thought of turning into some bruschetta though – that’s a brilliant idea. Love your suggestion also of serving in cups of butter lettuce. Thanks for the inspiration.

  82. HazelShade

    This was delicious! I threw in some basil I had laying around and ended up eating it as a salad because I was too impatient to make the toasts!

  83. I totally agree that tomatoes get too much “cred” for the almight success of a bruschetta. I love the eggplant recipe here and have made an almost exact one but with wild mushrooms instead. Heaven.

  84. This was great! I had garden eggplant hanging out needing to be used and I ended up adding in all the leftover extras in my fridge which included chopped orange and yellow bell peppers, black olives, cherry tomatoes (I know the idea was to not use tomatoes or fuss up the eggplant, but these needed using…) and since I didn’t have scallion, I just grated some plain onion. Used all the other recipe ingredients plus some fresh oregano and extra oil and vinegar to cover all the veggies. It was awesome – thank you!

  85. As a poor college student I subsist primarily on cheap fast food or something that I can unwrap and stuff in my mouth as I walk to class. I try to class up my diet from time to time and this recipe caught my eye. I’ve never really eaten eggplant but I can say that this recipe alone will make my buy it on whim– so easy and SO GOOD! Who knew eggplant was this delightful all along?

  86. Kellie B

    I made this last night it was delicious! My vegetarian boyfriend loved it so much, I definitely forsee making it again and again, maybe even over couscous to make it more of a main course.

  87. Suah L

    Hi! I wanted to say that this recipe is so simple and delicious. I’m only fifteen years old and was easily able to whip this up for a quick snack. Your blog never fails me!

  88. This looks fantastic! I love that you reintroduce eggplant to bruschetta. I’ve been using roasting a ton of eggplant this summer-especially with mint and goat cheese as I did on grilled pizza- and I’m excited to try this next.

  89. Hayley

    this is a wonderful, wonderful base. i love salad and am still infatuated with barely boiled thin slices of zucchini, also i had juicy tomatoes from the farmers’ mkt; so i added the zucchini and cubed tomato to the roasted eggplant cubes and feta, and whisked some grated garlic to the vinegar to add a bit of a zing. and the result is just so amazing. the eggplant and zucchini add a whole new dimension to the salad texture-wise, and the whole thing just screams ‘summer’!! today i have added fresh sweet corn to the mix, tomorrow i shall add celery, after that i have spinach, artichoke hearts, etc etc.. to try. can’t wait.

  90. sic

    Very tasty, but salty! When I make again, I will not add salt during the roasting process. The feta is salty enough for the whole dish. This was a party pleaser! Thanks for another wonderful recipe!

  91. Royce

    This summer I decided that I would try an expand on the number of vegetables and fruit I use in my cooking. I decided that Eggplant would be one of the experiments. All summer I have been trying different combinations and methods of cooking. I had never thought to use it in this format and as soon as I read you post I couldn’t believe I had never thought doing this. Needless to say, I did make it my own and served it for get together last night to great acclaim. Here are the changes I made:

    1 medium eggplant, about 3/4 pound, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
    4 tablespoons olive oil plus additional for oiling baking sheet
    1 tsp kosher salt
    1/4 tsp Cracked Black pepper
    1/4 cup crumbled crumbled feta
    1/2 c diced red onion
    2 medium garlic cloves finely chopped
    8 1/2-inch slices of baguette, brushed with olive oil (I used 1-inch slices in the photos, then decided they were too thick)

    Thank you for the inspiration – i will be using this and devising further variations going forward!


  92. Eileen

    Thank you, this inspired another attempt at eggplant… success! I picked the skinniest looking ones in all shades of purple (and white!) diced small with yellow squash, and it was delicious. Maybe I’ll even plant some next year :)

  93. Kelly

    These were even great reheated! I topped the bread, popped it in the fridge, then into the oven it went the next day for a snack. I’d even say they were better the second time around. :)

  94. Eggplant is fantastic when it’s roasted. I have to be careful because if I eat too much of it I end up with a sore mouth. I think I’m allergic but I can tolerate a normal serving. It’s the whole “going back for seconds” scenario that gets me.

    Great recipe. Are those radishes or shallots on top? Either way that color really pops. Thanks for the inspiration!

  95. belgianendive

    Made this recipe twice last weekend. First day made the toast, second day had the salad, and on the third day I added leftover to scrambled eggs for breakfast. I am addicted!

  96. Maiki

    I’ve made this about three times since you posted it.. The last time I also roasted zucchini, squash, and tomatoes and tossed with pasta. Super simple, yet SO good, and even better the next day for lunch. Thank you!!

  97. I just made this for lunch today. My husband loves eggplant, but I am not really a fan. It’s been coming in our CSA so I’m finding new ways I can eat it. This recipe made me WANT to eat eggplant! I love how the little cubes get crispy on the outside and have a soft, pillowy texture inside. My husband and I would like to try making it into a main dish salad by adding lentils and couscous. Thanks for a great, simple recipe!

