
oatmeal pancakes

I don’t gush much, do I? I mean, I try not to be a gusher, someone who oohs and aahs so much, it loses meaning after a while, you know? I make exceptions of course: slaws, for one, and of course, Wee Jacob. I mean, look at him. Gushing is not optional for this mama.

huckle buckle, love this book

Nevertheless, I hope I do not go over my allotted amount of fawning when I say this: This is one of the most stunning cookbooks I’ve ever seen. I just gasped when I opened it. The photographs are gorgeous; softly lit and you can see the clear crust and crumb of everything inside. The recipes are beautifully typeset. I’ve been thinking about this stuff lately, ahem, I notice it.


But it’s more than a pretty page, too. It’s a whole grain baking book and it is one of the smartest ones I have seen in the category, and here’s why: I am sure I’m not the only person who had decided one weekend morning to look up a recipe for whole grain pancakes and found a promising one. Whole wheat flour? Check. Bran? Check. Spelt? Nope. Teff? Urp. Muscovado sugar? Arrgh, I give up! It’s not that it won’t make a wonderful pancake, it’s just that you might have to go to three different health food stores to find what you need. And you only wanted pancakes. In this book, each chapter homes in on a different grain and most of the recipes within require only one alternative flour, occasionally two. Don’t have rye flour that day? Simply skip the chapter on rye. But of course you’d miss out on the most beautiful maple danishes and soft pretzels I’ve ever seen; that would be sad.

made some oatmeal
making oat flour

And here’s the part that I hope doesn’t come off badly, because I know what a loaded word this can be, but I don’t feel like this book has an agenda. Sometimes, just sometimes, when I read cookbooks that promote alternatives to the way we usually cook, I feel like I’m being lectured to. That the author might think I’m doing it all wrong, with my all-purpose flours and refined sugars, that I need to be changed. This book gets to the heart of the whole grain business, at least for me: not only are whole grain flours more nutrient rich, when used well, they taste better. They have more flavor. They have more complexity. The gap between the number of people using whole grains in their baking and the number of people who do not is easily bridged with a volume of killer recipes like this, recipes that would be less exciting with less robust ingredients.

oatmeal pancakes, stack tumbled

Back to the pancakes, which was obviously where I had to start because if you haven’t had pancakes for a Friday afternoon lunch before, you should. The only “unusual” (except, not really) the recipe called for was oats, and it was like winning the lottery to already have them on hand. Some of the oats are cooked into oatmeal — though if you’re one of those people who smartly make oatmeal in large batches, you can skip this — some are ground into oat flour (or you can buy some) and together they make a wonderful, barely-sweet pancake, fried in butter until the edges are crisp. Ours got decked out with Catskills Comfort Maple Syrup and sliced strawberries, but these would be equally good with a fruit sauce or compote. Or Nutella, okay fine, especially with Nutella.

strawberry slices, oatmeal pancakes

One year ago: Cinnamon Raisin Bagels
Two years ago: Green Bean and Cherry Tomato Salad
Three years ago: Barley, Corn and Haricot Vert Salad

Oatmeal Pancakes
Adapted and just tweaked a little from Good to the Grain

Makes about 18 pancakes

3/4 cup (90 grams) oat flour (you can make this by pulsing rolled oats into a food processor or spice grinder until finely ground; 1 cup of oats yielded 3/4 cup oat flour for me)
1 cup (130 grams) all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons (25 grams) sugar
2 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon Kosher or coarse salt
3 tablespoons (45 grams) unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly (plus extra for the pan)
1 1/4 cups (295 ml) whole milk
1 cup cooked oatmeal*
1 tablespoon (20 grams) unsulphured (not blackstrap) molasses or 1 tablespoon honey
2 large eggs

Whisk the dry ingredients (oat flour, flour, sugar, baking powder and salt) together in a large bowl. In a smaller bowl, whisk the butter, milk, cooked oatmeal, honey and eggs together until thoroughly combined. Gently fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Using a light hand is important for tender pancakes; the batter should be slightly thick with a holey surface.

Heat a 10-inch cast-iron pan or griddle over medium heat until water sizzles when splashed onto the pan. Lower to medium-low. (This is my tip; I find pancakes impossible to cook well over higher heats. I’ve got more pancake tips over here.) Rub the pan generously with butter; Boyce says this is the key to crisp, buttery edges. Working quickly, dollop 1/4-cup mounds of batter onto the pan, 2 or 3 at a time. Once bubbles have begun to form on the top side of the pancake, flip the pancake and cook until the bottom is dark golden-brown, about 5 minutes total. Wipe the pan with a cloth before griddling the next pancake. Continue with the rest of the batter.

Serve the pancakes hot, straight from the skillet or keep them warm in a low oven. We also found these to reheat surprisingly well the next morning, again in a low oven.

Do ahead: Although the batter is best if using immediately, it can sit for up to 1 hour on the counter or overnight in the refrigerator. When you return to the batter, it will be very thick and should be thinned, one tablespoon at a time, with milk. Take care not to overmix.

* Make oatmeal, if you don’t have any leftover: Bring 1 cup water and a slightly heaped 1/2 cup of rolled oats (old-fashioned or quick-cooking) and a pinch of salt to a boil and simmer on low for 1 (quick-cooking) to 5 minutes (old-fashioned), until thick. Let cool. This can also be cooked in a microwave.

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438 comments on oatmeal pancakes

  1. I’m always looking for whole grain/oatmeal recipes, and pancakes sound wonderful! We love to have pancakes for dinner, so I’ll definitely be trying this. Know exactly what you mean about odd ingredients, so i love the way you reviewed this book. I’m checking it out :)

  2. Yeah, oatmeal + pancakes? The breakfast maker in my house is going to positively swoon over these. It’s not me, but hey, I get to eat them, so hooray! Also, I think you mean a pinch of salt (though how would you measure an inch of salt?) in the oatmeal note.

  3. Those look gorgeous and my boys are made about oatmeal. I wonder how they’d freeze? I could see them being very handy for school days!

  4. Leighann

    Mmmmmm….pancakes. And tasty at that. Will have to try these very soon.
    And in the first paragraph after the ingredients did you mean “light hand” instead of “high”? :)

  5. These look so delicious!! I love cooking with whole grains and I agree it does give it a more robust taste. Ah, but knowing me I’d probably short-cut with some instant oatmeal. Perfect recipe for a Sunday evening! Us New Yorkers know “brunch” is an all-day affair.

  6. Deirdre

    How modest of you to slip in your cookbook announcement like that! Can’t wait to read it, because we know you won’t lecture us!

    1. deb

      “Inch of salt” and “light high” — Thank you, now fixed. Now, if you all could have a leetle talk with Jacob about sleeping later so his mama isn’t a zombie when she’s trying to type up a recipe, that’d be wonderful. ;)

  7. Carol

    I hope you mean pinch and not inch of salt in your recipe for making the cooked oatmeal. Do have a good recipe for spelt waffles by the way.

  8. i think you mean a pinch of salt not “a inch” of salt!

    these look delicious and beautiful as always. i am so excited you are publishing a cookbook!! i absolutely love love love your site — it was the first cooking blog i ever read and it got me hooked.


  9. Posted two hours earlier and these would have been breakfast this morning (alaska time). When will we be able to pre-order the book on amazon?

  10. I’m totally with you on finding a fantastic looking healthy pancake recipe option but tracking down the kazillion ingredients is kinda a buzz kill. This looks mighty tasty and I can’t check wait to check out the cookbook.

  11. Looks like someone finally got over her fear of the printed page! (I think I remember you mentioning as much on, back in another life.) Congrats congrats congrats! Can’t wait.

  12. Kailee

    Deb, you’re writing a cookbook?! Excuse me while I squeal…

    Congrats! I anxiously look forward to the day when I can pre-order it on Amazon! These look gorgeous. I love pancakes. LOVE. And something else I love? Your hamburger buns! I made them for a backyard get-together yesterday, and they were absolutely sublime. I am in love.

  13. dc

    These look good! (I think you might have some typos in the paragraph right after the ingredients – I counted two..)

  14. I know exactly what you mean about some cookbooks “lecturing.” This one looks gorgeous, so I’m glad it’s not going to lecture me.

    At the moment (this very moment), your rye bread recipe is on its second rise in my kitchen, and I’m about to make a pizza crust from your recipe, too – so obviously, I look forward to your book! Congratulations!

  15. My husband was diagnosed with Type 2 after huge doses of chemo – and so it goes…but anyway, I try and make all whole grain baked goods, and now I’m just going to HAVE TO BUY THIS BOOK! He was saying today he misses baked goods, desserts, pancakes – we eat so healthy – but sometimes we just want something baked or a pancake or 2 or 3 or 10! Thanks for the post – I’m ordering on Amazon right after I press POST!

  16. Sues

    Thanks Deb for your frequent posts this week. I love the initial joy when a new recipe is posted. This was a great week.

  17. Amanda

    Congratulations on the book! Look at how you slipped that in there :) And the pancakes don’t look half-bad either.

  18. I just bought this cookbook recently and haven’t tried this recipe yet, but it looks delicious. I agree, I love the style, voice, divisions of sections, pretty much everything about it!

  19. Wow, synergy – my own blog post today was about teaching my son to make whole-grain pancakes, which have oatmeal in them; I love the texture it offers. The only straight-up oatmeal pancake I’ve tried are the oatmeal-cottage cheese pancakes recipe that’s floating around the internets, they’re dead-easy and delicious – I’ll be curious how these compare.

    Oats are a terrific grain, I tend to sneak them into baked goods that benefit from a bit of heartiness.

  20. Krissy

    Please let me know when the Amazon pre-order link is up, because I can not wait for your cookbook! I’ve been fan for quite sometime…I love your stories, your photos and your food. Congratulations!! (Oh, and the pancakes look like a keeper too:)

  21. I’m looking forward to making these pancakes for my children for breakfast. They sound and look delicious! I’m also looking forward to your cookbook, and I’ve just added the whole grains one to my amazon cart.

    and…yes, I agree. Your little one is very gush worthy :) He’s totally adorable!

  22. Kathy in St. Louis

    #5 Tracy: any pancake I’ve ever tossed in the freezer has warmed up well in the microwave and toaster oven. I always make enough that I have some to freeze for later.

    #20 Sarah: we just made that mix last week! It makes very tasty pancakes indeed.

  23. We had oat pancakes with strawberries this morning for breakfast and they are so fantastic. And whole grains CAN taste better, but that doesn’t mean I’m giving up my all purpose!

  24. Monica

    I LOVE this book!!! I am so happy when I hear of other people who have found it and love it too. I have made several things already, but not these pancakes. I almost feel like I am going for some of the crazier stuff first. This book also helped me to successfully make my own sandwich bread for the first time. It is a beautiful and extremely helpful book.

  25. kristy

    Yes! This book is wonderful! I just made the Rhubarb Tarts this weekend and they are so tasty! Beautiful contrast between the sweet and smooth rhubarb compote and the crispy/grainy corn pastry. love them!

  26. Jade

    I love this book too! I actually just came to your site to look up how to make home-made baking powder, so I could make the dough for the Figgy buckwheat scones (which are amazing, btw).

  27. Angela

    I’m glad you mentioned your new cookbook so that I can comment about it. I saw the link on the page a few days ago and I am so excited! Congrats to you, and I anxiously await the debut. And perhaps a book-signing tour? Am I getting ahead of myself? If not…let me put a plug in for SF!