  98. btown

    YUM. Made this the other day – well, a variation – I used what we had on hand. Instead of scallions I used finely chopped red onion, and instead of red wine vinegar (all they had at the store was Progresso, which I don’t like very much) I used balsamic. IT WAS SO GOOD I CAN’T WAIT TO HAVE IT AGAIN. Really, if I thought I could get away with it, I would have served it for dinner 4 or 5 nights this week. Instead I made the zucchini galette which was also DELICIOUS. Next up: Thai Chicken. CAN NOT WAIT.

  99. Larry of Rochester

    Deb – Made this last week another great recipe from you. I just wanted the shout out that a light bulb came on while I was eating it. Why not add the roasted eggplant and feta to your smashed chickpea recipe. This weekend, I tired it sans the black olives – WOW!! Delish.

  100. Jenna

    O my gosh Deb! This was so delicious. I confess, I wasn’t all that enthused to make this, but needed to use up some eggplant I bought. I take back all my doubts. This was my first time cooking with eggplant and I’m glad this was the recipe I picked. So good! I think I could eat this for a week straight.

  101. joant

    Zowie! Is that a word? I love eggplant but have never had much luck with the recipes I’ve tried…until now. Side dish, salad, bruschetta, sandwich….”whatevah” … as we say here in nyc. Now the Big question: Can I get fat from eating the entire thing for dinner? :) It’s dishes like this that make me want to become a vegetarian. Thanks, Deb. A good one. JT

  102. KellieV

    This was awesome! I did the exact same thing as Maiki above – added some other veggies and tossed it with pasta. The second time I served it over quinoa. I may just have to get the bread and make it the proper way the third time. =)

  103. I found this recipe looking for a way to use up some eggplant in my fridge. I made this and absolutely fell in love (even my husband who doesn’t like eggplant ate it without complaint). I ended up buying more eggplant to make it again (this time for my brothers who also “don’t like” eggplant). I think I’m going to make it for a third time this week for a dinner party I’m having. Thanks for a great, easy, healthy recipe!

  104. Rachel

    Thanks for the inspiration! I made this recipe tonight but instead grilled the eggplant (covered in olive oil, truffle salt, and crushed garlic). I added in some pine nuts to the mix, and we topped some local olive bread with the warm salad mix… delish! Big hit with our dinner guests!

  105. Cheery

    I have been wanting to make this since you posted it but haven’t got round to it yet!! Looks like tomorrow will be the perfect chance, as I’ve got a couple of friends coming round for lunch….I’m thinking pitta, houmous, eggplant salad and an onion/tomato platter to freshen it up…..this sounds good!! Thank you!

  106. Jess

    Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! I made this last night and was blown away by how wonderful it was. Every recipe I have made from your site has quickly become my new favorite….I have also managed to impress by boyfriend repeated with your amazing recipes. Thanks again!

  107. nb

    we made this into panini on ciabatta bread and it was delicious! didn’t even need anything else, just the eggplant salad itself.

  108. Ena

    I don’t eat eggplant as I never liked it but I made this last weekend and it is so unbelievably good!!! It is definitely going to be on my menu regularly.

  109. Eliza

    It’s hard to evaluate this recipe, since I made it with a homemade goat feta, but… I think it could be really good and simple. I just didnt care for the goat feta and it seemed to over-shadow our eggplant.

  110. K

    I made this using sauteed leeks in place of the scallions and adding some fresh mint to make up for the lack of fresh scallions. I’d previously made it just the way you state in the recipe, and both versions are outstanding (we ate it inside pita pockets)!

  111. Deb –

    I made this with balsamic (b/c that’s what i had, instead of red wine vinegar), and tossed in sliced almonds (toasted in olive oil) at the end. It was so phenomenal. Thanks for the great idea! I’m going to do it with zucchini as well.

  112. Fanya


    omg. As someone who just started cooking for myself, I was depressed/annoyed about complicated recipes, but yours is always a win. The eggplant bits are delicious right out of the oven even without the dressing! I had a hard time stop nibbling on it before the dressing and was sorely disappointed that a 1lb eggplant only produced a bowl full of nibbles.

  113. Fanya

    p.s. this is delicious even 3 days after. I peeled it cuz I’m paranoid about chemicals. It’s a bit oily so I added chopped carrots and corn to it for a hearty meal. I also used 1tbsp of Parmesan instead of feta cuz parm’s the only cheese I’ve got and it’s 1 month expired *cough*. Anyways, super tasty and no real cooking needed after the roasting. This is going into my summer lazy cooking day food file.

  114. Leslie

    I discovered your page here last year. It is my absolute favorite!! I can’t grow enough eggplant now! :)
    So simple so easy and really can be put on anything.

  115. Vashon Island

    Exquisite! I used sweet walla walla onion instead of the scallions, added red pepper flakes to the eggplant before roasting and then added chopped parsley to add some color and flavor. Wow!

  116. wjbk

    Made this recipe last night just as written, using a gorgeous locally grown eggplant. Sensational, not to mention virtually without work. The garlic-rubbed toasts really make the dish. Thanks, Deb!