  28. VanessaG

    Oh…pancakes, so delicious, I like them plain, with nuts, with blueberries, and may be now with oatmeal??? This is a problem for me however…for some reason homemade pancakes and I don’t get along it is like this love and hate relashionship (love to eat them, hate to cook them)…cakes no problem, pies no problem, mousses, tarts etc…but when it comes to pancakes I must be doing something wrong…they always come out too heavy and too chewy….what am I doing wrong?? And…could THIS be the recipe that breaks the spell???

  29. kelly

    2012!!!!!!! That sounds like THE FUTURE — is it really only (only?) two years away? Regardless, I cannot wait for the Smitten cookbook!

  30. Katy

    I cannot wait to buy your cookbook! I hardly ever buy cookbooks anymore with the wealth of recipes from the internet, but your recipes are among the absolute best I’ve ever found. In fact, my husband just finished scarfing down a whole loaf of your banana bread…and it just came out of the oven 30 minutes ago. Success!

  31. I will be pre-ordering your cookbok as soon as i’m able to! I’ve tried a lot of your recipes and i haven’t come across 1 yet that i didn’t love. and those pancakes sound wonderful, i’ll be making them when my daughter and i are over the flu :)

  32. allaner

    I like how you just casually snuck that cookbook announcement in! Congratulations, I can’t wait!

    Also, Jacob is most definitely gush-worthy, and as the mama of a 6.5 month old boy I concur that it is a-ok to drool over the cuteness of your own offspring.

  33. I’ve heard a lot about this cookbook, and your post just convinced me to order it, finally. I can’t wait to use it! And congrats on your upcoming cookbook–I had no idea!

  34. These look so yummy! I just got this book from a friend as a gift and I am so excited to make these pancakes! Thanks for the inspiration!

  35. Yay for the upcoming book! Smitten Kitchen has become my #1 resource for new recipes, so having your expertise on my bookshelf as well as my bookmarks will be a treat.

  36. Mmm, pancakes. I’m a sucker for good pancakes. I’ll have to make these once the FINALS-AND-GRADUATION-AAAAAAH crazy dies down.

    Also, congratulations on the cookbook! I will definitely be considering preordering it once the time comes – I love so many of your recipes.

  37. These pancakes look perfectly fluffy, and as a bonus, more healthy than the AP flour standards. Looks like the perfect lunch for Friday, when all of these papers that I am writing are finally done and turned in!

  38. Ooh, that book looks fantastic, and so do those pancakes – with strawberries and nutella perhaps? Or is that just crazy talk?

    Speaking of books – congratulations on yours! I can’t wait to read it!

  39. I’ve seen others gush about this book but now that YOU’VE given your blessing, am headed out to pick up a copy for myself – and, I’m headed into the kitchen to make some oatmeal. Tomorrow’s breakfast? These pancakes! And CONGRATS on the book!

  40. Diana

    I didn’t read all of the comments, so maybe this question has been answered. I fell in love with steel cut oats and it’s all I keep in the house now. Will I be able to grind it down enough to make the flour, I wonder?
    I’m excited to try this recipe–I DO make my oatmeal ahead.I’ve been adding flax seed to it, maybe I’ll still do that! It’ll add crunchy to the pancakes!

  41. Congratulations on your cookbook! I’ve been making your recipes for a few months now, and I’ve loved everything I’ve tried. Particularly the cheese straws. YUM.

    These pancakes look great!

  42. Jennie

    I have so enjoyed this past week – new recipes each day. It was like going to the mailbox and receiving an unexpected gift each day. I’m sure it was a lot of extra work for you, but Deb, thank you so much. I am such a fan and can hardly wait for your cookbook – and more pics of your little one.

  43. Congratulations on the cookbook! And of course, Jacob is adorable as always.

    Must try these pancakes — I totally agree about not having 7 different types of flours in my pantry at all times. I do wish I could make more recipes with healthy grains, but I’m always overwhelmed by the ingredients list. They’re a pain to buy, not to mention that it can get really expensive! Oats, on the other hand, are cheap, readily available, and sometimes already in the pantry!

  44. rita

    considering how much I gush about your website all the time, I know that I’ll be receiving many, many duplicate copies of your cookbook for my birthday and christmas once it comes out. seriously, I probably annoy people with how frequently I mention this blog! but nobody complains when time after time I come out with flawless recipes courtesy of Deb.

    Can’t wait to make these pancakes, though—your sour cream ones are still my staple. But I might have to make room for this! I wonder how it would taste with oat milk instead of whole milk… I always substitute almond or soy in other recipes since I rarely have cow’s milk on hand so I suppose it would go well.

  45. Sarah

    I have been following for a few years and was just thinking yesterday about how wonderful a smitten kitchen book would be! Thank you! Grabbing it off the shelf would have seems better than bringing my laptop to the kitchen. Some of the ones I repeatedly go back to are the north fork scones and the balsamic Brussels sprouts though I have been meaning to try more of them for a while now!

  46. Ida

    Deb, I am so excited to hear about the book! Maybe…you will go on a cookbook signing tour, a la Pioneer Woman style, which may be too much to ask for, but a girl can dream. In the mean time, will definitely be trying these, with some blackberry jam.

  47. LaJuana

    Adored Jacob.
    Loved comments and ordered Good to the Grain.
    Congratulate Deb on the coming new book. Wow! Deb! Way to Go! Congratulations!
    Can’t wait to hear more about the book over the coming months! Best wishes!

  48. Stephanie

    Deb- Where did you get those neutral gray/speckled plates and bowls you always use in your food photos? (Including the first picture in this post, also the almond macaroon torte with chocolate frosting, tangy spiced brisket, and jam tart to name a few!) I love the neutral palate it creates.

    1. deb

      Thank you for all of the congrats! I’ll answer all of your questions (or all that I can) soon, on the /book page.

      Stephanie — They’re Calvin Klein Khaki Cargo in sage, and they were on our wedding registry five years ago! I see them around, but less so now.

  49. Cool, thanks for the nice review. I am a huge fan of whole grains, but I also don’t carry lots of unusual ingredients at home. I like the idea of a cookbook using whole grains to accentuate the cooking, not just for the sake of health.

  50. EG

    Oh, I think I really want this cookbook. Mother’s Day is coming up but my husband has never gotten me anything I’ve asked for. The key is to MENTION but not ASK. I will start my work now.

  51. Susan

    You! I was skipping thru life dumb and happy, convinced that sweet syrupy pancakes made me sick to my stomach, until you went on about scratch pancakes being so wonderful. Now I eat the G.D. things for breakfast when I make them for the family. They’re going to think I’m going healthy on them again with these. Thanks, actually!

  52. Jenn

    Congratulations! Cookbooks are my weakness and I have been trying to wean myself off of them since I ran out of space long ago. But for yours, I will absolutely make an exception. Can’t wait to drool over it. PS – I hope you’ll be including your own pictures… I can’t imagine anyone else taking pictures of your food better than you.

  53. These pancakes look pretty swell! We’re hooked on steel-cut oats in this household (especially once we discovered we can set them up the night before in the Zo rice cooker and wake up to the smell of fresh oatmeal…!). Can we substitute steel-cut for rolled oats in this recipe, since they’re either going to be cooked or ground into oat flour?

    And congrats on the cookbook!!!! That’s so exciting!!

  54. Brittany

    This is my very first time posting, but I just have to say that I’m SOOO EXCITED FOR YOUR BOOK!!! I can’t wait to preorder! Smitten Kitchen is my FAVORITE food blog and all of your recipes always turn out so well! Keep up the amazing work!

  55. Oh, fantastic! Not only is this a recipe I really feel like trying – oh, how wonderful that you’re working on a book. I hope you give us lots of updates….however will you choose which recipes are to be the lucky ones?! (hint: SHAKER LEMON PIE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD)

    @Shelly: I think steel-cut oats might be hard to grind with a food processor.

  56. It’s about time!! You have one the best recipe sensibilities around so I’m thrilled and not at all surprised that a cookbook is in the works. Way to go!

  57. rebecca

    I’m a long-time reader (like, iVillage long), use many of your recipes, and am happy to congratulate you on the book! This and one exceptionally cute baby, all in one year. Mazel tov! I hope you are toasting the wonderful news.

  58. These look so yummy! Pancakes are unquestionably my favorite food ever. There’s a resteraunt in Manhattan that my mom and I go to occasionally. They have all kinds of delicious things, but they also have pancakes on the dinner menu and I always order them. Other people can have fancy steaks and fish and vegetables with complicated sauces, but I will take the pancakes any time of day.
    Alas, I am a harried high school student with only half an hour between waking up and getting on the F train to go to school, so pancakes are a strictly weekend phenomenon (unless I can convince my parents to let me eat them for dinner). But these are definitely getting made on Saturday. I’m looking forward to it!

  59. Betsy

    Really, really can’t wait for the cookbook. I hope Wee Jacob makes an appearance in it – he could be the dessert section all by himself. Just one pre-writing thought from the grammar and usage nut (can’t help myself – sorry) – your sentence about the “amount” of people using and not using whole grains made me think of this – “amount” refers to things that are measured in the aggregate – a cup of oatmeal, a ton of gravel, and “number” is the way to indicate more than one of discrete individuals, like people, puppies and pancakes. These pancakes look wonderful, by the way.

  60. Becky

    So happy about your cookbook! We will all have to be patient and continue to indulge for now with your incredible posts and recipes! I love oatmeal pancakes and will make these tomorrow.

    When I prepare for myself and my family, I always watch caloric intake as well as use whole grains and flours whenever possible. Overall, we consume very little animal fat and stick to low-fat dairy and most often sub out with healthier veg oils, with a main focus on grains and veg dishes, soups, salads and casseroles.

    If you know of any particularly good dairy substitutes, please do share! I never buy “fat free” dairy as I think it tastes of chemicals and preservatives, and I am always looking for alternatives that do not compromise taste too much. Thanks so much!

  61. katie

    First time commenter here – just had to tell you I’m psyched about the book. I’ve read (and loved and digested in one way or another) every entry since 2006, when I found you through the “humor” category in a blog competition, and I still find you fresh and funny and ever-so-helpful in my kitchen. The way I talk, my Mom thinks you’re one of my good friends. I can’t wait to see what new goodness you have in store – I hope you find the work rewarding. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. Katie

  62. !!!!!

    Cookbook! Yay! Excitement! Congratulations! I can’t wait, though my thighs probably can. :) Lovely recipe, as always. I wonder where I can get Nutella in my neighborhood at midnight…

  63. Mels

    I am insanely excited about these pancakes..but I am even more excited about your book!!!!! Your recipes are so wonderful, and to have them ALL in BOOK form is just too much to bear ;) Can’t wait!

  64. Oat flour is amazing and I’ll definitely be ordering that cookbook! Also, have you ever tried oatmeal and whole wheat flour crepes? They’re one of my favorite bases to make sweet or savory treats with… considerably healthier and lower in calories than their white flour, butter, and sugar relative. Also, your son is adorable!!! I’d gush more if l were you, lol!

  65. LadyG

    THANK YOU for an oat recipe – – as we use oats like water in our house, I am always in need of new ones!! especially since pancakes are a major fave.

    and YAY for a new cookbook i can check out!! i adore whole grains & don’t use them like i should, b/c of your aforementioned agenda books, ridiculous ingredients, etc.

    and p.s. – – i adore your blog…have been admiring it/you for months!!!!!!!

  66. Darcy

    Congratulations on your book! I never post in your comments section, but I read and reference your blog obsessively. I am SO excited to purchase your book as soon as I can get my hands on it. Everything that you put into your blog – humor, wit, the most wonderful mix of tempting recipes – is perfect book material. My fiance is forced to look at pictures of adorable Jacob, but he never complains when dinner arrives! I am so happy for you – this news makes my day!

  67. These look great! Love oatmeal. Think I’ll try adding some dried cranberries and chopped nuts. It’ll be like having oatmeal cookies for breakfast! Oh, and REAL maple syrup (we like Sugarbush Farms in Vermont) and/or Nutella go with everything!

  68. Manders

    New reader here (I confess that I just finished reading all your archives – I am not crazy, I swear). First: The only oatmeal pancakes I’ve ever had are the soak-the-oats-in-buttermilk kind someone’s already mentioned, but these look like they might be worth a shot soon. Second: SMITTEN KITCHEN BOOK! SQUEE! Very exciting. I love when bloggers get to share their hard work and good writing in print form. Feels like you’re being given a gold star somehow. Congrats!

  69. Having just been diagnosed with hypoglycaemia and waving sadly bye-bye to all my processed flour foods, may I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the tip on this book? I really do need a cook book that tells my these foods TASTE great, not that they’re good for me. And these pancakes will shortly be mine…. all mine.

    Congrats on the book, too. About damn time. Will make great present-fodder for my friends and relatives.

  70. Jenna Marie

    congrats on the cookbook! if i could pre-order it now, i would. one for me plus 10 copies for my closest friends. you are my absolute favorite of all cooking blogs! well done and well deserved!!!

  71. Tig

    Honestly this morning I wanted Oatmeal Pancakes! I didn’t feel like looking up a recipe and went to a favorite neighborhood restaurant for their yummy oatmeal pancakes. While eating them I had concluded that they must have used cooked oatmeal in them to give them such great texture. And then amazingly a few hours later you put up this post!!! I had never seen an oatmeal pan cake recipe with cooked oats in it before! I was pretty pumped! And can’t wait to make these!!! I put a poached egg on top of mine!

  72. Nath

    Yay! I’m so glad you’re making a cookbook, I can’t wait.. You’re website is so pretty and you’re recipes are awesome. Now I can cook them without fear of spilling batter on the laptop. : )

  73. Michelle

    Congrats on a future cookbook! I will certainly be adding it to my collection, can’t wait!
    These pancakes look amazing and I can’t wait to try them out next weekend!

  74. Shannon

    Congratulations on the cookbook! I’ve been hoping you would write one since I started reading your blog a couple of years ago – can’t wait!

  75. my cookbook “budget” went from one a month to two a month to one a week, [actually last week I bought three]…oh, what le heck, three books a week-but no more! I’ll put this one on the list, thanks!

  76. regina

    I always check your recipes and looking forward to trying this out. Good to know how you adapted this – is it for taste or for nutrition? thxs

    1. deb

      regina — My changes were to make the recipe easier and a little more user-friendly. I omitted the sifting, which seemed unnecessary (especially if you grind your own oats in which case a lot will be too coarse to sift through, though the recipe says you can just dump whatever you can’t sift into the bowl… too much extra effort for too little difference), adapted the cooking process because I wholeheartedly disagree that a hotter flame is best for pancakes, I added the amount of oats I started with to get 3/4 cup of oat flour, added a coarse salt option since I know some people find Kosher salt too aggressive, added reheating instructions and generally simplified the wording. And I added some typos. For flair. (I’m joking, mostly.)

  77. donna

    I can’t wait for the cookbook! I’ll be buying several for gifts too! I love your website, your recipes have made my cooking go from good to great!

  78. Dana

    Talk about clout! When I went on Amazon last night to view this book, it was #885 in the sales ranking. This morning, it’s #554. I can only imagine how your own book will do :). Congrats!

  79. Laurel

    Looks great. I loooovvveeee pancakes. But can you use skim milk? This is always a dealbreaker for me. thanks.

  80. Sounds like a great recipe. My favorite whole grain pancake is one from Marion Cunningham’s Breakfast Book. I took the suggestions for substitutions way outside the lines; I imagine one was supposed to change only one thing, but I couldn’t resist changing some of the white flour for whole wheat and the rest of it for cornmeal. I think they are great, but the fussy eaters around here find them too “whole grainy”. Your recipe would probably skate right by those fussy ones in my house (meaning my two younger children – the older two are beginning to see the light!). But only if they didn’t see me mix them up!

  81. cheryl

    I’m going to try making these pancakes using oatmeal and quinoa flour, the GF way and see how they turn out.

  82. Sarah

    Congratulations on the cookbook! I’ve been secretly waiting and hoping for a Smitten Kitchen cookbook. I make do with a stack of printouts in my dining room and stuck to my fridge, but having a bound cookbook will be great.

  83. Susan

    Finally a cookbook, it will be much easier than trying to find all the printed out recipes that I have placed in other cookbooks! I hope, hope, hope, it will be available in Canada too?

  84. Laura

    Speaking of slaws and gushing – I finally tried your/Bobby Flay’s green onion slaw last night. Om nom nom nom. Oh, and because I was craving vegetables, I also tried the avocado salad w/ ginger/carrot dressing. YUM to both.

  85. Wren

    CONGRATS on the book!!! It’s about time you had your time to shine.

    And – I have been reading this blog for – what, at least three years?? And while the recipes are stellar and I love them so, the BEST part is clicking over to see the Jacob pic of the day! :) The kid needs a fan club – or his own blog – or something!

  86. Girl, how could you?
    how could you post sth like this monday morning?

    i’m rushing to the kitchen even if i’ve already had breakfast and it’s 10.40am…

  87. Marianne

    Hi! This is a yummy, healthy, kid-friendly dinner recipe if I ever saw one. Would also like to mention that I LOVE that “Surprise me!” feature on your blog!

  88. I too love this cookbook. i bought it a while back and started by bookmarking pages, but then i realized that i had almost everything bookmarked, so i figured i’d just slowly work my way through it.

    so far, i’ve made the currant scones (spelt flour) and the buckwheat-pear pancakes, and if you haven’t made those pancakes yet – definitely give them a try – yum!

  89. Rhonda

    I like the typos and the hi-lited extra perks/pics and the pancakes. I’ve always like the oatmeal cake, unadorned. The sleeping part, good luck with that. Can’t wait for the cookbook and am wondering how to get or why not have all your blog entries in a printable form. It’s been over a year since my husband (men and their stomachs!) found your site and it took a while but I think I’ve gone through your Smitten history (I really need to get a full-time job again). Miss the comments from Jocelyn and Santadad but can see the changes in your life. It’d be a cool journal-book with pictures.

  90. The thing about pancakes … you can take just about any recipe and add pulverized oatmeal and/or almonds to the flour. Start with a 4:1 flour to oats/almonds and work it up from there. You’re adding fiber and vitamins, and at worst, you’re not affecting the flavor, at best you’re giving it a little schnazz. Cheers!

  91. Symphonic Chef

    Deb you have officially made my day. I cannot wait for your book!! At this point, your archives are my favorite cookbook, but the thought of seeing those gorgeous photos of yours all laid out on nice crisp pages (even better once christened with a buttery-finger smudge!) makes me SUPER excited.

    What will it be called? Can you put a picture of the wee one in it? Please include some of your lovely step-by-step photos!

    Also, just so you know, I love the idea of all new recipes, but if you just published your archives, I’d eat that up too!

  92. Breakfast is fine for any meal of the day. I might have to make pancakes tonight, because I am pretty sure my go to recipe doesn’t involve water. The water ban is irritating and I’m too lazy to want to boil pots of water for drinking anything other than coffee and tea.

  93. A Smitten Kitchen cookbook? I have NEVER pre-ordered a book in my life until yours. SO excited to hear this!

    I am also adding this whole grain cookbook to my wishlist, and bumping it up on the priority level as I am growing to love whole grain baking experiments.

  94. Cricket

    I have been stalking your site daily and you have changed the way my family interacts with food. I’ve tried dozens of your recipes and I am having fun playing with your recipes and feeding my family. I also have a little one (6 months) and your little guy’s photos make me swoon!

    So, so excited that there will be a REAL book to hold in my hands of your recipes! Yeah for you! Yeah for me and my family!

    Once you are done with the book with the new recipes, will we get a shot at a collection of your web recipes bound and glossy-photo-ified? (I’m being greedy, I know, but I just love your recipes!)

  95. Eileen

    I agree completely about the agendas out there in cookbook land… also big, big congratulations to you!! I am so looking forward to having something more shiny than a binder full of your printed recipes on my shelf :) Best of luck and I hope you enjoy the process!

  96. kim

    hi deb!
    i had to jump in and say a big Thank You! for baking from the book and then writing a kinder than kind review. i most appreciated you touching on the point that the book limits the number of flours used in each recipe. when my husband read that part he was reminded of the many conversations i had with him saying i didn’t want people to drive all over town to source ingredients.

    thanks again and a huge Congratulations on your upcoming book. it will be out before you know it! i can’t wait to bake/cook from it.

  97. Ginny

    Hi Deb. Thank you so much for this recipe. I made them this morning for my picky, frequently non-breakfast-eating 3 year old. She devoured two of them – a huge feat. I enjoyed them as well, and they kept me full well into midday even with my pregnant belly :)

  98. Like Bert (Ernie’s best buddy) I adore oatmeal, though I may not completely share his fondness for pigeons this book looks amazing, i already put a copy on hold at the library! Thanks for the gushing! :)

  99. nystateofmind

    Deb: You deserve to have a book! As long as you keep blogging till 2012, I can
    wait! Question: Since I decided to try buttermilk for the first time (blueberry boy bait… yum yum yum) I’ve been using it in my baking alot…Can you substitute it for the milk here and in other cake recipes? P.S. Your kid kills me!

  100. Sara

    Yum! I have been thinking about trying to figure out a way to work oatmeal into pancakes, because it sounded like a great idea in my head. You saved me all the trying to get there with this recipe! Totally going to try it tonight. thanks!

  101. Madeleine

    Must, o must one use rolled oats? I’d rather use my steel cut oats for the oatmeal and buy oat flour. I have a deep seated prejudice against rolled oats (I was dropped on my head into a bin of Quaker Oats when I was small).

    1. deb

      Steel cut oats — I have to admit that I’ve spent very little time working with steel-cut (my own loss, I know) so I haven’t tried to grind it up. If you can grind them finely in a food processor, I don’t see why they couldn’t work as the oat flour. (They’ll need much longer cooking time, of course, if you also need to make the oatmeal. But I suspect that it is exactly the people who use steel cut oats that have oatmeal leftovers, from making it in large batches. Slow cooker oatmeal, anyone?)

  102. Susan

    I made these this morning and they are very good, nice and tender. They are also very filling, so all of us ate less that we would normally have eaten, which is a good thing, right? I made the recipe as written but used the quick oats as that’s all I had and because I didn’t know what to expect texture and flavorwise. They are pretty basic and will lend themselves to many additions that you might normally do for pancakes or oatmeal. I intend to try making them with buttermilk next time for a little extra tang. They don’t have the gluten that an all flour pancake has, so I think I’ll have to be careful about some additions, as they get quite soft after soaking up syrup and might have a tendency to break apart if too juicy a fruit were added. Maybe high pectin fruits will work better in these. Kids will love them as much as regular pancakes, so I’d be inclined (if I had do-overs) to let these be their first experience with pancakes and make it my regular recipe. My two adult kids said that would have been fine with them! They loved’em this, too!

  103. These pancakes look divine. I LOVE baking with alternative flours. I learned how because I had to, going gluten-free, but I have come to enjoy the flavors various flours contribute. This sounds great.