  117. Katie

    we cannot stop eating this! i’ve made it three times in the last three weeks, and we’ve stopped putting it on toast…we just snag spoonfuls of it when we walk past the kitchen. i feel like it’s even better the next day.

  118. JT

    Deb – I haven’t made this for a very long time, but I’ve been hankering for it. Although I didn’t have feta (and wanted to use up some goat cheese) – let me just say….again: Thank you! Such a favorite of mine. :)

  119. sarah

    Hands down, my new favorite way to eat eggplant. I love that this preparation doesn’t require tons of oil, like most eggplant recipes do. I served it on some rosemary flatbread crackers instead of toast. Yum!

  120. Alison

    This seems like almost a non-recipe, but I’m glad I followed it because it’s SO DELICIOUS. P.S. Deb – Your Eggplant Barley Salad is what convinced my boyfriend he didn’t hate eggplant after all, and I am very grateful.

  121. Kris

    A really nice easy recipe! I think it would be nice pulsed a couple times in a food processor with a bit of roasted garlic, to break the whole thing up into smaller bits. I just had it as a light dinner with rice, bread and salad – a really easy one-person meal.

  122. Valerie

    I just tried this with zucchini (I love it with eggplant, but mine had gone mushy), which I seared on a grill pan, and it was FANTASTIC. An extremely versatile and easy recipe, thanks!

  123. Kira

    I thought I hated eggplant! I got 2 little beautiful ones in my CSA box and I had to do Something with them. This was so delicious and sooo easy. Ate all of it with TJ’s garlic naan and now I’m plotting a way to pick up more eggplant tomorrow. Thank you Deb!

  124. Kailee

    This is an absolute delicious recipe. I took your suggestion for bulking it up with some farro, and it was wonderful. I’ll be doubling it up next time for a few good lunches.

  125. Gloucester

    I made this going the grain salad route you suggested: cooked wheat berries, extra vinaigrette, chives, shallot, fresh corn kernels, and kalamata olives (had no scallions or feta). So good!

  126. Lizzie

    Hey Deb, I just made this recipe, but roasting my eggplant like this made them extremely mushy/soggy. In hindsight, I think I should have salted them beforehand to get rid of the excess moisture, but since you didn’t instruct that here I thought I wouldn’t have to. Just thought I’d give you a heads up–your recipes always work so flawlessly for me so its surprising when things don’t work out.

    1. deb

      Hi Lizzie — Were the pieces close enough together that they may have steamed instead of roasting? That said, eggplant, even mine, does roast up soft inside. It should be crisp on the outside when it is done, however.

  127. Lizzie

    I might have crowded the pan a bit, yeah. I also might have just had an older eggplant or something. Regardless, I roasted a 2nd eggplant where I salted it ahead of time to drain out some moisture, and it improved the texture a lot. I think I will always do that from now on.

  128. Simple and scrumptious for a summer supper! I subbed white wine vinegar and added a handful of sliced cherry tomatoes that were languishing in the fridge and slivered basil for good measure.

  129. Meg

    I’ve made this a few times, and today threw in some steamed and salted edamame (shelled, of course) to add a little more substance. It added some great additional texture too. Highly recommended!

  130. Jess

    This was so good!! Thanks for another great recipe Deb! Getting everything from the farmer’s market really pushed this one over the edge into amazing! It’s so nice to have good simple ingredients come together in such a bright fresh bite of deliciousness. Is that too many adjectives?

  131. Wendy H.

    So Good!!!! Even my 8 year old loved it. Warm and garlicky. Can’t wait to make it again. Used small eggplants from my neighbor’s garden. If you’re like me and don’t know a scallion from a shallot; try caramelizing your shallot in olive oil instead of using the scallion; and you’ll still get fantastic results. Yum!!

  132. These are perfect. I love that surprise me part in your site, I could spend ages looking for inspiration for dinner. Luckily I nailed it after just 3 attempts today!

  133. robindonovan

    This looks really great. I love eggplant but I’m never quite sure what to do with it. I’m going to try this recipe soon with the eggplant I have sitting on my counter!

  134. Madeline R

    This has become our go-to appetizer with our martinis! I add more red wine vinegar, at least a tablespoon, 2or 3 scallions and about the same or slightly more feta. I do this all to taste and how it looks. It also goes great on whole wheat saltines. It’s so addictive. Thanks for another super recipe.

  135. Joan

    Hi, Deb –

    Since you posted this a billion years ago – it remains one of my favorites and go-to recipes. Making tonight for a light dinner. Thank you again and always for it.

  136. MadBklyn

    This has been our go-to for cocktail bites for the last two years. We like it best on wheat saltines alongside very dry martinis straight up. I also add much more vinegar to it to brighten the taste as we serve it cold. Easy and fabulous. Thanks again. Love your site always.

  137. Jess

    Another late thank you for this one! I had a giant farmers market eggplant and wanted to do something new, and also had some kale to use up, so I ended up making the warm salad version of this and mixing in the kale too. That combo might be my new favorite salad, either on its own or as a side dish. I also added more red wine vinegar (and a little balsamic) and ate it all piled onto wider toasted slices of a country loaf. Thanks for another go-to recipe!