  104. Kate

    How exciting to have your cookbook in the works! I enjoy your website and have really enjoyed making anbd eating several items you have posted. I also have lots in my “to do” list! Thanks :-)

  105. Oh how I love pancakes. I just whipped up a batch of Lemon Blueberry over on my site a couple of weeks ago and have been dreaming of them ever since. I LOVE oatmeal, especially in pancakes…add Nutella and I’m in heaven. Thanks for sharing! Oh, and congrats on the cookbook!!

  106. Anna A

    SO excited for you! I’ve been reading for 2+ years and have been waiting and waiting for a cookbook to finally appear! Congrats!

  107. Alphie

    These look wonderful – my kids adore pancakes and oatmeal and we often have leftover oatmeal around.

    Deb, congrats on the cookbook! Really looking forward to it and interested to hear how it will be the same/different from the blog.

  108. Saima

    What wonderful news about the cookbook! I can’t wait. I hope you include the carrot avocado salad recipe AND the chocolate marble cheesecake squares, yum! How will I wait until 2012?

  109. kookie in London

    SO excited to hear about the book. Please let me be the UK recipe tester, pretty please! I am officially a whizz at converting recipes from American to English! Wish you the best of luck with writing it – I know it will be fantastic.

  110. ^What she said, congratulations! I’m sure it will be well worth the wait.
    Recently tried Orangette’s oatmeal pancakes and am a total convert to the oatmeal pancake bandwagon (is that a thing? Probably not, mixing idioms again) but agree about over-worthy cookbooks, total turn-off and it’s a shame.

  111. kim

    hi smitten kitchen ;) i follow your site and just had to comment on this book – i went to high school with kim boyce and she is good friend of my sisters – we made my sister’s wedding cake in her kitchen when she worked with Nancy Silverton ;) Anyways – I will send this along to her if she doesn’t know already – maybe you have even talked with her? I love your site!!!! I made the creamed swiss chard the other day – delish!!!

  112. I agreed that you buried the lede about the book – I simply cannot wait! And I’m asking well in advance for you to do a stop over in DC for a signing!

  113. nikki

    How timely! I just tried oatmeal pancakes for the first time last week and was less than thrilled with the result (probably a combination of recipe and user error, since pancakes seem to give me a lot of trouble – not sure why.) I’ll be trying these next time!
    Caongrats on the book! It will be at the top of my wish list for 2012!

  114. Farell

    Thanks for this! Could I use whole wheat (instead of all purpose) flour? Also, why not blackstrap molasses?

    1. deb

      Farell — I was just following Boyce’s lead on the no blackstrap suggestion, however, I understand that blackstrap can be more bitter.

      Heidi — I’ve never heard of that. In most cake recipes I make, the dry ingredients are added near the end, in batches, and mixed only until combined. So I’d definitely be suspect of a recipe that called for beating flour for a long time, unless it is a very specific kind of cake where you want the gluten developed.

  115. OH! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo excited for your cookbook. I have followed MANY cooking blogs and yours is more my taste and style BY FAR! Eeek! Thrilled for you…and me!

  116. Tamara

    I scanned the posts, I swear, so hope this isn’t a duplicate question!– Baking Powder vs Baking Soda? I’ve noticed that your pancake recipes have either one. I’m ignorant of the difference, just know that sometimes soda has a stronger flavor in the end. Any thoughts on pros/cons/when to use each one? Thanks!

  117. Rescie Cook

    I tried this recipe 5 minutes (plus making and cooking tme) after I got your email. Loved it. However, I love your cmmentary even more, if possible. Adore your blog. I get a lot of business emails (Affiliate Marketing) but somehow always seem to gravitate to your blog first. Starts everything off beautifully.

  118. Joan

    A cookbook! Finally, Deb! Whatever took you so long? (Hmm…little cutie Jacob, maybe?)
    Soooo looking forward to it. But please, please keep on blogging, too.

  119. Bethany

    I recently bought artichoke hummus from my local farmer’s market. Perhaps this isn’t a new idea to anyone else, but it was to me. I hadn’t heard of it before and wasn’t sure it would work, but it totally did. Anyway, of course I thought of you, since it had artichokes.

  120. I love baking with whole grains, and I agree, I much prefer things made with whole grains because they are so much more flavorful. Now, I need this book. I absolutely need it.

  121. Yeah, Boyce’s book rocks. Just got it myself, and I cannot. stop. drooling. Weird, for a whole grain cookbook, but hey. The only thing better is oatmeal pancakes, which I always whip up from the week’s leftover oatmeal. Something about oats makes pancakes just float, lofty and tender and almost like custard. I missed Boyce’s version (pages probably stuck together with slobber), but I suspect adding oat flour is another bit of genius.

  122. I received a review copy of this book and I LOVE IT. I have made the poppy seed wafers and the maple pecan granola. Swoon. Pancakes are next on the list. Or the cornmeal blueberry cookies…yum.

    AND a SK BOOK!!! WOOT!

  123. Congratulations on your book!! It will be as fabulous, I’m sure. Fonts and layouts are so much fun to think about as you are daydreaming (in all your free time!) about the manuscript.

  124. Heidi

    Hi Deb
    I have a question that has nothing to do with pancakes whatsoever, but I consider you the standard in cooking and baking (my own mom doesn’t do much of either, I hope you don’t mind if I substitute you for her in this particular field. Not that you are anywhere near old enough to be my mom, I just adore your blog and cooking style! You can be sure I’m buying your cookbook as soon as its available!)
    ANYWAY, I have read several recipes that ask me to beat flour into cake batter for up to 6 or 7 minutes — can this possibly be right? I am terrified of gluten-y, dense, rubbery cakes, and that just seems to be asking for trouble. When is this really acceptable?


  125. deb, if you don’t mind me pointing out one more typo, i think you might need the word “not” in this sentence:

    I am sure I’m not the only person who has decided one weekend morning to look up a recipe for whole grain pancakes and found a promising one.

  126. Katherine

    Oh my gracious merciful heavens. I just made these for a late dinner. This recipe has changed my understanding of what a pancake can be! Fabulous. Thank you.

  127. Charlotte

    Deb, congrats on the book! I can’t wait. And I have a while to prime my husband for yet another cookbook I want to add to my collection. And oatmeal pancakes – must try those. I just made oatmeal bread the other day and it is yummy. Jacob- as usual – the cutest. I’m pleased to note that he likes buses and little girls – a boy like my own!

  128. Val of the South

    First – Congrats on the cookbook! Well deserved for sure!!

    Second – I’ve recently found out I’m allergic to wheat – so I was very excited to see these. I subbed the reg flour for 1/2 oat flour, 1/4 arrowroot flour and 1/4 rice flour. They were still fabulous!! I even made a few with cheddar cheese instead of blueberries. Yum!

    Thanks so much!

  129. I forget when or how, but I remember making pancake batter with cooked oatmeal once — it was so wonderful that I occasionally make oatmeal just to make the pancakes. But I always just went impromptu with without a recipe…of course because I knew you’d post one! ;)

    “it was like winning the lottery to already have them on hand.” I often get lucky with your recipes.

  130. Stephanie

    These sound like they are going to be so yummy!!! Can’t wait to give this recipe a try and the book is one that I will surely have to take a look at as I am always trying to add more whole grains into my diet.
    As for you planned cookbook coming out in 2012 I am so excited for you! Congrats! You truly deserve this great opportunity and I am sure you won’t disappoint all of us devoted readers. If you need any volunteer test out new recipes I would live to help.
    Over the past few years I’ve looked forward to your recipes and the great ideas you have presented in your blog. The photos are always stunning, your and the recipes always produce scrumptious results. Take for example your pear bread recipe which I finally gave a try this afternoon. I had a few green pears sitting on my counter that needed to be used up. I toasted up some hazelnuts, since I didn’t have any walnuts in the house, and mixed them into the batter. An hour later, the house smelled so good my mom and I thought about forgoing our evening walk to take a taste of the cake. Luckily, we let the cake rest and after coming back from our walk we had a delightful and downright delicious dessert!!!

  131. Lovely!!! Just ran across your site – I’ve been making oaty cakes for years but never thought to put cooked oatmeal in them… but I do grind my own oat flour from rolled oats. I have a wheat cake recipe very similar to yours here. Glad to find another fellow foodie right here in NYC. I live in a teeny-tiny apartment as well where the “kitchen”, if you can call it that, is a counter that barely has room for a microwave (but it’s great for storing food!).

    I agree a cast iron skillet is great for pancakes but I can never get my spatula down in it properly so I use one of those pan/griddles with the low edges. I wipe the griddle with a little canola oil on a paper towel instead of butter…. and then mound the butter on top of the cakes before serving… yum!

  132. michele saulson

    I bought this cookbook 3 weeks ago and have made at least 6 recipes. It is amazing! The graham crackers are wonderful. I agree with Deb on the kosher salt and sifting issues, I usually adjust the kosher salt that Boyce calls for in the recipes as it is very strong. But other than that this is my favorite cookbook, georgeous! I can’t find muscovado sugar in any stores but she has a list of sources at the end of the book and Whole Foods sells most of the Bob’s Red Mill Flours……

  133. nan

    I love oatmeal pancakes – is there any other kind? I just noticed the book news in your sidebar…SO, SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! That’s great news and please, beg the powers that be at Knopf to let you come to Seattle for a book signing…I’ll be first in line – or there abouts. xo, Nan

  134. Carrie

    These looked so good yesterday that we made them for dinner last night… DELICIOUS! Loved them. So did that kids and hubby! Thanks for sharing. And I love how you feel about whole grain recipes… can’t they just make them a little more accessable to the every day kitchen cook??? Especially one in a small town with no Whole Foods Market!

  135. Anjali

    Hi Deb, I haven’t posted before, but have been an avid reader, and maker of many of your recipes, for over a year now. I just had to write and say congratulations on the book deal! Couldn’t have happened to a more worthy person!

  136. As much as I loved my grandma’s traditional pancakes growing up, my all-time favorite recipe was for oatmeal pancakes that my mother would occasionally make. Now I make them for my kids and they are a bit different in that they are mostly oats and contain no oat flour. I have made them with oat flour before and find I don’t like the texture nearly as much. Here’s my recipe: 3/4 cup quick (1-min) oats soaked in 2 cups hot milk until cooled, 1/2-3/4 cup flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1/4 cup sugar or 3 Tbs honey or maple syrup, 1/4 tsp salt, 3 eggs, separated. Combine in the expected way, folding in beaten egg whites last. Normally I don’t even beat the egg whites, but you do, obviously, get more lift that way. These are delicate little beings but sooooo tasty!

  137. I love anything oatmeal so will have to give this a try. I wonder what would happen if I did not change the oats into powder? Or did a half and half mixture. I love the texture of oatmeal so would be nice to have a little of it in mix. Yum!

  138. Jacqueline

    Although I have not read every comment since the cook book deal, I just wanted to be sure that you still plan to continue this blog just as it is…I mean AFTER you get rich and even more famous…I sure hope so! I really enjoy

  139. Alison

    Help! I’m trying to read this mouthwatering entry in Safari. . .and it won’t load! All I get are teeny tiny little strips of photos and a bunch of mucked up comments down the left hand side after the jump. Is it me or you?

  140. Laurel

    Deb, I just wanted also to say that I COMPLETELY agree with you about the preaching. I really appreciate the breadth of the recipes you offer. I feel like you are the blogger most like me. Yes, I love farmers’ markets and fresh, seasonal produce. But yes, I also love monkey bread and will cook with refined sugar and all-purpose flour and butter! I feel like a lot of blogs are one or the other. And I don’t like the preachiness. So, thanks! You rock.

  141. Greene

    One of my good friends from my hometown’s father gives out bags of his beef rub (never get to taste it- family always uses it when I’m in Texas) and bags of his pancake mix for Christmas (or when you beg, my mom loves to do that when they go out biking). We never know quite what’s in it but my mom and I were experimenting and we think it’s fairly similar to this recipe, except it uses multiple types of grains, not only oats but buckwheat flour, maybe something else too. Also there’s a tiny bit of cinnamon mixed in.

    Congrats on the cookbook! (will definitely be added to our growing collection)

  142. I bet I can get my nieces to eat this without ever knowing its good for them too. FAB-ulous! I think we’ll add our bananas and use fresh coconut with these..they look far too great to use anything but real and local. THANKS!

  143. minette


    I have been reading your blog and I really love it. I will try your new recipes since hubby loves pancakes. keep posting!


  144. Gorgeous! Perfect weekend breakfast treat.. especially when summer’s round the corner! I love reading your entries so continue to rant and rave about your culinary adventures!

  145. Cannot wait for the cookbook! I know you will have a lot of cooks who know their way back and forward in a kitchen but if you could have some how-to’s in there with your photos I would just adore it (I’ll secretly adore it even without that). You are such a good teacher with your photos and instructions! But of course, its your book so do as you like. :)

  146. Oh thank you. My mom bought an eight-pound box of oatmeal for holiday baking back in December. She didn’t get to any holiday baking involving oats. So, very recently, I was awarded said eight-pound box because I like oatmeal. And I do. But they’re quick oats, and I’m a steel cut or old-fashioned oats girl.

    So I’ve been googling oatmeal recipes like mad, and here you post the perfect thing, just when I need it.

    1. deb

      Jai — I don’t understand what brown flour is. I haven’t tried this with brown sugar, but see no reason why it wouldn’t work.

  147. Lisa

    Thanks for the recommendation, Deb–my mom and I both love cooking/baking with whole grains, and I just got her this for mother’s day. Perfect timing!

  148. I made a half recipe of this for dinner last night, and it was great — husband and I both thought it was a nice change from our usual white flour pancakes and waffles.

  149. Kelli

    Made these for breakfast this morning. I wasn’t too impressed. The batter was to wet and the pancakes did not have too much flavor. I will stick to my oatmeal pancake recipe from Sara Moulton. It is sweeter (brown sugar) and the pancakes have much more flavor.

  150. Amanda

    Deb, I’ve been following (and loving!) your blog for several months now and I’m ELATED to hear the good book news. It’s guaranteed to make my wish list as soon as an ISBN is made available. Congrats and keep up the brilliant work! I appreciate the way you make food fun, approachable, and non-preachy. Your blog is similar to the description you gave above for the cookbook you’re praising. You. Dig. Food. ‘Nuff said. :]

  151. I don’t think you need any more praise, but after reading this article i went and bought the book for my mom for mother’s day. I am nearly drooling looking at your pictures of oatmeal pancakes.

  152. Kanane

    I made these tonight for dessert, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a mix of fresh strawberries and frozen raspberries. They were delicious and everyone loved them! I’m a huge fan of your blog – this is the third or fourth recipe I’ve cooked that you’ve posted here and they’ve all turned out great. :D

  153. I got a sneak peek of this recipe before the book came out (perks of being in the food biz), and I’ve gotta say, it’s now a regular on our breakfast table. My boyfriend — who hates oatmeal — thinks these are AMAZING!

  154. liz

    i made these yesterday morning, because oatmeal is fantastic AND a natural anti-depressant. (hurray for happiness!) the only thing i changed is the milk: we ran out of cow’s milk, so i subbed soy. i don’t know how they taste regularly, but i found the combination of the soy milk and the little bit of sugar bumped the sweetness up just enough that syrup was overkill. i had strawberries lying around, so my plate ended up looking pretty much exactly like your photo. i had to make myself stop eating them because i was getting sick.

  155. Sarah

    Used half a cup of whole wheat flour and half a cup of white, instead of one cup of white. Also, whipped one of the egg whites into frenzy and folded it in. Oh, and a bit of vanilla. Pancakes were delicious and my kids got some much needed protein. Thanks! Love for Smitten Kitchen.

  156. This is such a great idea! I hate oatmeal but I love oatmeal cookies. And I know it’s very healthy. This I can eat both oatmeal and love it! Thanks for this recipe. I will definitely try it out.

  157. Christy

    I just made a half batch of these, topped with sweetened whipped cream and strawberries. So delicious, the first bite sent me to another world and I thanked myself for making them. Don’t just cream over the picture, make them.

  158. Pat

    Isn’t that just the greatest cookbook! Turned my breakfast baking around – try the barley scones and you’ll never go back to plain white flour.

  159. I made these this morning for my family and I’m not sure I remember the last time pancakes disappeared so quickly around here! They were fabulous!! I just discovered this site and spent about 2 hours last night drooling over everything. Love it!

  160. Becky

    A tip: I think the oatmeal I made was a bit too thick, so the first batch of pancakes were a bit thick. I thinned the batter a little and it was perfect. The pancakes got rave reviews, even from the grownups who said they were more “sophisticated” pancakes. And, healthy too! What more can you ask for . . ?

  161. Cristin

    We had these for breakfast this morning, and my boyfriend declared them the ‘best thing I’ve ever made’! (something he actually declares every so often when I bake something new and delicious….). Very good – will have to make sure we have nutella on hand next time.

  162. Stephanie

    Wow! Deb, thank you! I made these for my family this morning. My usual go-to is a bit of a variation on The Joy of Cooking’s buttermilk pancakes, but the kids have gotten hooked on chocolate chips in those (oops), so I need a new repertoire.

    They said “What if we don’t like them?” “I don’t want them.” They ate some steel cut oats while I cooked (I started making steel-cut for the cooked oats, then panicked that they wouldn’t work and made rolled oat oatmeal instead.) Can’t really complain about them eating real oatmeal no matter what…

    We LOVED THEM. Daddy said “Wow, these are good. They’re really different, but really good.” We ate almost the entire batch–one mid-sized pancake and a scoop’s worth of mini-drip pancakes which they insisted I make.
    I have a non-stick electric griddle, so didn’t use any extra butter, just what was melted into the batter. All-in-all, healthy stuff and we’ll be full for hours!

  163. Julia

    Oh Deb, you just posted my weakness: oatmeal pancakes. I don’t have any all purpose flour on hand, so tomorrow, I shall use whole wheat pastry flour; I just love the super-smooth texture. And book news makes me very, very excited. Congratulations.

  164. Ashley

    This recipe is awesome! I added some flaxseed to the food processor while making the oatmeal flour for a little extra something. Turned out well. Thanks!!

  165. CQW

    Although I’ve been fawning over your recipes for some time now, this one warrants an exultant comment marked by altogether too many exclamation points. This made my mother’s day!!!!!! Truly, truly fabulous. To repeat what so many have said before, I look forward to pre-ordering your book and bragging to my friends that I’ve been reading your blog wayyy before your cookbook reached NYT 10 Best Cookbooks (except I tell every cook I know about your site, so they’ll probably be bragging with me) Your funny and personable narrative voice in your recipes and precise instructions make every recipe enjoyable, delicious, and foolproof. Keep writing, cooking, and making thousands of people’s days!

  166. Grace

    oops pressed return too soon, i think next time however im gonna omit the cooked oats.. i felt it made it taste a bit too pasty

  167. Christa

    Hi Deb – Just made these today for my mother, for Mother’s Day and they were fantastic! Big hit with everyone. Only one problem; I should have doubled the recipe!!

  168. Tom

    Thanks for the great recipe, a great Mother’s Day hit (the kids and I made it with heart-shaped eggs). The recipe is almost the same as my regular pancake recipe, but unlike that one I found these nearly impossible to burn and much easier to flip, not to mention better for you and tastier.

    One thing I observed, I put a cup of steel cut oats in the food processor to make the oat flour. I pulsed it a bunch of times, didn’t seem to be getting anywhere, so I just turned it on for a good minute or so. Still didn’t seem to be making much flour, so I left it another minute or two. Finally I was going to give up but then I realized that what I thought were the steel cut oats were actually tiny balls of oat flour that looked just like the original oats. They were the same size/color/etc. but when I went to spoon some out the spoon smooshed them. So I’m not sure how long it actually took to make the flour, I probably way overdid it. I also ended up with more like 1.5 cups oat flour from 1 cup of oats. Next time I’ll do shorter runs in the processor and just check by touching the “oats” with a spoon every so often.

  169. Lisa

    Because of serious wheat allergies in our family, I substituted a gluten-free mix of coconut, tapioca, and rice flours for the all-purpose the recipe calls for. (Now, I can usually wreck a perfectly good recipe with my gluten-free substitutions, but no one here ever seems to mind because when you haven’t had ANY kind of pancake in forever, it seems that even a wrecked version will do).

    But this recipe? This recipe was so awesome that it held up to my tinkering. My husband pronounced it the best pancake he’d ever eaten, and my little boy didn’t say anything for at least 20 minutes, because he was stuffing his face faster than I could get the pancakes off the griddle. They had flavor, and texture, and moistness, and… yum. The perfect Sunday night dinner. Thank you!

  170. Susan in England

    Made these last night using golden syrup instead of the molasses and they were wonderful. My kids loved their ‘porridge pancakes’!!

    Assuming the book with be available in the UK too?!

    (I think Jai means wholemeal flour).

  171. Carrie

    Thank you for the wonderful recipe! My husband and daughter made these for me for my mother’s day breakfast and they were just perfect!

  172. EG

    I asked for this cookbook for Mother’s Day on your recommendation. I haven’t actually COOKED something from it yet (details details) but I read the introduction. I think I’m in love.

  173. Melanie

    YUM – I finally had time to try these this morning, and they are delicious and so tender! I used a 1/2 c. whole wheat a and a 1/2 c. all purpose just to see, and I used skim milk – still fantastic.

    The timing of this recipe was perfect because we’re trying to lower my husband’s cholesterol and he gets tired of straight up oatmeal every morning. These are a spectacular success for us! I had mine with strawberry-rhubarb jam that a friend made…divine.

  174. I made these this morning, I am not a lover of oatmeal, but they were really yummy. My kids loved them too and anything they will eat these days is a plus for me.

  175. mischasone

    Had them this morning – they were delicious. As my boyfriend said, we have finally found our pancake mix, the search is off!

  176. sharon

    I know you mention substituting yogurt for buttermilk in your blueberry pancake recipe (I think you say it can be used in a pinch), but frankly, I’ve found full fat yogurt works much better than milk or buttermilk in pancakes lately–it gives them a tartness that balances out the maple syrup perfectly, as well as producing absurdly fluffy pancakes. It seems to work particularly well with the oatmeal pancakes (I am still amazed at how fluffy they were).

  177. Jenn

    Hi Deb–I bought this cook book the other day and I absolutely love it! You are so right–I’m not a health food nut but I want to try to use whole grains more–this book is perfect. Made the chocolate chip cookies w/whole wheat and adapted the sweet potato muffins to banana with success…can you tell I’m starting with the whole wheat chapter? Next I want to make the yummy looking strawberry barley scones!

  178. Cienna

    When I saw this recipe in the book, and again here, I was struck by one glaring omission. How anyone could make these without adding sliced bananas is beyond me. The bananas take this recipe from delicious to divine, although blueberries are a nice variation as well.

  179. mai truong

    Deb! I am just catching up on my blog posts from smitten kitchen b/c I’ve just started a new job that has taken up all my time. I am more than thrilled about your cookbook!! I can’t believe you just snuck that in there! :). CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so excited for you and all of the readers! What an accomplishment! I will be first in line to pre-order.

  180. Amy K

    I am a faithful follower of SK, some of my favorite recipes have come from you – these oatmeal pancakes were delicious (and delectable and scrumptious as my 4 yo grandaughter would say – I used skim milk(what was on hand), honey, abt 3/4 cup cooked oatmeal and added 2+ Tblspns of flax meal. Served with hot maple syrup and fresh blueberries – best pancakes I have had in a long time! Froze the leftovers and will reheat in toaster on another rainy morning. Whenever I am looking for a great recipe idea, I scan SK archives. Keep up the great work, looking forward to your cookbook.

  181. One can make 100% whole-grain pancakes easily in the blender, with whole oat groats, wheat berries, spelt. No need to bemoan the addition of white flour, because you don’t need it.

    The general formula is 1 cup whole grain, 1-1/2 cups milk (regular, soy, rice, you get the picture), blended to a fine frothy state, about 3-4 minutes on high. Add two eggs, about 1/4 cup oil of any kind, a tablespoon or so (to taste) of your favorite honey, sugar, etc., and 1/2 teaspoon salt, and blend briefly. When griddle is hot and you’re ready to bake ’em, add 1 tablespoon baking powder and blend briefly, then pour out 1/4-cupfuls or so of batter and turn when the bubbles form and bottoms are golden. Makes about a dozen. I’ve added nuts, vanilla, cooked whole grains or old-fashioned oats … your imagination is the only limit, really.

  182. Shana d.

    Made these this morning; I used 3/4 cup whole wheat white four and 1/4 cup all purpose flour. They were the best pamcakes I have ever tasted! My girls really liked them as well! Thanks for sharing the recipe and the pics of your cutie pie!

  183. I made these pancakes the week you posted- oh so delicious! But lately, we’ve been eating millet (kasha) for breakfast- after picking some up during a trip to sheepshead bay- so we tried millet instead of the oatmeal. It is really good! oh grains!

  184. Have you made anything else from this book (besides the rhubarb tartlets)? I made the olive oil cake with spelt flour, rosemary, and bittersweet chocolate last night. At first bite, I was a little disappointed because it was kind of dry, but when I had a second piece the next day, I decided to forgive it its slight dryness because it has so many other things going for it and I’ve never tasted anything remotely like it. The rosemary is pungent and the spelt flour…well, it’s hard to describe! It has a nice crumb and tastes hearty. Now what to do with all the leftover spelt flour…any ideas?

  185. Sarah

    I love oatmeal and these are delicious. They might replace overnight oats (tried them? you need to if not) as my new favorite oatmeal dish!!

  186. Brad&Joe

    Today is the 5th time we’ve made these over the last few months. Everytime, unquestionably, these oatmeal pancakes are impeccable. SO GOOD! BY FAR, these rank at the top of our list of pancakes & waffle breakfast options. I love using oatmeal in things. I must admit, however, that at first, I was intimidated by using this recipe; it *seems* slightly involved for a lazy morning’s breakfast when you’d rather be sitting on the sofa watching Ina or HGTV (than, say, mixing up some TJ’s Pumpkin Waffles mix). But those few extra steps are TOTALLY worth it. We LOVE LOVE LOVE these!

  187. Katie

    I made these yesterday morning and they were DELICOUS! I used honey because I didn’t have molasses on hand. I also used skim/non-fat milk instead of whole milk. The pancakes still tasted great! Yum. I will definitely be making these again. They also keep me full longer than regular pancakes since oats are more filling than regular buttermilk mix!

  188. Shawn T

    I made the oatmeal pancakes this morning and served them with a homemade peach syrup. They were the best pancakes I have ever made. I used half bread flour and half whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour and the texture was amazing.


  189. unsightly

    I mixed 1/4 cup chocolate chips and 1/4 cup peanut butter chips and sprinkled a small handful on the uncooked pancake. What a treat! These should be included in your freezer section, they freeze and reheat beautifully. I reheat mine in a toaster oven to keep them nice and crispy.

  190. Danielle

    Wow – these pancakes were actually divine! My 1.5yrd old could not get enough of these. He ate them for three days straight with every meal. Thank you thank you!

  191. Kyle

    Just made these and they are fantastic! I used pre-made steel cut oats and they turned out fantastic. I also added two very ripe, mashed bananas to the wet ingredients before folding them into the dry ingredients. Unbelievable!

  192. Stephanie

    This is still wonderful–haven’t bothered with Joy of Cooking pancakes since this recipe. got posted. I use spelt flour, minimal other changes. When I visit my mom, who’s going through chemo, I make a double batch. We eat about a half batch and then I freeze the rest in packages of three. She has them with a little maple syrup warmed with a couple of pecans. Truly the best ever.

  193. Susan

    Deb, If you like the flavor and lovely texture of these oatmeal pancakes, you should check out the oatmeal muffins that Garrett McCord posted on Simply Recipe’s site about a week ago. I made them as written and immediately thought of these pancakes after my first bite. They are what these pancakes would be when they grew up and filled out with raisins, dates and nuts. Like these pancakes, they are so good!

  194. Aynsley

    I made these for brunch yesterday and wanted to say thanks for the recipe! I added a few chopped pecans and made a compote out of leftover thanksgiving cranberry sauce- sweetened with some brown sugar and grated apple and thinned with a bit of water. They were so yummy! I saved three pancakes for my breakfast today and was going to kill my boyfriend when I discovered he ate them while my back was turned!

  195. Christy

    I made these again. Wonderful!! These are my favorite breakfast. It may seem like work to make the oatmeal, grind the oats for flour etc.. but worth the effort. And after making them a few times, it’s easier. I’ve tried them with bananas, and will never do that again, too mushy. I thought about adding something to them this morning, but decided not to because they are great as-is. Cook them low and slow to get the insides done. I do think that maple syrup and whipped cream on top is the ultimate. Also very good cold.

  196. Whitney

    Love! Love! Love these pancakes! My kids said they were the best I’ve ever made. I think it was partly the delish recipe, partly the fact that I didn’t burn them. The tip about turning down the temp worked really well. Thanks!

  197. elyse

    what with my husband and i both having a rare mutual day off tomorrow, and christmas not being our holiday, i am so sleeping in and then making these for us! with chocolate chips sprinkled in, of course. mmmmmm. . . .

  198. Ginny

    Hi Deb. I commented on these when you first posted them, but I wanted to come back and tell you how often I make these. They are now my go-to pancake. Thank you for sharing the recipe – they are wonderful! Oh, and I always cook them on low heat, thanks to you :)

  199. so I have to say–these are totally gush-able pancakes. I have a wheat/dairy/egg allergy (yeah, it’s rough), so I made several substitutions when I mixed these up (spelt flour, egg replacer, hemp milk, margarine), and they still turned out UH-mazing! I’ve made them for breakfast pretty much every house I’ve visited since I found the recipe. Every time I make them (with all sorts of variations in ingredients): success. Raving success.

    So thanks for sharing–I’m definitely putting that cook book on my wish list!

    Also, I’m completely in love with your photos!

  200. Nicole

    Well, these were delicious! I wanted to try these as soon as the recipe came out, but not being the kind of person who makes oatmeal ahead (really? doesn’t it turn into glue?) I put it off, assuming it’d be more trouble than I wanted to go through on a Saturday morning. Not so! These weren’t that much more trouble than regular pancakes. I will add that if cooking oats just for the recipe, 2/3 c rolled oats and 1 1/3 c water is a gracious plenty – I still had maybe 1/4 c too much for the recipe.

  201. Jennifer P

    These were incredible!!!!! My 5 yr old ate seven and my 3 year old ate six. I am so glad t have found a healthier pancake because it is a frequent request in our house. It is worth the extra work. Thanks!

  202. Nancy

    I LOVE these pancakes!! I nanny for a family that feed their child lots of processed food so I try to find whole foods to feed them when I am there. These pancakes are a hit!!!

  203. Hannah

    I love these pancakes! I did make a few changes because I am kind of a health freak, but they were still amazing! I used whole wheat flour in place of the all-purpose flour. In place of the butter I used applesauce. And I used just a bit of honey and no sugar. (I didn’t have any in the house…) They still managed to turn out really well, which surprised me, because usually when I “health” pancakes up, they kinda fail. Thanks for the kick-ass recipe that gave me a fabulous pancake to start my day with!
    ps. Amazing topped with fresh fruit or a bit of fresh-ground peanut butter! MMM-mm!

  204. Amy

    worth the extra effort!! one caveat ~ follow Deb’s instructions about cooking on medium to med low heat…my first batch was slightly burned on the edges (but that didn’t stop me from munching away!). also substituted maple syrup for honey because that’s what I had at home. another success!!

  205. I’ve never tried oatmeal to make pancakes or crepes but this recipe makes me think that I should give it a try – I presume the taste is slightly different, which would make me love pancakes again…

  206. Natasha

    I just made these this morning. I substituted whole wheat pastry for AP flour. They were very good and easier for me to make than my normal oatmeal pancakes which involve soaking rolled oats in buttermilk overnight and cooking them on very low heat which takes forever. I like that this recipe uses cooked oats so that you don’t have to worry about undercooking the pancake.

  207. Lenore

    I just made these this morning for my boys (1 grown, 2 little). All of them loved this recipe! I used half AP flour, half whole wheat – I might try all whole wheat next time. I added a little cinnamon, too. These pancakes are easy to make, delicious, and will definitely be on heavy breakfast rotation around here. Thanks!

  208. Sabina

    Well now I’m torn. I made these over the weekend for my boyfriend and myself and they were so awesome! I have tried your multigrain blueberry pancakes, and now it appears I have two go-to pancake recipes from SK!

    I especially love these oatmeal pancakes for their adaptability based on what I have on hand. I used leftover steel-cut cooked oatmeal in my batter and swapped the baking powder and milk for 1/2 tsp baking soda and buttermilk (which I had leftover after making the best birthday cake recipe from this site, btw). I’m also running low on AP flour, so I used 3/4 cup of whole-wheat flour and just 1/4 cup AP. Served with fresh Ontario strawberries and blueberries, these pancakes were a perfect start to our Saturday morning!

  209. Kristin

    We’re gluten free girls at my house and I replaced the all-purpose flour with rice flour and we make these regularly now! Between being gluten free (well, more technically, wheat-free), and being able to use up our leftover cooked oatmeal this is a great recipe!

  210. Dee

    I love pancakes to death. There are so many variations so we can make pancakes for any time of day. Americans like their pancakes for breakfast. Europeans tend to have them as snacks or dessert. The Asians have them as savouries. I make all kinds so I have an excuse to eat them all day. I am always looking for new ideas as making vegan pancakes is a challenge in itself. Thanks for sharing.

  211. Marie

    Thanks for this great recipe! In order to get the panckaes ready quickly on Sunday morning I prepeared the dry ingreditens in a separate bowl and mixed oatmeal (cooked in the microwave) and milk and put in the fridge. This made is so nice and easy to whip up loveley (and filling) panckes in the morning. Made them into banana panckes (my favorite!) by adding banana slices to the unncooked side of the pankckes (I fint this the easiest way to do it, incorporating into the batter always turns out a mess for me).

  212. Tig

    I made these for breakfast this morning with an added pinch of Cinnamon and a touch of vanilla to the batter. I served it along side a pear and apple ginger compote! Totally delicious and totally easy!!

  213. I just made these, and they are so delicious!
    I followed the recipe almost exactly, but used a mix of whole wheat, spelt, and this 7 grain (it wasn’t really SEVEN grains though) pancake mix I got in bulk. Also, I used 1/2 a tsp of salt instead of 3/4. I paired it with honey and sliced bananas too :] An absolutely great recipe!

  214. I whipped up these pancakes in less than 20 minutes and that includes making the bowl of oatmeal and cooking the first batch on the griddle. That’s pretty quick for a weekday morning breakfast that uses some form of actual cooking-at least in my house.
    They were delicious and my girls loved them. I did toss in a tsp of cinnamon.

    Thanks again, Deb! I’m going to hunt down the cookbook you mentioned, too.

  215. Sarah

    Love these! I made them with oatmilk instead of regular cow’s milk and they are fantastic. Can’t wait to check out this cookbook and your soon to be published book! Grazie Mille!

  216. KY

    I am the cook that ALWAYS burns my pancakes. I made these this morning, being careful to follow your ‘pancake tips’, and they came out PERFECT! Awesome recipe! Thank you so much!

  217. susan hwang

    made these this morning – thanks for a great recipe. We ran out of maple syrup so we used unsweetened applesauce instead. delicious!

  218. Sandra

    I made these and so far of all the pancakes I have made these are my favorite. So good I didn’t even add syrup and butter to it.

  219. Sheila

    I made these last weekend and my very picky boyfriend who has never eaten oatmeal before loved them. I made the following substitutions so I wouldn’t have to go to the store and it worked out really well.
    Halved the recipe, used agave nectar instead of honey or molasses, used whole wheat flour instead of white flour, and used chocolate soy-milk instead of milk

  220. Mary

    These are thick, healthy, and FILLING pancakes. I wasn’t a such big fan of the texture the cooked oatmeal gave them, but my family loooved these pancakes.

  221. Megan

    To me they were fine, not too special. Maybe I undercooked them. My husband ate them so that’s good (I didn’t tell him that they had oatmeal in them, he doesn’t like oatmeal). But it was fun to try a new recipe.

  222. Chloe

    I made these for myself and my boyfriend this morning, and they were spectacular! I used heavy cream in place of the milk, added a touch of cinnamon, and made your salted caramel syrup (from the buckwheat baby recipe) to go on top, so that I wouldn’t need to buy pancake syrup. Phenomenal! My Mom and brother scarfed down the leftovers.

  223. I’m in Australia & made these yesterday for our Olympic Opening Ceremony breakfast! My husband, daughter & I loved them, a very special treat! I replaced the milk with rice milk & accompanied them with maple syrup, bacon & stewed rhubarb – yum, thanks!!

  224. Lauren

    Great recipe! I added sliced banana to the pancakes as soon as they went on the griddle and they were fantastic!! The bananas carmelized a bit, and added the perfect amount of flavor and sweetness. Served with fresh whipped cream. DELICIOUS!!

  225. TaraM

    I made these today to be “healthy breakfast” for the week… to bribe myself to get out of bed and run. I had to eat one (just to try!) and they’re good even just by themselves, hot off the pan. I made them as written, except I used non-fat milk (only kind I had) and used half milk/half water to make the oatmeal. They came out great!

  226. Kathie

    These were so delish! After they were cooked, I topped with Sunflower butter, peaches and blackberries and granola. Hubs and toddler had them with sunflower butter, honey and fruit and Hubs raved about them. And for the first time*gasp* weird toddler actually ate all of her pancake with gusto. So thank you.. thank you.. thank you!

  227. Jolene

    I’ve been making these for about a year. Our family favourite by far! I put slightly less sugar in and sometimes use blueberries…so yummy!

  228. Eliza

    These are great, just not great enough for the picky princess. She likes really crispy pancakes and I couldnt get them to crisp enough (I followed the recipe with the exception of subbing in a 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour). We did add finely diced apples to some and I loved those! Thank you!

  229. Bette

    Made these this morning, these are fabulous, I would however add less sugar next time & would top them with carmalized bananas.. yummy. Thanks for sharing the recipe, its a keeper.

  230. Heather

    This is such a great recipe! It’s become my go-to pancake recipe. And it’s a great “base” for additions like apples or bananas or pumpkin. One tweak I’ve made that works well (based on ingredients in my house, because we don’t drink much milk) is subbing 3/4 cup yogurt and 1/2 cup soda water. The soda water helps keep them fluffy when I add other dense ingredients like pumpkin.

  231. Rosanne

    The little one requested pancakes but i really wanted oatmeal – enter the oatmeal pancake! Deb, this recipe was so delicious its going to become the new standard in my house! Delicately sweet, moist and tender, and slight nutty from the oatmeal. Honestly, I was expecting them to be on the heavier side with the cooked oats, but they weren’t. Perfect along side some scrambled egg on a Saturday morning!

  232. Jenn

    Wonderful! Thank you for this recipe. I added some cinnamon and vanilla, and then some walnuts on top while they were cooking. Big hit with the family! (And the pet rodents.)

  233. LindsayK

    I LOOOOOVE this recipe. I make it once or twice a week. I have one child with gluten or wheat sensitivity, so I use Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose flour instead and then add two tablespoons of flaxseed meal for extra nutrition and a little cinnamon. We usually eat them plain, though occasionally there is cut up fruit or syrup. Thank you so much for this recipe and congratulations on your book!

  234. Hi Deb,

    My question with pancakes is how do you know when they’re cooked?? Sometimes, my pancakes aren’t cooked on the inside even when they look beautiful on the outside…help?!?!?!

  235. deb

    It will depend on the recipe. If this happens consistently (brown on the outside, raw on the inside) it might help you to cook your pancakes at a lower temperature. But some recipes just yield thicker pancakes (like this one) and it’s just more prone to happen when the pancakes are thicker. In these cases, keeping the pancakes in a warm oven (200 degrees) for 10 minutes or so after you cook them will 1) help them finish cooking through if they haven’t already, without overcooking them, 2) keep the whole batch warm while you cook the remaining pancakes.

  236. Ami

    I know this is an old post, but I’m glad there’s another oatmeal pancake recipe for me to try. Have ever tried Deborah Madison’s oatmeal pancake recipe from vegetarian cooking for everyone? It’s been my tried and true recipe for the last year or so. It uses uncooked oats and just lets them soak in buttermilk (buttermilk!) for 20 minutes before cooking. Oh, and sometimes I add buckwheat groats to the oats before soaking for texture. I’ve even done the same with bulgar wheat and claimed it was a savory side…so I could eat them with dinner.

  237. I am SO happy to have found this recipe today! My hubby and I decided on pancakes for dinner earlier today. Both of us need to lower our cholesterol and one of my strategies for doing this is to incorporate more oatmeal into our diet so I decided to search for an oatmeal pancake recipe. When I found this one, I knew we had to try it. Steven and I both agreed these were THE BEST pancakes either one of us had ever had! This is such a winner that I’m sure I will use this recipe from now on!

  238. Carlos

    Amazing pancakes. I added a little more honey, used almond milk instead of whole milk, eliminated buttery and added vanilla(lowered the calorie count). These have been the best pancakes since my pumpkin pancakes. Thanks again for the recipe.

  239. Peggy Sue

    These pancake were delicious! I am a runner so I’m always looking for foods that I love that can give me more for my nutritional buck. I paired the pancakes with blueberries and they were fantastic. They were moist, hearty, and the nutty texture from the oatmeal was really nice. I will definitely be making these again after a long run – great way to refuel!

  240. Frenchman

    After perusing your recipe so man times, I thought I should leave a “Thank you!” Those are my daughter favorite pancakes and whenever she feels like being spoiled for breakfast she asks me to make those. Thanks for sharing!

  241. Sofi

    Any chance you’d consider doing a post on baked oatmeal? I’ve been experimenting with baked oatmeal recipes lately in my ongoing search for delicious, simple and reheat-able breakfast foods as well as good things to do with the strawberries and blueberries that I froze last summer. I’d love to see your take. In the mean time I might have to try these pancakes!

  242. jennifer

    The skies have parted, the angels sing, and light from the heaven’s shine through my kitchen window onto the most glorious pancake ever created! Historically, I’ve been bewildered by the pancake obsession. I love carbs, love to cook, but never quite got the pancake craze. It’s too much like eating cake for breakfast, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it leaves me with a whole day’s worth of guilt and contemplation. That is, before today… These sublime, dense and oatmeal-like, slightly sweet pillows of love offer everything this girl dreams about. I can actually make excuses to eat them, I’m lowering my cholesterol with each bite! Deb, you’re my hero!

  243. Pams

    I just rec’d your cookbook, and oh my GOD. I don’t know where to start. It’s great from start to finish. The photograph’s are wonderful. I will be making your oatmeal pancakes as a treat to me (while I luxuriate in a solo wkend, while my husband is gone). Just wanted you to know that you are living my dream. A cookbook that is different, comfortable, easy to follow, and makes me want to have you dinner. Happy Easter!

    Pam from Stanwood, WA (where the rhubarb grows insanely)

  244. Chrissy

    I know I am very late to this game, but just
    wanted to say I added about 1/4 cup ground
    walnuts (done in the blender) to the flour mixture
    to sneak in some omega 3, and my 4 kids
    RAVED about these pancakes! This recipe is a KEEPER!

  245. Jen

    I just made these for dinner. They are a littlemore ‘stick with you’ then standard pancakes. We all liked them (me, 21 month old and nearly 8 year old). I put some raisins in mine while on the griddle. I mixed all the dry ingredients in the food processor after grinding up the oats. I then mixed the dry into the wet. Simple and tasty.

  246. Came across your site while searching for breakfast recipes. I think this oatmeal pancakes are great! My son isn’t a huge fan of oats but is crazy over pancakes. I think he will eat them all up! Going to try and will let you know how it goes! Thanks for sharing.

  247. jackie

    My version~3/4 cup oats, soaked in almond milk…3/4 cup oat flour, 3/4 cup unbleached flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda, 3/4 tsp kosher salt, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp dark honey, 2 tbsp greek yogurt…enough almond milk to strir it up. I like it thicker and spread it out in the med-heated pan…topped with grade B maple syrup…butter or coconut oil. I think these are the best cakes I’ve ever made…Sometimes I add flax meal or oat bran.

  248. breadbaker

    these were good, like oatmeal on the inside, crisp on the outside, but the butter always burns on the skillet. Maybe I will try coconut oil.

  249. MB

    I only had to read the first couple of lines, down a bit, (love the photos by the way!) to note that this is the kind of foodie page for me! It was especially the part about recipe rebellion. I don’t believe in strict recipes that often; with respect to important techniques that are a must in the kitchen, I tend to use the root of inspiration, perhaps surf a few recipes to detect ‘requirements’ based on similarities and then go for it – off the cuff!. So this morning I would like to make pancakes…I happen to have some leftover oatmeal and since I often use my own ground oat flour (along with buckwheat – very nice combo) I thought I’d just have a quick browse first – then I found you! Love the page! And while I’m here, if you’ve never done so, I highly recommend trying one of my new favourites; pumpkin pancakes. Simply substitute some puree for some of the milk (really it’s to the consistency you like) and spice it up real nice! They are heaven. Nice with walnuts or pecans.
    Now for my breakfast…

    1. deb

      LDub — I don’t find that pancake batters hold up that well — they get flat and a little rubbery if it sits too long. I’d mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet in another and combine them right before you want to fry them up.

  250. Clarysage

    I just found this recipe tonight and made them for breakfast-for-dinner. Served with a little maple syrup and strawberries, the whole family loved them. I have just enough leftover for breakfast tomorrow. I did use some whole wheat pastry flour and followed my own rule of thumb:” you can always add some cinnamon!” I added the cinnamon to the cooked oatmeal while it was still warm. Just delicious. Thank you for sharing.

  251. april

    Welp, I’ve put this book on hold at the library, and I totally know what you mean by feeling lectured to by many cookbooks and that’s why so many of them are a total turn off! These pancakes look fantastic and I’ll make them tomorrow for the kiddos. A little tip, when my twins were babies I would use this method of grinding rolled oats to make their baby cereal, it couldn’t be easier to do. I would make a big batch of oat flour and just keep it in a baggy or large canning jar so I didn’t have to make more every time.

  252. jen

    Just had this for breakfast (ok, maybe more like brunch at this hour), and you were so right. These simply just taste better. Maybe next time some blueberries…

  253. Frances

    It is evening on new years day here in Sydney, I woke up a couple of hours ago, and these pancakes are helping to bring me back to life. Thank you :)

  254. Frances

    PS. I used golden syrup instead of molasses or honey (it is a perfect match with oats) and I added a couple of old mashed bananas into the mix. Magic.

  255. anne

    Made these this morning. did not put any oat flour, but more oatmeal in. and sprinkled some sliced almonds on top; then flipped pancakes, so the almonds ended up toasting on the heat. was really delicious.

  256. Shelly

    We’ve made these a few times and they are delicious. I feel healthy eating them because they’re made with oatmeal! Just about to head into the kitchen to make these for Sunday morning breakfast…

  257. Linda

    BEST oatmeal pancake recipe! I’ve tried others, and they’re good, but now realize after making this recipe, that they are bland in comparison. This recipe’s pancakes are so flavorful. Thank you!

  258. These were soooo good! I made these for my 10 month old daughter – she used to love eating oatmeal but since getting teeth she only wants to eat stuff she can bite, so i’ve been trying to figure out how to get oatmeal back into her diet. These were perfect!!

  259. Carolyn

    Thank you for the wonderful recipe. I had left-over cooked oatmeal with chia and flax seeds that I needed to use. I started to make pancakes and at the last minute decided that if I tried these as waffles my very pregnant daughter would be delighted. So with that in mind, I added another tsp of baking powder, 1/2 tsp allspice, 1 tsp cinnamon to dry ingredients and added a tsp of vanilla to the wet ingredients. The waffles were delicious! Can’t wait for my daughter to enjoy them.

  260. Punsisi

    Hi, it was my first time ever to make pancakes and it turned out REALLY GREAT!!! Its amazing and I will treasure your recipe for ever.

    Simply wonderful and Thanks a million!!

  261. Hannah

    oh my gosh deb. making these now, and ive only gotten one batch off of the griddle and im already raving about them…i added banana slices while cooking and they taste amazing, and have such a delightful consistency. obsessed!

  262. These might be my favorite pancakes ever! I had leftover oatmeal and am out of the country craving pancakes, so threw these together for breakfast. I topped them with fruit and coconut (no maple syrup either) and ended up brushing the toppings aside because I wanted to taste more pancake. My three year old and husband (who likes his pancakes buttermilk with blueberries) loved them also. Thanks for the amazing recipe!

  263. oatmeal paul

    Oatmeal pancakes are awesome. Buckwheat is a pretty good alternative. My personal favorite is a combination of grits and regular flour. It’s kind of chunky and gritty but also fluffy like a normal pancake. Next i’m thinking about trying peanut flour.

  264. Bodynsoil

    I’m doing a test run of this recipe. I tried to add it to Pepperplate to save for future use but it didn’t load. Love your recipes however, keep them coming.

  265. pitz

    Hi Deb – could you add this to the queue of recipes for which you are adding weight measurements? We love these, but the one downside of this recipe is that it produces quite a bit of dishes to wash (as opposed to your typical one-bowl pancakes). I find that using weights helps me cut down on the amount of dishes…. Thanks!!

  266. Mimi Wan

    Big hit on a snowy Sunday morning. Multi step which is okay on a Sunday when I wake up early. The tip from the poster below will certainly help since I know the family will want these again. Some how this showed up on my FB feed even though it was originally posted a few years ago. I am also going to make the wontons and yesterday I made Deb’s brownies. It has been a SK weekend!

  267. Sasha

    Made these this morning and they were wonderful. I used the whole-grain gluten-free cup4cup flour blend ( as well as the “homemade” oat flour) and three quarters of a cup of half-and-half and three quarters of a cup of water ( because I didn’t have anything else .) The batter might have been a little thick, but still totally workable and we all thought they were fantastic. We used to be diehard fans of the whole-grain pancakes (that you modified from Megan Gordon) but these are the new household favorite! My 11 month old daughter, who has been disinterested in pancakes thus far, loved them as well. ❤

  268. Marcia Jaeger

    You are right! So tasty and they have all the highlights of oatmeal cookies with just a hint of sweetness. The crispy edges, yum!

    1. X

      Yes you can. I left out both the sugar and the molasses, (also cut back on the salt, and used sodium-free baking powder). They were really good. I added chopped onions and cooked the batter in my waffle iron. We topped the waffles with chili and cheese (and more chopped onions. We used the leftover waffles the next day for grilled cheese sandwiches.

  269. This is my favorite pancake recipe of all time! I used to be a ricotta pancake gal but these come out just as soft and fluffy and they’re healthy and easy enough to make regularly. Thank you!
    Since I make sourdough bread using natural starter, I’ve tweaked this to add in 1/2 cup of my “discarded” starter, taking out about 1/4 cup less flour and 1/4 cup less milk than the recipe calls for. Gives the pancakes a hint of tang and extra texture.
    Also, to save bowls and time, I melt the butter directly in the pot with the cooked oatmeal, then add (brown) sugar until it disolves, honey, vanilla and finally milk so it cools down enough to add the eggs.

  270. Lisa

    Our new pancake favorite! We’ve made a lot of pancakes the last two years with a toddler, including several leftover oatmeal recipes, and this is our new favorite. Leftover oatmeal pancakes are usually too gummy but there has the right balance. I used whole wheat pastry flour instead of ap with no regrets. Ours were topped with strawberries and really sweet peaches so the sugar could have been dialed down a bit but I think without a yummy fruit topping the sugar levels were perfect. Really appreciated the touch of honey flavor.

  271. Malena

    Just made these for lunch. Delicious. They are definitely on the denser side but I do not mind. I used agave and vegetable oil instead of the molasses and butter, and added half a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Otherwise followed the recipe. The pancakes are very tasty and filling, and the fact that there is a bunch of oatmeal in them makes me feel a lot less guilty about, you know, having pancakes for lunch :)

    I do not own a food processor, so I used a blender to grind the oats into flour. I was a bit skeptical but it worked well.

    1. deb

      No. Well, you could replaced the cooked oatmeal with cooked oatmeal from steel-cut oats but not the rolled oats as steel oats will not soften/cook in the short time that the pancake does.

  272. Cassandra

    We added blueberries to the pancakes. Very tasty! The molasses add an intriguing note, and the oatmeal makes it a bit more hearty breakfast. These are delicious!

  273. mary bosley

    Love this recipe!

    I listened to my inner Vermont girl and replaced the sugar with maple sugar (King Arthur sells it, it’s amazing), and I added some cooked sausage to appease my inner carnivore. Win-win for sure.

  274. Susan Elliott

    Had to get up and make them. Its 9:00 pm. Thought they might be a quick hearty treat for breakfast.

    Except family ate them already for late night snack.

  275. Geophany

    I was so delighted to see pancakes I can eat—whole grain and without nuts (yaay!), but then I see that more than half the flour is all-purpose—which is not whole grain. Sad emoji! Any thoughts on what I could do? And do you have nutrition numbers for these?

    1. Ariela

      Hi Geophany,

      Multiple commenters in the “I made this” section have reported good results from using whole grain flour (whole wheat pastry flour from Lisa and even gluten free from Sasha) in place of the all-purpose flour.

      In my much-more-humble-than-Deb’s opinion, one of the wonderful things about pancakes is that they are so much more forgiving than many baked goods: there is a wide variety of valid textures for a pancake—-and they are all good. So, you might just go ahead and try your favorite whole grain flour substitution. It’ll probably still be a delicious safe pancake!

      Also, if the >1:1 ratio is what’s bothering you, consider: 3/4 cup dry oat flour + 1/2 cup dry oats cooked into oatmeal = 150 grams total oats > 1 cup (130g) all purpose white flour.

      Good luck

      1. Ariela

        updated to add: it’s not just commenters with the “i made this” filter. Several in the main section, too. Check out “Eating the Scenery’s” detailed info, for example.

        (thumbs-up emoji)

  276. These are fantastic, Deb! Thanks for re-igniting my love of pancakes (these are much better than 99% of recipes out there). Nutty and flavorful – even delicious on their own without syrup!

    1/2 of the flour I used was spelt – still fluffy and delicious!

    Made them twice. Second time added vanilla to the wet ingredients and folded in mashed overripe banana (the kind you’d use for banana bread) and toasted walnuts…JUST LIKE BANANA BREAD. YUM.

    Thank you thank you! you rock

  277. Karin

    Deb, I simply love you!

    And for those that abhor washing more dishes, one simplifying step – make the oatmeal the same morning in a bowl/pot large enough to fit all the wet ingredients; then when it’s ready, remove from microwave/stove, mix in the cold butter until melted, then add milk, honey/molasses, at which point the mix has cooled enough that you can add the egg without prematurely cooking it. Then continue by adding the wet to the dry, etc.
    Incidentally this also solved my problem of making oatmeal the night before and finding it laborious to loosen and unclump the congealed mass in the wet ingredients.

  278. Rebekah

    Deee-licious!! I made fresh oatmeal for this and added some ground flaxseed. I pulsed oats into chunky flour. This was amazing! We topped with bananas, blueberries, toasted almonds and maple syrup. Thanks again for a Saturday morning breakfast inspiration!

  279. Just made these. I only had old-fashioned oats (I make your granola a lot!), so it adds a lot of texture. I will freeze the rest, pancakes from the freezer are fast and yummy! I usually make plain, this is a really nice variation.

    Thanks for re-posting your recipes on social media, it’s great to have the reminder!!!

  280. Barbara

    Made with molasses and oatmeal cooked in the microwave while I made oat flour. Delicious, tender. Added blueberries. Looking forward to snacking on leftovers.

  281. Anita

    These are delicious. I subbed quick oats for oat flour and whole wheat pastry flour for half of the white. Kids loved it and so did the adults!

  282. Lisa N

    Made these twice already and they were a hit with the kiddos! It helps to prep the ingredients the night before so you can whip them together in the morning. I’ve made the batter in the morning and cooked a few for breakfast and made the rest later in the evening when I had more time. I can attest to them reheating well and I even kept them in the fridge and served them for breakfast over the course of 2 days after I made them. Still good!

  283. Valerie

    I love these pancakes. I make a weekly big-batch of steel cut oats with lots of dried fruit, slivered almonds, cinnamon, etc. and this recipe is a great way to use up what might be left at the end of the week.

  284. Susan Iseman

    I have made muffins with Oat Bran (Bob’s Red Mill is a good brand) so I’m wondering if using that instead would save an extra step?

  285. Anik Fontaine

    I have a 3 ingrédient alternative to this which I have been making for my daughter for 6 years
    Absolutely delicious
    3 second nutritious pancakes every day! She eats the whole batch, half of it raw!!!!

  286. Kelli

    I was in the mood for oatmeal pancakes and of course found a great recipe here. I am usually not the home cook who adds comments on how I changed another’s recipe but all I did was embellish a little by adding blueberries and roasting a few pecans on the griddle before adding the batter. Last weekend I overpaid for a plate of delicious pancakes but found this to not only be more economical but beautifully delusions. Thank you for sharing this recipe.